2018春鲁教版英语六下Unit 5《How do you get to school》(Section B)word学案2

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1、UnitUnit 5 5 HowHow dodo youyou getget toto school?school? SectionSection B B( 3a-43a-4)一、 【学习目标】: 1.识记并运用 3a、3b 中出现的重要单词和词组。 2.提高自己的阅读能力。 3.提高自己的写作技巧和能力。 二、 【知识学习】: 一) 、复习检查: 1.课前限时默写单词短语。 2.大卡片检查单词短语记忆情况。 3.复习检查第一课时主要内容 pair work, report, recite, have a dictation and so on。 4.引入、操练重点句式、单词、短语:How d

2、o you get to school? 二) 、自主学习: 1.快读 3a,做课文中的判断正误。 2.细读,回答 3 个问题:How do students do in North America? How do students go to school in Japan?What about in China?3.听。跟读。 4.自读。朗读,找出问题 5.讨论释疑,老师点拨: although, in places where there are rivers and lake. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus! Not all

3、 students take the bus to school. 6.完成 3b. 7.完成 4. 三).写作:根据第四部分的表格,介绍同学的情况。Less than 少于 , more than 多于 三、 【问题探究】: 一、重要词组 1. how far 多远 2. how long 多久 3. by subway 乘地铁 4. by train 乘火车 5. by taxi/take a taxi 乘出租车 6. get to/arrive at, in 到 达 7. go to work 去上班 8. 10 kilometers from my home 距离我家 10 公里远 9

4、. be far from 距离远 10. get home 到家 11. get there 到那儿 12. about half an hour 大约半小时 13. go to school on foot 走着去上学 14. leave home quite early 很早离开 家 15. between-and- 在-之间 16. come true 实现 17. drive him to school 开车送他上学 18.take the bus /train 乘公共汽车 /火车 19. go home by bus 坐公共汽车回家 20. get to school 到校 21.

5、ride a bike to school 骑自行车上学 二、重要句型1. How far is your home from your school?Its three miles away from my school. 2. How do you get to school every day?I get to school on foot. 你每天怎样来上学? 我走着来上学。3. How long does it take you to get to school every day? It takes me ten minutes to get there. 你每天到校花多长时间?

6、10 分钟。4. My school is 10 kilometers from my school. 我学校距我家大约 10 公里远。5. It takes them about half an hour to get to the zoo. 他们大约花半小时到动物园。6. He goes to school on foot every day. 他每天走着去上学。7. Every morning his father drives him to school. 每天早晨父亲开车送他去上学。8. After school he goes home by bus or by subway. S

7、ometimes he takes a taxi. 放学后,他坐公交车或地铁回家,有时乘出租车9. Peters home is very far from school. Peter 家距离学校很远。10. How does your mother go to work every day?She goes to work by bike. 你妈妈每天怎样去上班?她每天骑自行车上班。11. It takes her an hour to come home from work 她下班回家需花费一个小时。12. Its very easy to get around in the city o

8、f Beijing. 在北京城区环城旅行非常容易。13. He lives in Beijing. He has got a round face, short black hair and a pair of big eyes. Hes tall and strong. 他住在北京,他有一张圆脸,短的黑色的头发,和一双大眼睛。他个子很高且很壮。14. His dream comes true. 他的梦想实现。 四、 【巩固训练】 1) 、根据句子意思和所给的首字母完成单词.1. He always r_ his bike to the subway station. 2. The bus r

9、ide usually t_ about 40 minutes. 3. When it r_, I often take a taxi home. 4. Every morning he l_ for school at around half past six. 5. In China, are bikes and buses the most popular means of t_? 6. In our school, a small n_ of students take the subway. 7. All living things d_ on the sun for their g

10、rowth. (生长) 8. Taking a boat to go to school must be a lot more f_ than taking a bus. 9. Dont w_ about your mother . Let me look after her. 10. This picture is d_ from that one. 2 ) 、句型转换:1.My father will get back tonight and I can get my book back from him. (同义句)My father will _ tonight and he can

11、_ me my book. 2. In the early morning we reached Beijing. (同义句)In the early morning we _ _ Beijing. 3. He rides his bike to the bus station. (同义句) He goes to the bus station _ his _. 4. I live 10 miles from school. (就画线部分提问)_ _ do you live from school? 5. He goes to school by bus. (就画线部分提问) _ _ he g

12、o to school? 五、学法引导 情境交际法、任务型教学法、自主学习 六、反思 本课利用多媒体进行教学,充分发挥了多媒体声音、图像、文字、动画为一体的优势,呈 现直观,让视听有机结合,能使学生自然地将英语学习直接与现实生活中的事物建立联系, 有助于培养学生用英语思维的能力。此外,在教授语法的过程中将传统的填鸭式教法转变 成教师引导、学生看图自主归纳,这样更能凸现学生的主体地位。整节课我不仅激发学生 的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛,而且循序渐进地落实了各教学步骤,取得了较好的教学效 果。 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获知识技能目标完成较好,能基本掌握单词与句型,运 用所学知识来完成训练,感到自己有待加强的是部分内容掌握不到位,需要多学多练。 【巩固训练】答案 1) 、根据句子意思和所给的首字母完成单词.1. rides 2. takes 3. rains 4. leaves 5. transportation 6. number 7. depend 8. fun 9. worry 10. different 2 ) 、句型转换:1. return, return 2. arrived, in (got, to) 3. on, bike 4. How, far 5. How, does


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