2017春冀教版英语八下Unit 5《Lesson 26 Cookies, Please》word教案

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2017春冀教版英语八下Unit 5《Lesson 26 Cookies, Please》word教案_第1页
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《2017春冀教版英语八下Unit 5《Lesson 26 Cookies, Please》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017春冀教版英语八下Unit 5《Lesson 26 Cookies, Please》word教案(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、LessonLesson 2626 Cookies,Cookies, Please!Please!教案教案LearningLearning aims:aims:1. The new words and expressions2. Some sentences about “shopping”LearningLearning importantimportant andand difficultdifficult points:points:1. The new expressions2. How to make dialogues about shoppingLearningLearning

2、method:method: Listen, say, read and writeLearningLearning instrumentsinstruments:Radio, projector and cardsLearningLearning steps:steps:StepStep 1.1. Leading-inLeading-inTalk with students.What do you eat for lunch and supper? Do you know how to cook? What do you like to cook?This class well learn

3、something about Danny and Brain. Now please read the dialogue and answers. “What products do Danny and Brain make?”StepStep 2.2. ListeningListeningListen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. What is Brain selling?2. How much does each cookie cost?3. How many cookies does the girl buy?4.

4、 What product does Danny make?5. Dannys products are dear, arent they?StepStep 3.3. ReadingReadingStepStep 4.4. Play the tape again. Students read after it.StepStep 5.5. PracticePracticeMake a dialogue about shopping.StepStep 6 6. DoDo exercisesexercises inin classclassStepStep 7.7. HomeworkHomeworkPreview Lesson 27.


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