神投手(dead-eye bean)

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神投手(dead-eye bean)_第1页
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《神投手(dead-eye bean)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《神投手(dead-eye bean)(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、神投手(Dead-Eye Bean)in 1944 e had a ne student naed rger - the first bla student in ur shl, and everne as unfriendl t hi the ther ids erent bad hildren; the ere ust ping their parents but hen u are telve ears ld, ure ust starting t have ur n pinins abut things i ne this uld be a ver iprtant ent in the

2、ir eduatin s i anted t d sething t hange their pininsi deided i had t tr t ae rger int sene speialnt lie a teahers pet - i anted the ther hildren t start seeing hi as a huan being, nt ust a dar shape in the ba r s i ent after hi ith questins in ever lass he as a bright little b, and it as eas enugh

3、t ae hi appear sart i as prett pleased beause i uld see rger being re nfident and ther ids stpped being s nast t hibut u n hat reall hanged everthing? ne da i uld see rgers ind as andering, and ithut thining i thre an eraser in his diretin i nl eant t get his attentin, but the eraser hit his hand and sent his penil flingthe hle lass rared! and afterards, f urse, all the ids ent up t rger t laugh ith hi abut it thats h he beae sene speial, and ther ids began t tal t hi and ae friends ith hi and thats h i beae dead-ee bean


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