新风尚3听力课件unit 1

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1、Unit One Interests and HobbiesSection Two Skill TrainingPassage OneSince ancient times, culture around the world have been making and performing with puppets. They express the ideas and beliefs of human societies through stories. Puppets are lifeless objects that are controlled in such a way as to b

2、ecome lifelike. It is the role of the puppeteer to make these forms come alive. Lets explore the world of Japanese and Turkish puppetry.In Japan, the tradition of bunraku puppetry dates back hundreds of years. A bunraku poppet is quite large. Unlike most puppets, it requires three puppeteers to cont

3、rol. On puppeteer controls the dolls head, face, and right hand. Another puppeteer controls the dolls left hand. And the third operates its legs and feet. The puppeteers train for many years to move as one in bringing the puppet to life to act in complex theater productions.In Turkey, the Karagoz tr

4、adition of shadow puppets began around the seventeenth century. These Turkish shadow puppets are flat. They are made of very thin pieces of leather that have been painted with bright colors. With shadow puppets, the puppeteer stands behind a white cloth surface and rests the slightly seen-through pu

5、ppets against the cloth. Light behind the cloth screen illuminates the colorful puppets for the people watching on the other side.In addition to shadow puppets, there are three general puppet forms. Rod puppets are controlled by a stick or wire attached to the puppets main body parts. As you can gue

6、ss from the name, hand puppets are worn on and controlled by the puppeteers hand. Marionettes are controlled from above by a series of strings or wires.Before the age of television and the Internet puppet shows were a major form of entertainment for audience of all ages all over the world. What kind

7、 of puppets traditions exit where you live?Questions:1. What does the passage mainly talk about?2. Which of the following need three puppeteers to control?3. How many kinds of puppets are introduced in the passage?Passage TwoPeople from all most all cultures throughout history have been making and w

8、earing jewelry. Jewelry is valued for its visual quality, the richness of its materials and the expert way it is made. Since ancient times, people have worn jewelry like rings, bracelets and necklaces to decorate their fingers, wrists and necks.Ancient peoples who lived near the ocean used the shell

9、s of sea creatures to make jewelry. Other ancient peoples used materials like small colored rocks and animal bones and teeth. Jewelry often was made from whatever material was considered rare and costly. It expressed the wealth and social importance of its wearer.Later cultures learned how to find a

10、nd work with gold. One of golds important qualities is that it is a very soft metal. It can be easily formed or even flattened into extremely thin sheets of metal.Of course, not all jewelry is made by metalworking. Many cultures throughout history used other valuable materials as well. For example,

11、in China, carved jade stone was part of an ancient jewelry tradition. This green stone was beautiful and also thought to have magical powers. In southern Nigeria during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, only the ruling family of Benin had the right to wear jewelry carved of white ivory materi

12、al. These are only a few examples of the creativity human have demonstrated with the art of making jewelry. What kind of jewelry traditions exit where you live?Questions:4. Which of the following can serve as the best title?5. What can we learn from the passage?6. Why was jewelry made from rare mate

13、rials?Passage ThreeOne of our listeners has a question about college athletes in the United States. Amni Garcia in Mexico would like to know how much they study.Well, we suppose that like any other students, there are those who study a lot, those who study just enough and those who struggle. But thi

14、s question touches on a hotly debated subject.College sports, especially football and basketball, are a big industry. Nationally rated teams and television broadcast rights can be worth millions of dollars.This could be seen as a good deal all around. Colleges invest in their players and, in return,

15、 the schools earn money and attention. The athletes often get a free education. And they gain experience that might lead to a chance to play professionally.But critics question the morality of a situation where college athletes may seem valued more as athletes than as college students. Praise is hea

16、rd for recent improvements in graduation rates. Yet critics say that some players who finish college never really learn anything except their sport.Getting back to the question of how much athletes study, a better answer would be: it all depends. The expectations and pressures on athletes differ from school to school and sport to sport. The National Collegiate Athletic Association governs college sports in the United States. For the past few years, this organization has been increasin


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