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1、1Break through 突破冲垮Break into破门而入 突然起来Break down 打破坍塌 Break out (战争 火灾疫病)爆发突然生生break through 突破 科学研究break into 闯进break out 爆发broken out 打破break up 驱散打碎 警察驱散广场的人群break out 爆发break in 插嘴 闯入break down 损坏崩溃Break through 突破冲垮Break into破门而入 突然起来Break down 打破坍塌 Break out (战争 火灾疫病)爆发突然生生break down 垮下来出现故障br

2、eak off 停下来中断break out 爆发break up 驱散打碎 警察驱散广场的人群 粉碎break up 驱散打碎 警察驱散广场的人群break out 爆发break in 插嘴 闯入break down 损坏崩溃Break through 突破冲垮Break into破门而入 突然起来Break down 打破坍塌 Break out (战争 火灾疫病)爆发突然生生break down 垮下来出现故障break off 停下来中断break out 爆发break up 驱散打碎 警察驱散广场的人群 粉碎TOM 讲话期间 不得不停下来,因为忘了词。This factory h

3、as altered a great deal since out last visit混:appeared approach admirebreak up 驱散打碎 警察驱散广场的人群break out 爆发break in 插嘴 闯入break down 损坏崩溃Break through 突破冲垮Break into破门而入 突然起来Break down 打破坍塌 Break out (战争 火灾疫病)爆发突然生AllowsOwes to 归功于give over to 留作allow of 允许allow for 考虑到 顾及 买衣服要考虑到缩水put forward 提出our tr

4、ip will take three hours ,but we should allow for delays caused by traffic jams.Allow for 估计,计算,考虑时把包括在内。Weather permitting 如果天气允许固allowing promising granting promise to 答应某人做某事allow 同意某人做某事permit 同意某人做某事accept 接受consent 同意confirm 确认allow 允许,不跟不定式校长同意 to improve the lighting in the corridors.Bob was

5、 not admitted to the association because he did not qualify for membership.award 学校被 award 6000 元来发展教学He misled management by giving it the idea that the older and more experienced men were not an asset but a liability.Assistance 援助帮助 Advantage 优点好处Asset 宝贵的人或物,与 liability 反义Award 奖品,判定there is not

6、much point in doing something 固,做某事没什么用或没有道理。混:of no use without any use uselessness将人们的交流manner 方式从 A 变到 Bmood mission visionthere was more than adequate rain and snow last year.extra efficient gererous 适当的it is through his carelessness that his purse is lost由于他的粗心大意for of withgo through 经过get off

7、下车come through 获得官方批准A 耐心地等待,却失望come off实现come to 苏醒come on 进步赶快come out 出现出版come off 分开结果举行spear no expense 不惜一切代价come up 出现发生come across come to 苏醒 涉及 用水泼醒昏过去的人come off 脱落 结果come truecome to 苏醒谈到,用水泼醒come off 脱落表现come across 偶然遇到come to 苏醒 向年轻人脸上泼水,醒来。come on 进步赶快come out 出现出版come off 分开结果举行come u

8、p 出现发生come across come to 苏醒 涉及 用水泼醒昏过去的人come off 脱落 结果come truecome truecome to 苏醒谈到,用水泼醒come off 脱落表现come across 偶然遇到everything the economists predicted about the cost of living has come e down 败落come by 获得 报社工作很难得 ,因人多岗好come across 巧遇come out 出现come up 出现发生come across come to 苏醒 涉及 用水泼醒昏过去的人come

9、off 脱落 结果come truecome to 苏醒谈到,用水泼醒come off 脱落表现come across 偶然遇到come to 苏醒come on 进步赶快come out 出现出版come off 分开结果举行settle down定居安静下来settle in搬入定居settle for 对感到满意A settle forbeing a 医生?settle upon授予Settle down 定居平静下来Settle in 搬入定居Settle for 勉强接受(Jion 会 settle for being a driver?)Settle upon 授予见人伸手握手ex

10、tend prolong 延长lengthen 拉长stretch 带手套extend 延伸expand 扩大attracted wide coverage in the media吸引了广大媒体的关注混:data message source media路堵了,由于一事故 involveing two lorries混:combine contain includeTOM 太多问题 for someone his age混 “ for boys as for boys like to someone someone (of) his age 和他年龄相同的人 of 要省掉get on wit

11、h 与相处get away with 做了坏事错事没得到惩罚,侥幸逃脱get up from get in on 参与多数理由都站不住脚,她还是 get away with them.with reference to 关于with a view to =for the purpose of with the intention of 以为目的。我们 inspect 房子,是为了买它。on account of 因为in the event of 万一with regard to 关于with reference to 关于他努力学习 with a view to serving 是为了将来更

12、好为人民服务 2生break down 垮下来出现故障break off 停下来中断Figure out 想出,弄明白take up 拿起help out 帮助 摆脱困境turn out 生产 最后是维修人员也 figure out 洗衣机出了什么问题Figure out 想出,弄明白take up 拿起help out 帮助 摆脱困境turn out 生产 最后是,结果证明维修人员也 figure out 洗衣机出了什么问题 批评家们也弄不清他小说说了什么for the moment 暂时,目前for a moment我以前见过他,只是他的名字 escape from my memory f

13、or the moment.for the moment 暂时,目前for a moment我以前见过他,只是他的名字 escape from my memory for the moment.太热了,我们可以让窗开着 for the momentthe moment 一就 引导从句Consequence 特殊条件或原因而造成的,坏结果outcome 某事的结果,经是怎样产生出来的result 某项行动发生所产的结果effect 强调两事件之间的因果关系医生说病是 a consequence of cigarette smoking.Sent out 发出(信函 货物)派出left out 遗

14、漏given out 散发made out 辨认出,弄清楚演讲者讲得久,但没有 left out the most important issue.By the bottle 按瓶计算Extensive 广阔的广大的intentional 故意的intense 强烈的 程度或人的思想感情强烈intensive 加强的集中的音乐 arouse an intense feelingthere is no such thing as lovenot such a thing 没有这样的事情gaze 注视glimpse 很快一瞥catch sight of 突然看到glance 匆匆一看I glanc

15、e at 报纸标题, when in a hurryglare 怒目而视 老人 偷瓜小孩glance 匆匆一瞥peer 凝视gaze 聚精会神地看glance 匆匆一瞥peer 凝视glare 怒目而视gaze 聚精会神地看the old man glared at the naughty boys who had just cut down his cherry tree.For a long time ,the mother sat there ,gazing at her child who was in sound sleep.catch a glimpseglance when A

16、catch a glimpse of her father in the rain,she ask the taxi driver to stop to pick him up某人 lay dying 在路边surprise at his quickness and surety of his mindquickness 敏捷accelerationratespeedset at 袭击set out 出发set apart 留出 拨出 (款)set in 开始set down 记下(发生的事)put away 拿起扔掉put aside 放一边存钱set out 出发set at 袭击set out 发出set apart 使分离使分开留出( 时间金钱)allocateset in 开始set at 袭击set out 出发set apart 留出 拨出 (款)


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