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1、 G M A T GMAT as well as - as as currency1As“fifl currency1” GMAT as well as currency1GMAT as well as 1 as well as to currency1 You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as lookafter the children.2 as well as currency1 Helen as well as I is eager to see the performance. currency1I as well as

2、 they am ready to help you. 3 as well as currency1as well asnot as well as not ;not currency1 George, as well as his brother, has gone abroad.乔治 兄弟都 国 currency1George hasn”t gone abroad as well as his brother.乔治 没 兄弟 国去currency1( 兄弟人 国)George, as well as his brother, hasn”t gone abroad.乔治 兄弟都没 国curr

3、ency14 as well as 上通强调 not only butalso 上则强调 currency1 He”s got a car as well as a motorbike. 辆摩托车 辆小汽车currency1(= He”s got not only a motorbike but also a car. )5. 注 as well as 会引歧 句currency1 He can speak french as well as English.(1) 会英 会 currency1(2) 得像英 好currency1(as well as he speaksEnglish)GMA

4、T as well as 实 While all states face similar industrial waste problems, thepredominating industries and regulatory environment of thestates obviously determines the types and amounts of wasteproduced, as well as the cost of disposal.(A) all states face similar industrial waste problems, thepredomina

5、ting industries and regulatory environment of thestates obviously determines(B) each state faces a similar industrial waste problem, theirpredominant industries and regulatory environment obviouslydetermine(C) all states face a similar industrial waste problem, theirpredominating industries and regu

6、latory environment obviouslydetermines(D) each state faces similar industrial waste problems, thepredominant industries and regulatory environment of each stateobviously determines(E) all states face similar industrial waste problems, thepredominant industries and the regulatory environment of eachstate obviously determinethe predominant industries and the regulatory environmentof each state 某“state “东西 应该 所以首先排除 ACD B their没 指代 象 因为 currency1所以正确答案 E 击 GMAT 基础知识as 以上”小编为整关GMAT as wellas 内容 小伙伴 知道 吗? 希望 生 更 关GMAT备 资讯小编会持续为送上 可以关注 GMAT官网获取更 备 资讯 祝早梦圆名校currency1


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