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1、 G M A T GMAT - GMAT 41 (ReadingComprehension)(Critical Reasoning)currency1 (Sentence Correction)“ fifl ”16-18 fi GMATGMAT GMAT GMAT Correct expression Effectiveexpression currency1proper dictionCorrect expression GMAT ? Effective expression GMAT 简洁明 清楚 基础做到简洁明 清楚并不 件简 事情最后 proper diction 用词适当Dictio

2、n 措辞 时候 定精 采用某 词 而不模糊 fi 词应该 什 fiGMAT 主 “ 方 能力希望 击 GMAT currency1 义 二Correct expression ? 含 致 用词 结构平行 较动词形式习惯用 简洁 currency1 几 方 1 致主 谓 致代词 代 致数主 定用数谓 动词形式反如果主 复数 谓 动词应该 复数 形式fi 到 致如果 用 代词去 代前 数名词 代词 数如果 代 词 复数名词 代词必须 复数代词fi保持 致2 用词 精 使用某 词来 想 对 词汇量 深 3 结构 最 主搞清楚 主谓结构currency1从结构4平行 较 GMAT 最 详细 稍后 5动

3、词形式 含动词 时态currency1 态情态currency1 气不同 时间使用不同 时态主 时态currency1谓 时态也 虑 “GMAT 学习建议备 GMAT 时候 两 建议 别 官方 材料currency1熟悉 练习写作1广泛 材料 如量接触国外 网站或 期刊性 杂志 如经济学人2熟悉 后最好把 运用到写作平时 练习 把 想深层掌握已 到学fi致用 击 GMAT 备 建议GMAT 方式1 GMAT 什 Although William Pereira first gained national recognition forhis movie set designs, includi

4、ng those for the 1942 film Reapthe Wild Wind, future generations remember him as thearchitect for the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus ofPepperdine University and the city of Irvine.A including those for the 1942 film Reap the Wild Wind,future generationsB like that for the 1942 film Reap the W

5、ild Wind, futuregenerations willC like those for the 1942 film Reap the Wild Wind, futuregenerationsD including that for the 1942 film Reap the Wild Wind,future generations will E including those for the 1942 film Reap the Wild Wind,future generations willGMAT fi 也 并 外 A currency1 模 写 能 也 能 如果 A 从 2

6、 外 Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parentsto have children who as adolescents are self-confident, high inself-esteem, and responsibly independent.A Authoritative parents are more likely than permissiveparents to have children who as adolescents are self-confident,high in self-e

7、steem, and responsibly independent.B Authoritative parents who are more likely than permissiveparents to have adolescent children that are self-confident, highin self-esteem, and responsibly independent.C Children of authoritative parents, rather than permissiveparents, are the more likely to be sel

8、f-confident, have a highself-esteem, and to be responsibly independent as adolescents.D Children whose parents are authoritative rather thanbeing permissive, are more likely to have self-confidence, a highself-esteem, and be responsibly independent when they are anadolescent.E Rather than permissive

9、 parents, the children ofauthoritative parents are the more likely to have self-confidence,a high self-esteem, and to be responsibly independent as anadolescent. 稍 定 后能 方 细 明 后currency1对 “ 前不明 如果不能定 fi“fl 练习Although William Pereira first gained national recognition forhis movie set designs, includin

10、g those for the 1942 film Reapthe Wild Wind, future generations remember him as thearchitect for the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus ofPepperdine University and the city of Irvine.A including those for the 1942 film Reap the Wild Wind,future generationsB like that for the 1942 film Reap the Wi

11、ld Wind, futuregenerations willC like those for the 1942 film Reap the Wild Wind, futuregenerationsD including that for the 1942 film Reap the Wild Wind,future generations willE including those for the 1942 film Reap the Wild Wind,future generations will 主从复 做 把 主 currency1谓 到 主 方 although” 从 来 明前 后

12、including 二 future generation 前 而future generation主 主 主 remember 主 谓 好 主 currency1谓 已经 到 二从 当 “较 A,D,E includingBC likeIncluding ,而GMAT不 用like fi 别 fi把BC两 fl 接 别 “ 最后 will 来 动词从 主 future generation fi 代人 事情 应该使用 来时态 fifl A DE “别 D用 thatE用 those, 到 thatcurrency1those 代 什 ? fi代词 代前 到 名词 名词 designs 复数名

13、词明Dfl fi E. 词Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number ofacres overseen by professional farm-management companieshave grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that isabout Colorados size. have grown 谓 动词 时态也 时fi 到主 能 谓 动词 复数currency1时态 since” 时间when”时间 从 主 the number of acres,fi主谓 致 用the number+复数名词



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