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1、 G M A T GMAT - GMAT currency1“fifl ” ” currency1fi currency1GMAT GMAT flfi90. The following appeared as part of an article in a localnewspaper.Over the past three years the tartfish industry has changedmarkedly: fishing technology has improved significantly, and thedemand for tartfish has grown in

2、both domestic and foreignmarkets. As this trend continues, the tartfish industry on ShrimpIsland can expect to experience the same over-fishing problemsthat are already occurring with mainland fishing industries:without restrictions on fishing, fishers see no reason to limit theirindividual catches.

3、 As the catches get bigger, the tartfishpopulation will be dangerously depleted while the surplus oftartfish will devalue the catch for fishers. Government regulationis the only answer: tartfish-fishing should be allowed only duringthe three-month summer season, when tartfish reproduce andthus are m

4、ost numerous, rather than throughout the year. Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc. 3 tartfish tartfish fi Shrimp tartfish currency1样 度捞问 限制 夫没fl理由限制他 人 捞fi当捞量 tartfish 数目 危险 减少 剩 tartfish使 民 捞贬值fi政府规 唯currency1 解决 法 tartfish捞必须只 夏季 3 月而非全 进行 那 tartfish正繁殖因而数量 最 fiIn this argument the author conclud

5、es that governmentregulation of the tartfish industry is the only way to prevent theproblems associated with over-fishing that plague other fishingindustries. The authors line of reasoning is that withoutrestrictions fishers see no reason to limit their catches and thatthis will deplete the tartfish

6、 population as well as devalue thecatch. This line of reasoning is problematic for several reasons.First, while government regulation may be one way toaddress the problem, it is by no means the only way. Manyindustries recognize that it is in their self-interest to carefullymanage the natural resour

7、ces on which the industry depends.For example, the oil industry routinely limits production ofoil-related products in order to prevent surpluses and lowerprices. No evidence has been presented to establish that thetartfish industry is incapable of addressing and solving theproblem of over-fishing wi

8、thout government intervention.Second, the authors line of reasoning defies commonsense. The authors underling assumption is that fishers aremotivated only by greed and that they will increase their catchesto maximize their profits without regard to the effectsover-fishing will have on their liveliho

9、od and lifestyle in thefuture. This assumption is not supported in the argument.Moreover, as a generalization, on its face it appears to be false.While some fishers may be driven only by immediate economicgratification and consequently see no reason to limit theircatches, no doubt others will see th

10、e threat over-fishing presentsto their way of life and will voluntarily limit their catches.Finally, the author offers no evidence that limiting the seasonfor catching tartfish to three months in the summer will solve theover-fishing problem. Moreover, this proposal is highlyquestionable since this

11、period coincides with the reproductiveperiod of the tartfish.In conclusion, the author has not made a convincing case forgovernment regulation of the tartfish industry. To strengthen theconclusion the author must provide evidence for the assertionthat government regulation is the only way to solve the problem.Furthermore, the author must provide evidence to support theassumption that immediate economic gratification is the onlymotive that fishers have in pursuing their livelihood.以 关GMAT 相关容 够了解fi 了解GMAT相关信息 争取做到万无currency1失fi更关GMAT为呈现fi最后祝顺利 GMAT 早日梦圆名校fi



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