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1、 http:/GMAT 写作题库范文(三十三)写作是个厚积薄发的考试,同学们在备考 GMAT 写作时,不仅要多练习,也要去掌握一些重点语句。有些题库范文是需要大家掌握并且熟练记忆的,熟记于心才能运用自如,才能举一反三。接下来小编就给大家介绍一下 GMAT写作范文,希望对大家备考 GMAT 写作考试有帮助。33. The following is part of a business plan being discussed at a board meeting of the Perks Company.“It is no longer cost-effective for the Perks

2、Company to continue offering its employees a generous package of benefits and incentives year after year. In periods when national unemployment rates are low, Perks may need to offer such a package in order to attract and keep good employees, but since national unemployment rates are now high, Perks

3、 does not need to offer the same benefits and incentives. The money thus saved could be better used to replace the existing plant machinery with more technologically sophisticated equipment, or even to build an additional plant.”Discuss how well reasoned. etc.Perks 公司董事会上讨论的一个商业计划:Perks 公司年复一年地继续给他的

4、员工提供慷慨的利益和激励将不再有助于有效控制成本。当国家的失业率较低时,Perks 可能需要用一系列手段吸引和留住好员工,但由于现在国家的失业率较高,Perks 不再需要提供同样的利益和激励。剩下的钱可以更好地用于将现有的车间设备更换为技术上更有保证的设备,甚至是建立一个新的车间。 http:/The author of Perks Companys business plan recommends that funds currently spent on the employee benefits package be redirected to either upgrade plant

5、machinery or build an additional plant. The author reasons that offering employees a generous package of benefits and incentives year after year is no longer cost-effective given current high unemployment rates, and that Perks can attract and keep good employees without such benefits and incentives.

6、 While this argument has some merit, its line of reasoning requires close examination.To begin with, the author relies on the reasoning that it is unnecessary to pay relatively high wages during periods of high unemployment because the market will supply many good employees at lower rates of pay. Wh

7、ile this reasoning may be sound in a general sense, the particular industry that Perks is involved in may not be representative of unemployment levels generally. It is possible that relatively few unemployed people have the type of qualifications that match job openings at Perks, if this is the case

8、, the claim that it is easier now to attract good employees at lower wages is ill-founded.Secondly, the argument relies on the assumption that the cost-effectiveness of a wage policy is determined solely by whatever wages a market can currently bear. This assumption overlooks the peripheral costs of

9、 reducing or eliminating benefits. For example, employee morale is likely to decline if Perks eliminates benefits; as a result, some employees could become less productive, and others might quit. Even if Perks can readily replace those employees, training costs and lower productivity associated with

10、 high turnover may outweigh any advantages of redirecting funds to plant construction. http:/Moreover, because the recommended reduction in benefits is intended to fund the retrofitting of an entire plant or the building of a new one, the reduction would presumably be a sizable one; consequently, th

11、e turnover costs associated with the reduction might be very high indeed.In conclusion, this argument is not convincing, since it unfairly assumes that a broad employment statistic applies to one specific industry, and since it ignores the disadvantages of implementing the plan. Accordingly, I would

12、 suspend judgment about the recommendation until the author shows that unemployment in Parks industry is high and until the author produces a thorough cost-benefit analysis of the proposed plan.以上就是关于 GMAT 写作范文的相关内容介绍,希望大家能够了解。多多备考了解 GMAT 相关信息,争取做到万无一失。更多关于 GMAT 写作范文的介绍小编会为大家呈现。最后祝大家顺利备考 GMAT 考试,早日梦圆名校。



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