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1、必修三 语法7.高考寻踪1(2009四川)The teacher together with the students_discussing Reading Skills that_newly published in America.Aare; wereBis; wereCare; was Dis; was答案:D考查主谓一致。句意:老师和同学们一块讨论美国最近出版的阅读技巧一书。第一空中together with连接两个名词时,第一个才是句子的真正主语,所以以the teacher来判断,应用单数;第二空that_newly published in America是定语从句,that作为

2、关系代词,指代Reading Skills,而Reading Skills在这里指的是一本书的名字,所以应该用单数。2(2009湖南)Either you or one of your students _ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.Aare BisChave Dbe答案:B本题考查主谓一致。句子的主语是either you or one of your students,为单数形式,所以谓语要用is。3(2009江西)At present, one of the arguments in favor of the new airpo

3、rt _ that it will bring a lot jobs to the area.A. is B. areC. will be D. was答案:A考查了时态及主谓一致。由at present这个时间状语可知该用一般现在时,又因句子的主语是one故应用单数形式。4(2009山东)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities_rising steadily since 1997.Ais Bare Chas been Dhave been 答案:C本题考查主谓一致和时态,主语是the number故谓语动词用

4、单数,又因为时间状语是since 1997,并且动作未停止,所以用现在完成进行时态。5(2009陕西)A notice was_in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.A. sent up B. given upC. set up D. put up 答案:D考查动词短语辨析。send up“发射”;give up“放弃”;set up“竖起;开办;设立”; put up“举起;张贴”。句意:一个通知被张贴出来,以便告知学生们演讲的新时间。故选D。6(2007浙江)Professor James will give

5、 us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _ yet.Ahasnt been decided Bhavent decidedCisnt being decided Darent decided答案:A句意:詹姆斯教授要给我们作关于西方文化的讲座,但时间和地方还没决定。由yet可看出用完成时,又因时间与地点是被决定的,故应用被动语态。7(2007陕西)As a result of the serious flood, twothirds of the buildings in the area _.Aneed repairi

6、ng Bneeds to repairCneeds repairing Dneed to repair答案:A本题考查主谓一致和非谓语动词。分数、百分数修饰名词,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词,此处twothirds修饰buildings,故谓语动词取决于名词复数buildings,排除B、C两项,need doingneed to be done意为“需要被做”。8(2007湖南)We live day by day, but in the great things, the time of days and weeks _ so small that a day is unimportant.

7、Ais BareChas been Dhave been答案:A句意为“几天和几周的时间是如此的渺小,以至于一天根本微不足道”。本句用来陈述事实,用一般现在时态;空白处所在句子的主语是the time,谓语应用单数形式。9(2007江西)A survey of the opinions of experts _ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week _ good for ones health.Ashow; are Bshows; isCshow; is Dshows; are答案:B本题考查主谓一致。由a survey可知第一个空用shows

8、,首先排除A、C两项;第二个空前的时间three hours of outdoor exercise a week表示抽象概念,看作单数,故其谓语用单数形式。10(2006江苏)A poet and artist _ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.Ais BareCwas Dwere答案:A此题考查主谓一致的用法。由时间状语“tomorrow afternoon”判断,此处应用现在进行时表将来,故排除C、D两项。“a poet and artist”指一位诗人兼画家,

9、谓语动词用单数,故选A项。.强化闯关1(2009福州三中月考)Britain_many other industrialized countries_major changes over the last 100 years.Atogether with; have experiencedBas well as; have experiencedCin common with; has experiencedDinstead of; experienced答案:Ctogether with, as well as, in common with, instead of连接主语时,遵循“承前一致

10、原则”,因此答案在C和D中选择;语境表示这些国家都发生了变化。2(2009上海控江中学月考)My_all_hard for the people.Afamily; work Bfamily; worksCfamilies; work Dfamilies; works答案:Afamily本身有两种含义,其一是“家庭”,作单数处理;其二是“家人”,作复数处理;families是几个家庭。3(2009杭州学军中学)_of the land in that country_covered with trees and grass.ATwo fifth; is BTwo fifth; areCTwo f

11、ifths; is DTow fifths; are答案:C分数的基本表达是分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子大于一时,序数词用复数形式,答案在C和D中选择。而分数作主语时,其谓语动词应和of后的名词在人称和数上保持一致。4(2009萧城一中质检)Two fifths of the forest_destroyed by the fire. Eighty percent of the forest_pine trees.Awas; were Bwere; wasCwas; was Dwere; were答案:A分数、百分数作主语时,其谓语动词应和of后的名词的数保持一致。第一个forest表示

12、概念,谓语动词用单数;第二个forest则指“树”,谓语动词用复数。5(2009合肥联考)Yesterday the League secretary and monitor_asked to make a speech at the meeting.Ais BwasCare Dwere答案:Band连接两个名词,第二个名词前没有冠词时,表示同一个人或物,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。6(2009北京顺义一中)The population of this area_100,000. Seventy percent of the population_natives and the rest_fro

13、m China.Ais; is; is Bare; are; isCis; are; are Dare; is; are答案:Cpopulation虽是单数形式,但属于集体名词,有时可以与a连用,指人口总数或总称;但如被百分数、分数或some等词修饰,表示部分人口,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。the rest指可数名词时,谓语动词用复数;指不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数。7(2009北师大附中月考)_whitecollar workers in Beijing will leave their cars in the garage for the next four days.ATens of t

14、housands of BTen of thousand ofCTens and thousands of DTen of thousands of答案:A表示约数时,只能用tens of thousands of。8(2009银川一中月考)He is the only one of the students who_a winner of scholarship for three years.Ais BareChave been Dhas been答案:D“one of the名词复数”作为先行词时,我们应从one入手。one前有限定词时,先行词为the(only/very)one,谓语动词用单数;one前没有限定词时,先行词为of后的复数名词,谓语动词用复数;又由于定语从句中的时间状语是for three years,应用现在完成时。9(2009余姚中学质检)With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good e


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