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1、1 / 4 五年级上学期英语期末复习总结资料 Unit 1 My new teachers 一、下面的单词要能听、说、读、写;你做到了吗? 1、体貌特征:young - old tall - short strong - thin 2、性格特点:strict - kind active - quiet funny smart 3、who s = who is what s = what is she s = she is he s = he is it s = it is they er = they are I m = I am we er = we are you er = you are

2、 4、very but Mr like 二、下面的单词要能听、说、认读;你做得如何呢? principal university student from Canada Miss 三、下面的单词只作听、说要求;你又做得如何呢? know lady so much fun 四、要掌握的句型 . 1、Who s your music teacher ? - Mr Chen . 2、I have a new science teacher . I like him .- Really ? What s he like ? - He s tall and strong . He s very kind

3、. 3、 Who s your principal ? - Miss Lin . - Is she young ? - No , she s old . She s very funny . 4、Is she quiet ? - No , she isn t . She s very active . Is he strict ? - Yes , he is , but he s very kind . 5、Guess ! He s tall and thin . Who s he ? - I know . He s our Chinese teacher . - Yes , you re r

4、ight . 五、小作文 . My new teachers I have three new teachers . Who are they ? A science teacher , an art teacher and an English teacher . What s my science teacher like ? He s thin and short . My art teacher is tall and strong . My English teacher is young and smart . We all like them . Unit 2 My days o

5、f the week 一、下面的单词要能听、说、读、写;你做到了吗? 1、星期: Monday ( Mon.) Tuesday (Tue.) Wednesday(Wed.) Thursday(Thu.) Friday(Fri.) Saturday(Sat.) Sunday(Sun.) 2、活动: do homework watch TV read books 3、day have what about too 二、下面的单词要能听、说、认读;你做得如何呢? 三、下面的单词只作听、说要求;你又做得如何呢? Moral Education Social Studies tomorrow often

6、 love do housework 四、要掌握的句型 . 1、 What day is it today ? - It s Monday. What day is tomorrow ? - Tomorrow is Tuesday. 2、What do you have on Wednesday s P.E. I like Wednesday s. 3、What do you do on Saturdays ? - I oft 五、小作文 . My weekends My weekends is funny and happy . On Saturdays , I ofen do my hom

7、ework , read books and watch TV. On Sundays , I do sports , I do housework with my mother. Then , we go to the park . 六、难点指导 . 2 / 4 人称主格所有格宾格 第一人称 I (单数) my me We (复数) our us 第二人称You (单、 复数) your you 第三人称 He (单数) his him She ( 单数) her her It (单数) its it They (复数) their them Unit 3 What s your favou

8、rite food ? 一、下面的单词要能听、说、读、写;你做到了吗? 1、食物: eggplant fish green beans tofu potato tomato fruit grape 2、食物味道: tasty sweet sour fresh salty 3、for lunch we favourite 二、下面的单词要能听、说、认读;你做得如何呢? cabbage pork mutton healthy now have to eat 三、下面的单词只作听、说要求;你又做得如何呢? menu sound Mew Mew 四、要掌握的句型 . 1、What would you

9、like for lunch ? - I d like some tomatoes and mutton . 2、What do you have for lunch on Mondays ? - I have potatoes , tofu and fish . - What about you ? - I have onions and green beans . 3、The apples are sweet . - The potatoes are salty . - The grapes are sour . - The fish is fresh . - They re tasty

10、and healthy for me ! 4、What s your favourite food ? - Fish . It s healthy. 5、 I like apples . They re sweet . - I like fruit . But I don t grapes. They re sour. Bananas are my favourite. 6、Do you like apples ? - Yes , I often eat them . They re sweet and yummy. 7、Do you have noodles ? - Yes , we do

11、. ( No . We have eggplant . ) 8、Would you like some grapes ? - No , they re sour . - Would you like some cabbage ? - Yes , it s healthy. 五、缩写 . I d like = I would like don t = do not can t = can not isn t = is not aren t = are not 六、难点指导 . 名词复数(不可数名词不分单复数. 如:pork mutton rice bread.) 1、一般在名词后 + s . 如

12、:board-boardslight-light s 2、在后面 + es . 如:tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes 3、特殊的如: sheep-sheep foot-f eet goose-geese Unit 4 What can you do ? 一、下面的单词要能听、说、读、写;你做到了吗? 1、家务或技能:cook the meals water the flowers sweep the floor make the bed 二、下面的单词要能听、说、认读;你做得如何呢? empty the trash do housework put away th

13、e clothes 三、下面的单词只作听、说要求;你又做得如何呢? helpful at home ill wash the windows just do it have a try robot play chess 四、要掌握的句型 . 1、Are you helpful at home ? - Sure. - What can you do ? - I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals . - Great ! You re helpful ! 2、Can you make the bed ? - Yes , I can . I can d

14、o the dishes , too . 3 / 4 t , but I d like to have a try ! 五、难点指导 . be 动词 am is are 的用法 : am 用于第一人称单数I 后;is 用于第三人称单数She He It 后;are 用各人称复数We You They 如:I am a student. She is a student. He is a student. It is a cat. We are students. You are students. They are students. is 和 are 的区别 :is 表示单数;are 表示复

15、数 如:This is a chair. - These are chairs. That is a chair. - Those are chais. Mike is a student. - Mike and Amy are students. The cat is cute. - The cats are cute. Unit 5 My new room 一、下面的单词要能听、说、读、写;你做到了吗? 1、 房间或物品:curtain trash bin closet mirror end table bedroom kitchen bathroom living room 2、 方位词:in on under nea


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