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1、Kathy二级16班四种时态练习 Name: Score:一、将下列时间按时态归类。 now tomorrow yesterday often sometimes next week last night usually on Monday this morning next weekend last year every day listen in the morning look1. 现在进行时:_2. 一般现在时:_3. 一般过去时:_4. 过去进行时:_二、根据要求写单词。(一)写出下列动词的现在分词。1. play_ 2. make_3. stop_4. ski_5. lie _6.

2、 come_ 7. jog_8. eat_9. have_10. see_ (二)写出下列动词的第三人称单数。1. go_2. stay_3. study_4. pass_5. wash_6. have_7. do_8. carry_9. play_10. write_ (三)写出下列动词的过去式。1. go_2. write_3. play_4. carry_5. dance_6. drink_7. eat_8. are_9. fly_10. put_11. read_12. sleep_三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I _( win ) a game every day. I _(w

3、in ) a game yesterday. I _(win) a game now. I _(win ) a game tomorrow. 2. He _( do ) his homework in the evening. He _( do ) his homework last night. Look, he _( do ) his homework. He _( do ) his homework this evening.3. We _( not play ) sports at night. We _( not play ) sports last week. We _( not

4、play )sports now. We _(not play ) sports next week.4. She _(not study)music on weekends. She _(not study )music now. She _(not study ) music next Sunday. She _( not study ) music last Monday.5. _you _(have ) a party on Sunday? _she _(have ) a party on Sunday? _you _( have )a party last Sunday? _she

5、_( have ) a party now? _you _(have ) a party tomorrow?6. What _you _on weekends? (do ) What _you _now? (do) What _she _on weekends? (do ) What _she _yesterday? (do) What _she _next week? ( do)四、选择正确的答案填空。 ( )1. What _she _now ? A. is/do B. does /do C. is /doing D. did/ do ( )2. _you _your homework i

6、n the evening? A. Are/ do B. Are/ doing C. Did/ do D. Do/ do ( )3. Mrs. Black _the cleaning on weekends. A. do B. does C. did D. is doing ( )4. My aunt _me a new toy yesterday. A. buy B. buys C. bought D. is buying ( )5. I _a new subject next year. A. learn B. am learning C. learned D. am going to l

7、earn ( )6. Jennys grandparents _doctors when they were young. A. are B. were C. was D. is ( )7. It _rainy tomorrow A. will be B. is C. was D. is going to ( )8. Look, Ben _a kite on the ground. A. flies B. fly C. is flying D. flew ( )9. We _morning exercise every morning. A. do B. did C. are doing D.

8、 are going to do ( )10. Last year, May _in an old city with her parents. A. lived B. lives C. is living D. live ( )11. _Mr. Green _ in Beijing now ? A. Does/ live B. Is/ living C. Did/ live D. Is/ live ( )12. Da Gang _his homework to school this morning. A. dont take B. doesnt take C. didnt take D. isnt take ( )13. The room _tidy this morning, but it _messy now. A. is / is B. is / was C. was/ was D. was/ is ( )14. What _your friend always _? A. does / do B. are/ do C. is / doing D. do/ do 优扬外语教育培训中心 思源教育 Kathy 陈老师出卷 18925308159 13416094528



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