初中英语首字母填空练习67篇-WPS Office

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1、初中英语首字母填空练习67篇首字母填空Passage 1 Heres a story about Mings life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r 1 in China. His home is a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down. In about six years he has not once been on l 2 but he is never lonely. He is a strong swim

2、mer. In fact, he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f 3 he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v 4 him. Mings father is a fisherman, but he never u 5 a line or a net(网). Great black birds called cormorants do the fishing for him. Rings(圈)have been put around

3、 the birds n 6 so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been t 7 to bring the fish to people. And then people reward(奖励)them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f 8 . Ming loves watching the cormorants, but better still he likes going s 9 with his mother. The shops, of course

4、, are boats very like his o 10 .1. river 2. land 3. friends 4.visit 5. uses 6. necks 7. taught/trained 8. finished 9. shopping 10. own【解析】本篇短文第一句“关于明的在水上的生活”,给大家一个总体的信息,重点是“on the waters”,而且时态为现在时。1. 既然Ming的生活是和水紧密联系的,所以第一个空就很容易了,r打头的关于水的单词,就是river,因为前面有冠词a,所以只用单数形式。2.通过前文可以得知,“Ming住在一个船型的屋子里,6年里他从来

5、没有到过*,但是他从来不孤单”,也就是说他非常喜欢在水上的生活,因此可以推测出他从来没有来过陆地,填land。3.本空的关键在play with,通常后面可以加fire、snow,但是与文意不符,所以是与朋友们玩,后文的their说明是复数形式,填friends。4.本空的ask them to * him和or之前的swims across to their boats是相互对应的,要么Ming去朋友那里,要么他的朋友来看他,所以填visit,表示拜访的意思。5.本句说到,Ming的父亲是一位渔夫,一位渔夫捕鱼用线或者网是非常正常的事情,但but表示转折,说明他的父亲与一般渔夫不一样,不使用

6、线或者网,后文的birds do the fishing for him也说明他自己不需要用这些工具。他的父亲是第三人称,所以填uses。6.本题是难题,通过上下文可以得知,Ming的父亲在那些鸬鹚的某个部位圈上了圈,所以它们就不能把捕到的鱼吃下去了。通常鸬鹚吃鱼是直接吞的,如果不让它们吃下去的话只能在脖子上圈住,这样鱼就会卡住,吞不下去,而且鸬鹚是复数形式,所以填necks。7.那些鸬鹚不是天生就会为Ming的父亲捕鱼的,而是通过后天的训练和教导,所以填taught或者trained。8.通过句意得知,当鸬鹚的工作*了之后,它们会得到一大条鱼作为奖励,从逻辑上来看,应该是完成工作后,而且空前

7、有is,所以填finished。9.最后一句中,出现了shop,提示了此空和shop有关,应该是由go引导固定词组,go shopping,表示去购物。10.本题也是难题。因为Ming是生活在水上的,那么肯定商店也是在水上的,从短文的第二句可以推测出,商店也是和Ming的家的外形很像,所以填own,词组of ones own表示某人的,这里解释为“这个商店也和Ming自己的家外形很像”。Passage 2 Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may be train

8、ed to do a number of simple jobs i 1 of people. They say that at a circus(杂技场),for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q 2 skillful(熟练的)things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer always g 3 t

9、he animal some sugar o 4 a piece of fruit as a reward. The scientists say that many d 5 animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f 6 doing that. Of course, as we know, dogs can be trained to look after a house, and soldiers in both old and modern t 7 ha

10、ve u 8 geese to give warning(警报)by m 9 a lot of noise when an enemy comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f 10 .1. instead 2. quite 3. gives 4.or 5. different 6. for 7. times 8. used 9. making 10. factories【解析】本篇短文的首句,用一个疑问句来提出了“动物可以为人类工作?”,说明本篇文章将围绕此问题展开,而且


12、所以动物的种类是多种多样的,空格前的many也提示了不同种类的,所以填different。6.本题很好理解,作为的奖励,用介词for。7.本题考察的是词组的运用,表示在以前和现在,填times,表示时代。8.在以前和现在,士兵们都用鹅来发警报,使用某物,填use,前面有have表示现在完成时,因此填used。9.本题考察的是词组的固定搭配,通过让鹅制造噪音来提醒士兵们有敌人靠近了,词组是makenoise,前面有介词by,所以填making。10.本题的逻辑词是or,表示选择性,说明本空也是一个表示地点的词,并且同样是由介词in引导,所以不能填farm(onthe farms)而且应该和fam

13、ilies呼应,要用复数形式,填factories。Passage 3 In recent years, playing kite-board seems to become more and more popular in Alaska in America. It is a new and old game. The game has w 1 the interest of many young people. The game is interesting but a little d 2 . One needs to play it very c 3 . A kite-board is

14、 in fact a skateboard(滑雪板)drawn(拉)by a few big flying kites. The old game was p 4 by some young people in Holland and Spain as e 5 as the last century. Since the board was hard to control, f 6 people dared(敢)to play it. With the development of the design of kite and skateboard, many people can l 7 h

15、ow to play it. A kite board may go as f 8 as about 50 kilometers an hour. If you havent had any practice, youd better not play it. It is not s 9 . It is said that the game can exercise not only your b 10 but also the sensitivity of your brain(大脑的敏捷).1. won 2.difficult/dangerous 3. carefully 4. played 5.early 6. few 7.learn 8. fast 9. safe 10. body【解析】通过本文第一句,可以得知文章的中心主体是 kite-board(


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