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1、中译英:世界最著名的七大奇迹,1.世界最著名的七大奇迹2.最著名的世界七大奇迹3.七大世界最著名的奇迹,1.the worlds most famous seven wonders 2 the most famous Seven Wonders of the World 3. the seven world most famous wonders 4.the worlds seven most famous wonders ?,语言的构造级别,1.词 2.短语 3.句子 4.段落 5篇章,名词短语功能,These red roses are for you. I have three clos

2、e friends. I really need a new computer. I cant find the best answer. He is my best friend. There are some red roses on that small table.,名词短语的构造-“左二右六”,1.The boy 2.The cute boy 3.The cute boy in blue jeans 4.The cute boy wearing blue jeans 5.The cute boy who is wearing blue jeans,is my brother,修饰名词

3、定语的“黄金公式”,限定词+形容词+中心名词(headword)+六类右置定语,介词短语 分词短语 不定式短语 形容词短语 定语从句 同位语从句,名词短语构造成分,名词 限定词:冠词 限定词:数量限定词与个体限定词 形容词,第一章 名词,1.1 名词的定义与分类 1.2 名词的数(一):可数与不可数 1.3名词的数(二):单数与复数 1.4名词的格(一):s所有格的构成与逻辑语义关系 1.5名词的格(二):of属格的构成及逻辑语义关系,名词的定义与分类,定义:表人,事物,地点及抽象事物名称,名词的数(一)可数与不可数,常用作不可数的名词 1.无法分割的名词:air,yogurt,cholest

4、erol,poultry, 2.太小而不易数的名词:popcorn,snow,grass,rice 3.表示不可数的总称概念的名词food,furniture,fruit,luggage,makeup,homework,housework,jewlery,money/cash,clothing,machinery,equipment,poetry,scenery,character (characteristics) 4.抽象名词不可数 Eg:advice,intelligence,nutrition,unemployment,education, 5.表示研究学科的名词不可数 Eg:biol

5、ogy,geometry,chemistry,可数与不可数的“相对论”,名词的可数性重在意义而不是形式,与使用的语境有关,意义和语境的不同会导致名词的可数性不同,不可数名词转化为可数名词有以下三条规律: 1.物质名词或总称的名词表示不同种类或特定意思,或液体表示“几杯”或“几瓶” Eg:Read the labels on food products. This information will tell you how nutritious the foods are. 2.抽象名词具体化转化为可数名词 Eg:art(艺术)/an art(一项技术,一门特定的艺术) beauty,youth

6、,room,area 3.当一个名词表示抽象的,总称的概念一般作为不可数名词,当它表示具体的,特定的事物通常用作可数名词。,不可数名词的度量,一.不可数名词与量词 1.Piece: advice, bread, baggage, luggage, chalk, equipment, furniture, information,jewlery, music, news 2.bottle, cup, drop,glass修饰液态物质 3.其他量词 a loaf of bread/a tube of toothpaste/ a slice of meat 二.不能被a、an修饰 三.不能被基数词修

7、饰,名词的数(二):单数与复数,英语中大于1就是复数 one half day one day one and a half days 英语中,只用作单数的名词主要是不可数名词和专有名词,谓语要用单数第三人称形式,只能用作复数的名词,1.二合一的复数名词 Eg: glasses,trousers 2.单形复义 Eg:people,cattle,police,poultry,livestok 3.the +adj-表示一类人 Eg: The rich are becoming richer 4.复数专有名词 the Alps Eg:The Himanayas are the roof of th

8、e world,规则的复数名词,1.一般单词 -s 2.-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾 -es 3.辅音字母+y y-ies 4.-o结尾 1.-es:Negroes heroes tomatoes potato vetoes 2.-s:kilos,tobaccos,bamboos,cuckoos,zoos, radios 3.-s,-es:memento,volcano,motto, manifesto 5.-f/-fe 1.-ves: thief wife calf knife half sheaf leaf shelf loaf wolf self life 2.-s: beliefs

9、chiefs cliffs proofs reefs roofs safes 3.-s/ves: dwarf hankerchief hoof scarf wharf * beef beefs(抱怨) beeves(beef cattle),不规则复数名词, 1.-a结尾的拉丁语名词 -ae/-as alga/algae(海藻) formula/formulas/formulae(公式) alumna/alumnae(女校友) larva/larvae/larvas(幼虫) 2.-ex/-ix结尾的拉丁语名词 -es/ices apex/apexes/apices(顶点) appendix/a

10、ppendixes/appendices(阑尾,目录) index/indexes/indices(索引) 3.-is结尾的希腊语名词 -is/-es basis/bases analysis/analyses crisis/crises thesis/theses diagnosis/diagnoses 4.-on或-um,变-on或-um为-a,有的直接在词尾加-s bacterium/bacteria(细菌) criterion/criteria/criterions(标准)datum/data(数据) erratum/errata(错误)medium/media/mediums(媒介)

11、 memorandum/memoranda/memorandums(备忘录) phenomenon/phenomena(现象) 5.变-oo为-ee foot/feet tooth/teeth 6.变-ouse为-ice mouse/mice louse/lice 7.以us结尾的拉丁名词,变-us为-I,有的直接加-es alumnus/alumni(男校友) bacillus/bacilli(杆菌) cactus/cacti/cactuses(仙人掌) fungus/fungi/funguses(真菌) genius/genii/geniuses(天才) nucleus/nuclei/nu

12、cleuses(原子核) stimulus/stimuli(刺激物),复合名词变复数,1.man/woman +名词 两个词均变复数 man servant/men servants woman pilot/women pilots 2. man/-woman/-child 结尾的 将-man/-woman-child 变复数 fireman/firemen chairwoman/chairwomen houseman/housemen Note:German不是合成词,Germans 3.名词+介词或介词短语 将主体名词变复数 passer-by/passers-by(路人) looker-

13、on/lookers-on(旁观者) 4.由短语动词演变的复合名词 词尾-s forget-me-not/forget-me-nots go-between/go-betweens 5.名词+形容词 名词变复数 notary public/notaries public(公证员) secretary general/sectaries general(秘书长),单复数同形,1.动物名称 sheep deer bison(北美野牛)grouse(松鸡)quail(鹦鹉)salmon(大马哈鱼)cod(鳕鱼) 2.国际名称 Chinese Japanese Lebanese Portuguese

14、Vietnamese Swiss British * 没有形式变化的词有三类: music-不可数名词 people-复数可数名词 sheep-单复数同形的词,有新词义的复数名词,arm(手臂) arms(=weapons 武器,军事) custom(风俗) customs(海关) damage(损坏) damages(赔偿金) letter(信) letters(文学) minute(分钟) minutes(会议记录) spirit(精神) spirits(烈酒) premise(前提) premises(房屋,营业场所) security(安全) securities(证券) line(行

15、) lines(台词) Tips:勤查字典,多积累,名词的格(一)s所有格的构成及逻辑语义关系,s所有格的构成主要用来表示有生命的名词所属关系,常用在姓名,人称,不定代词,集体名词,高等动物等名词后面。 具体如何在名词后添加s 单数名词:词尾加s the peoples choice actresss 复数名词:1.the Childrens Day 2.her friends money 复合名词:my father-in-laws company 并列名词:John and his wifes bank savings Johns and his wifes bank savings,s所

16、有格的逻辑语义关系,一.所属关系 my sisters boyfriend students book 二.主谓关系 the visitors departure=the visitor departed the teachers request= the teacher request 三.动宾关系 the childrens edu.=(somebody) educated the children the boys punishment=(somebody) punished the children 四.同位关系 For Washington, Bhuttos loss is incalculable 五.表时间或距离 tonights TV a weeks holiday 六.表示重量或价值等度量 two pounds weight a tons weight 七.表国家,城市,国际组织或地理名词等


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