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1、Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.,单元同步话题阅读专练,一、完形填空。 A Once there was an old lady.She had a very beautiful garden.In the garden,there were many beautiful lilies (百合花) One night she heard the sounds of sweet _1_ and laughing.She looked out of the _2_The sounds seemed to come from the gard

2、en,_3_ she could see nothing.The next morning she walked among her flowers,but she found _4_ The second night,the old lady heard the _5_ again.She walked quietly into her garden and _6_ a fairy (仙子) mother singing and a little fairy baby laughing.,The old lady went _7_ back to her house.From that ti

3、me on,she _8_ picked a lily,and she didnt allow her neighbors to touch the flowers,_9_ The lilies grew brighter in color and larger in size,and they _10_ a delicious smell like that of roses.They began to bloom (开花) all the year round. One day,the old lady died.All the lilies in her garden also died

4、.But there were many beautiful lilies blooming on the old ladys grave (坟墓),( )1.A.singing Bdancing Ccrying Dlistening ( )2.A.house Bgarden Cwindow Dcar ( )3.A.and Bbut Cor Dso ( )4.A.everything Bsomething Canything Dnothing ( )5.A.voice Bnoise Csounds Dwords ()6.A.saw Bimagined Cpicked Dexpected ( )

5、7.A.noisily Bquietly Cquickly Dslowly ( )8.A.always Busually Coften Dnever ( )9.A.too Balso Ceither Das well ( )10.A.gave out Bgave away Cgave up Dgave back,A,C,B,D,C,A,B,D,C,A,B Once there was a rich man in a village.He never gave anything to help others.The _11_ didnt like him.One day he said to t

6、hem,“I know you dont like me.I will give everything I have to you _12_ I die.Then everyone will be happy.” But nobody believed him.The rich man couldnt _13_ why they didnt believe him.One day he went for a _14_ by the lake.Under a tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow _15_ The pig said to the cow

7、,“Why everybody likes you and nobody likes me?After I die,I _16_ people with pork,ham,etc.I give three or four things to them.But you give only one thing_17_Why do people like you all the time and not me?”,The cow said,“Look,I give them milk while Im _18_They see that I am generous (慷慨的) with what I

8、 _19_But you dont give them anything before you die.You give them ham,pork and so on only after youre dead.People dont believe in the future,they believe in the _20_If you give while you are living,people will like you.It is quite simple.” From that moment on,the rich man did all his best to help th

9、e poor.,( )11.A.strangers Bvillagers Cofficers Dworkers ( )12.A.when Bbecause Csince Duntil ( )13.A.ask Bremember Cdiscover Dunderstand ( )14.A.walk Bmeal Cvisit Dhelp ( )15.A.fighting Bshouting Ctalking Djoking ( )16.A.feed Bprovide Cbring Dhelp ( )17.A.milk Bham Cpork Dbeef ( )18.A.happy Bafraid C

10、alive Dlonely ( )19.A.eat Bdrink Clike Dhave ( )20.A.past Bpresent Crich Dpoor,B,A,D,A,C,B,A,C,D,B,二、阅读理解。 A(2015,六盘水) Once upon a time,there were two seeds (种子)They were good friends.They often talked with each other when they were free.One day,they had nothing to do.They lay on the ground.They loo

11、ked up at the sky and had a chat with each other. The first seed said,“I want to grow!Then I can enjoy the sun and the rain!”Later,it grew.It had a chance to enjoy the sun and the rain.,The second seed said,“I am afraid of growing up.If I grow,I have to live in the soilLittle animals may come up to

12、me and eat me.How terrible!If I become a beautiful flower,a child will come and pick me.It is much better for me to wait.Its a dangerous way to be alive.” It did nothing and refused to grow. Spring came soon.A duck came up to the seeds.It eat the second seed and went away.See?We shouldnt act like th

13、e second seed.We should face our life bravely.,21There are _ seeds in the passage. Aone Btwo Cthree Dfour 22What did they do one day?_ AThey fought. BThey played by the river. CThey flew in the sky. DThey had a chat with each other.,B,D,23The first seed wanted to grow because _ Ait wanted to enjoy t

14、he sun and the rain Bit wanted to be small Cit could help each other Dit could go everywhere 24In the third paragraph,the underlined word “soil” means “_” in Chinese. A油 B土壤 C样式 D社会,A,B,25From the passage,we can learn that we should _ Aface our life bravely Bhide ourselves Crun away when we are in t

15、rouble Drefuse to grow,A,B One day,my friend Tom met a tall man in the forest.The man had an injured (受伤的) bird in his hand.The bird cried sadly.Tom saw this and said to the man,“Hi,please sell the bird to me.I like it very much.” The man agreed to his idea.Tom paid the man 50 dollars for it. Tom to

16、ok the poor bird home.He treated (治疗) the bird and looked after it very well every day.The bird was well soon.One day,my friend couldnt find it at home.It flew away.He didnt feel happy and said to himself,“The bird has no conscience (良心)I saved its life,but it said nothing and flew away.I wont help others again.”,On a windy morning,Tom enjoyed the sunshine at the corner of the wall.He didnt know the wall would fall down.The bird caught his c


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