新世纪大学英语视听说Unit7 PPT与答案

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1、,main,u7,Vocabulary Focus,Be prepared,What kind of plans does your city or country have in place for natural disasters, such as an earthquake or a flood? Do you know where to go in case of an emergency?,Read these tips about emergency preparedness. How many of these things have you done?,Lesson A1.1

2、,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A1.2,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,HELP YOUR FAMILY BE PREPARED,The following tips will help your family in case of an emergency:,Organize essential medicines and make sure theyre acces

3、sible to all members of the family. Dont jeopardize your familys health needlessly.,In addition, keep these items on hand at all times: first aid kit, emergency food and water, can opener, cash and credit cards, portable battery-operated radio.,Learn about the early warning systems in your community

4、 and how they work.,Devise an emergency plan for your family. Walk through the plan so that everyone knows what to do. Practice it several times. Discuss a back-up plan in case you cant implement your original plan during an actual emergency.,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A1.3,Memorize important phone num

5、bers. Remember, during an emergency you may experience difficulty in getting through to someone because phone lines may be busy. Be patient and keep trying.,Order the latest copy of Be Prepared!, a government manual that gives in-depth information on specific hazards (floods, storms, etc.) and what

6、to do when they occur.,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,Take the time to learn local evacuation routes in case you are forced to leave your home suddenly.,After a disaster, take into consideration the extent of the damage before you try to return home. When in doubt, check

7、 with local authorities to evaluate the situation.,Vocabulary Focus,Match the words with their definitions.,Lesson A1.4,d,Keys,f,a,g,c,b,e,h,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A1.4,Keys,f,e,d,c,a,g,b,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know wha

8、t to do?,Vocabulary Focus,Pair work. If you had to evacuate your home and could take only three items with you, what would you choose and why? Discuss your answers with a partner.,Lesson A1.5,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,Its an emergency!,Here are some words and phrase

9、s you will hear in A, B and C. Read them aloud.,Listening,Lesson A1.6,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,Language Notes,6,(Track 5-7-1),The announcer is talking to Aidan, an emergency dispatcher. Listen to the first part of the conversation and find out what Aidan does on a

10、typical emergency call. Put the steps in order.,Keys,Listening,Lesson A1.7,Real English be cut out for (something)= be capable of doing something,_ get more detailed information _ answer the call _ get the location _ send help _ get the callers phone number _ stay on the line _ decide if the situati

11、on is an emergency or not,1,3,4,5,7,2,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,Keys,Listen to the second part of the conversation in which Aidan talks with two people who called for help in an emergency. Complete the information about the two callers. Write U if a piece of informa

12、tion is unknown.,(Track 5-7-2),Name of caller: _ Location of caller: _ Person injured? Ambulance sent? Phone number: _ Details: _,yes,Listening,Lesson A1.8,at Spencer Field,Gretchen Smith,5551265,girl hurt her leg playing soccer,1.,no,no,yes,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do

13、?,Keys,(Track 5-7-2),Name of caller: _ Location of caller: _ Person injured? Ambulance sent? Phone number: _ Details: _,Listening,Lesson A1.8,his apartment,Tony Barros,U,big black bird in the lobby of his building,2.,yes,no,no,yes,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,_,_,_,_,_

14、,_,_,_,Keys,Be able to handle the fast pace.,Follow the steps at work strictly. Be able to keep calm. Be able to encourage and comfort callers. Be polite. Be patient and humorous. Be understanding. Be sympathetic. Be knowledgeable.,Now listen to the whole conversation. What kind of personality, skills and experience do emergency services dispatchers need?,(Track 5-7-3),Lesson A1.9,_,Lesson B Hurricane dangers,Lesson A Do you know what to do?,_,Be committed to the job.,Conversation 1 Josh: Hello? Rich: H


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