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1、1 Section Learning about Language & Using Language 课时作业 . 单句语法填空 1We must choose texts that are appropriate for our teaching. 2John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to let out all his trousers to his measure. 3However hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting

2、down the amount you eat. 4Whatever youve found,you must give it back to the person it belongs to. 5Although she had tried out every method,Carolina couldnt get the door open. 6The performers were delighted by the warmth(warm) of the applause. 7The lorry,loaded with bricks , has broken down in the mi

3、ddle of the bridge. 8Many of the big world sports events are_sponsored (sponsor) by wealthy big companies, which hope to advertise their companies or their products. . 单句改错 1Let your child know that you expect him or her to act appropriate towards other people. appropriateappropriately 2I promise to

4、 keep it secret and never let it down. down out 3If you worked hard then ,you would be in the university now.worked_ 前加 _had 4He exchanged his old car to a new model as soon as he won the money.to for 5We can start the habit by write learning summary and recording something impressive and meaningful

5、. write writing . 阅读理解 A The horse Im riding is named Candy, which is appropriate, taking account of her love for eating. As we go our way down the mountain of Big Bend National Park, Texas, Im sweatinghalf due to the hot weather, half due to an effort to stay on the horse. Candy, however, is relaxe

6、d and stops to eat cactuses ( 仙人掌 ) as she passes. She is used to the dusty trails through hills and canyons (大峡谷 ) and ignores my attempts to guide her away from her delicious food. Our ride becomes a battle of will, which Candy wins easily. I comfort myself by admiring the views across Big 2 Bends

7、 wide open spaces. Texas only national park, Big Bend, extends across 800,000 acres of the Chihuahuan Desert, in the deep southwest of the state right along the border with Mexico. It is named after the U-turn that the Rio Grande River makes here. It has seen a lot of fights. The Spanish, Anglo-Amer

8、ican settles, Mexicans, and Apache and Comanche American Indians all fought to rule this place. Our group member, Mike, knows every corner of the park and describes it as “sort of a secret plac e”. Even some Texans dont know about Big Bend, he says. Other local people describe it as a forgotten nati

9、onal park. Compared with the almost five million travellers that descend_on the Grand Canyon every year, only 30,000 make it here. There are six of us in the riding group, all fairly inexperienced, led by tour guides, Linda and Janelle, who keep both us and the horses in line. We trek along the top

10、of an 800-foot mountain, with wide-winged eagles flying beside us. The air is noiseless. The park is fantastic for hikes and has a variety of marked walking paths. The walk is a five-mile round trip. While the final stretch is rather steep, the views over giant canyons and plains are worth the effor

11、t. 【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者描述骑着马在Big Bend National Park, Texas 旅游的经历。作者在艰难的旅途之后感觉是值得的。 1What can we learn from the first paragraph? AThe writer is relaxed while riding. BThe writer wants to punish Candy for not walking straight. CThe writer is good at riding a horse on the mountain. DThe writer can hardly

12、guide Candy away from the cactuses. 解析: 选 D 推理判断题。根据第一段中“She is used to the dusty trails through hills and canyons(大峡谷 ) and ignores my attempts to guide her away from her delicious food. Our ride becomes a battle of will, which Candy wins easily.”可 知,作者很难把Candy从仙人掌旁引开。故选D。 2We can learn all of the

13、following about Big Bend National Park EXCEPT that _. Ait is the only national park in Texas Bit is located right along the border with Mexico CTexans fought to rule this place in the past 3 Dit is described as a “forgotten national park” 解析: 选 C 推理判断题。根据第二段中“The Spanish, Anglo-American settles, Mex

14、icans, and Apache and Comanche American Indians all fought to rule this place.(西 班牙人、英裔美国人、墨西哥人、阿帕奇人和科曼奇印第安人都为统治这个地方而战。) ” 由此推知, C项“德克萨斯人过去曾为统治这个地方而战”的说法是错误的。故答案为C 。 3In the third paragraph, the underlined words, “descend on”, can be replaced by _. Athink highly of it B pay a visit to Cmake an attac

15、k on D pass by 解析: 选B 词义猜测题。根据第三段中“Other local people describe it as a forgotten national park. Compared with the almost five million travellers that descend on the Grand Canyon every year, only 30,000 make it here.(其他当地人把它 描述为一个被遗忘的国家公园。与每年来大峡谷旅游的近500 万游客相比, 只有 3 万人能来 这里。 ) ”由此推知画线词的意思是“来访,访问”,故选B。

16、 4Which word can best describe the authors feelings after the hard journey? AWorthwhile. B Upset. CGrateful. D Tired. 解析:选 A 推理判断题。 根据最后一段中“ While the final stretch is rather steep, the views over giant canyons and plains are worth the effort.”可知,最能描述作 者在艰难的旅途之后感受的词是“值得的”。故选A。 B Below are some comments from the community.Please feel free to add to the list


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