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1、Module3 Unit1 参考教案教学目标: 1. 正确听说读单词door, window, blackboard, bird, 并辨认实物。 2. 学会运用并理解句型sit down, stand up, point to (发出指令和执行指令)。3. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,通过TPR来激发学习的积极性。 教学重点: 正确听说读写认单词point, door, window, blackboard, bird并辨认实物, sit down, stand up, point to (发出指令和执行指令) 教学准备: door, window, blackboard, stand up, s

2、it down的单词卡片和相应图片。bird模型。 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up and revision 1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls! Ss: T: Im your new English teacher ,my name is Li Haiying. You can call me miss Li. T: How are you ? Ss: T: Lets sing the song “hello, hello” together! T: Hello, boy! S1: T: How are you? S1:

3、T: OK! Now like this say hello to your friend! T: Who can show you to us? Step 2 presentation 1. stand up and sit down 的教学。 T: Hello, boy! Stand up, please!(用手势).Whats your name? S1: T: How are you? S1: T: Sit down, please!(用手势). T: Stand up, please!(用手势). How are you, girl? S2: T: Whats your name?

4、S2: T: Sit down, please!(用手势). T: Boys and girls, look at me .Stand up! Sit down (交替做起立和坐下的动作)。 T: Stand up!(出示单词卡片)Follow me! Stand up! Sit down! (出示单词卡片). Sit down! T: Now lets do it together! OK? Stand up! Sit down(和学生一起做并说出指令,在起立时指令快一点,坐下时慢一些)。 (读两遍后用手势让学生作动作) T: Boys and girls, lets play a game

5、: directive relay:指令接力! For example this student say stand up to you, and you say stand up to next one, one by one, OK? And the last one say sit down to your former, one by one like this till the first one, Ok, Lets have a try! T: Now clearly? Are you ready? One two three go! Ss: T: Now the winner s

6、tand up, please! Congratulations! Ok, Sit down please! Now, the others stand up please, you also did a good job! Congratulations to yourselves! T:Boys and girls, if you think your friend show well (表现得好), you can say to him or her: Stand up! Good good, you are very good! Sit down please! Ok, lets tr

7、y it! 2. door (window, blackboard) 的教学。 T: Whats this? Door!(出示door的图片和单词卡片)Door door (长短声操练,伴以开门关门动作).Group 1 group 2 T: Whats this ? Window window(出示window的图片和单词卡片)Boys! Window window! Girls! T: And whats this ?(指着黑板)Blackboard, blackboard! You, please!(个别读) T: Now lets play a game. While you pass

8、 the word card “door” to others, you read the word card “door” with others, (你一边传这个单词卡片door,一边和其他同学一个说door door). When I say “stop”, so you must stop. And the one who has the word card must stand up and read “door” loudly,(当我说stop 停的时候,谁手里有这张卡片“door”,就站起来大声地读door) Ok? One two three go! T: Now we cha

9、nge another word card. Whats this? Window! OK, are you ready? One two three go! T: Ok, lets chant. Like this: door door ,knock the door! Window window, open the window! Blackboard blackboard, clean the blackboard! T: Very good! who can draw a door on the blackboard? (给画画的学生发奖励品) 3. point to 的教学 T: O

10、K, now when I point to the door, you must read it quickly, OK?(用手势辅助理解point to )(板书:Point to the )。 T: Look, Ms Smart is in our classroom! (出示Ms Smart的图片,张贴在黑板上).Classroom(板书:Module 3 Classroom ) T: Now Im to be the Ms Smart! Hello, good morning, boys and girls! T: Now the Ms Smart put the word card

11、 blackboard on the blackboard! (出示blackboard单词卡片并固定在黑板).Point to the blackboard! Who want to help the Ms Smart to put the door on the door? T: Now lets listen what Ms Smart says and you do. Window window point to the window! Door door point to the door!(边读边作手势) T: Ok, like this, two students in a gr

12、oup.one is the Ms Smart, the other do as what the Ms Smart says! And then change! OK? T: Now who want to be the Ms Smart? Come here, please! 4. Practice T: Door window blackboard (复习一遍) T: Boys and girls, lets play a game. Pass the word to another one and say the word,when I say stop, you must stop

13、passing the word, and the one who has the word must say read it,clearly? 我们一边传这个单词卡,一边读这个单词。当我说停的时候,你们就停下来。单词卡在谁的手上,谁就要大声地把这个单词说出来,明白吗?Lets have a try! T: Blackboard! Point to the blackboard! Now, I put the blackboard on the blackboard (出示blackboard单词卡片).( 出示door单词卡片)Door door, point to the door! Wh

14、o can help me to put the door on the door?(作手势) 5. bird的教学 T: OK! Now I want to introduce a new friend to you! What is this? Oooh, bird(出示bird的玩具)。Bird bird (做飞的动作)! Bird bird. T: Hello, bird .Whats your name? Tweet, tweet! Now, lets say hello to Tweet, tweet, OK? T, Ss: 6. T: Boys and girls, lets p

15、lay a game with the bird “Tweet, tweet”. Listen carefully what the bird says Boys and girls, stand up please Point to the door. Point to the window Point to the blackboard. Point to the door. Sit down, please.(在听指令做动作中,根据学生的反应给予奖励) who can try? Step 3 study the text T: Boys and girls, open your book, listen to the tape and read. T: Once again Step 4 Practise.T: OK. Now I need four students. Who? Three of you are in a queue. And you are the Ms Smart. You say and others do, OK?(老师可以一边指着板书做提示) T: Now li


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