最新电大会计学位英语模拟试题1 [汇编整理]

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《最新电大会计学位英语模拟试题1 [汇编整理]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新电大会计学位英语模拟试题1 [汇编整理](13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、会计专业学位外语考试模拟试题 1 一 语音题 每空 1 分 共 5 分 1 A holidayB some C come D cover 2 A thousand B surround C cloudy D should 3 A great B fate C palaceD grade 4 A moveB notice C motor D whole 5 A choose B floodC spoon D food 二 辩错题 每题 1 分 共 5 分 6 There was no bus I have to walk home 用一般过去时 had A no B haveC to walk

2、D home 7 She has read the article last week 用一般过去时 readed A has readB the C article D last 8 We set up a lot of universities since 1949 We have also set up a Central Radio and Television University 应该用现在完成时 A set upB since C also D a 9 By now Old Wang worked in that factory for twenty years 应该用现在完成时

3、 A workedB in C that D for 10 Now that they have successfully passed the TOEFL the students were ready to begin their classes at the university A Now that B successfully C wereD to begin 9 Hangzhou is the most beautiful city I saw 用一般现在进 see A the B most C city D saw 三 单选题 每题 1 分 共 25 分 11 It the ey

4、es to read in such poor light 选择用一般现在时第三人称单数 A hurtsB hurt C has hurt D is hurt 12 The small boy kept his mother for a penny 便士 so she gave him and he ran to the candy shop Keep asking 问的意思 A ask B to ask C asked D asking 13 He had two houses He lived with his wife and child in the outer 远离中心的 house

5、 was comfortable 舒适的 and clean 指哪一个房子用which A that B where C whichD it 14 As I opened the door and went in the children on the bed playing 过去进行时 A were sittingB sat C are sitting D sit 15 He had four copies of this article in black A typing B typedC to be typed D type 16 They that place before the e

6、arthquake took place 过去完成时 A left B had leftC would leave D have left 17 Yesterday morning she one of her old friends in the street A looked up B built up C led to D came across 偶遇 18 Please don t get angry with him he was only 4 years old you know A Well B Then C However D After all 终究 毕竟 19 If you

7、 as I told you this wouldn t have happened 过去完成时如果你做了 因为我告诉你这不 会发生 A had doneB did C would do D have done 20 Thunderstorms are common in Ireland than in England A much more less B the least C much D much less 少得多 21 I remember the whole thing as if it yesterday 过去完成时 发生比想起要早 A happened B happens C h

8、ad happenedD has happened 22 this job you have to have enough experience 完成这工作 你必须有足够的经验 A To completeB Completing C Completed D Having completed 23 He suddenly realized 意识到 how much they A had both changedB both changed C were both changing D have both changed 24 I don t like living with a room mat

9、e I m moving my family s house move to 搬到 A back toB from C out of D back 25 You are these problems They can t be real A missing B looking at C imagining 联想 想像 D working at 26 I left my house early the traffic was terrible and it took me a long time to get there A However 可是 仍然 B Although C Because

10、D And 27 I never have coffee sugar A unless B in spite of C without 没有 D despite 28 Seriously 老实讲 认真来说 I don t understand the situation 形势 at all A spoken B speak C being spoken D speaking 29 His French was no than M Partier s English 用比较级 A good B best C the better D better 30 Would you like some s

11、alad 交际用语 A No B Yes C No thanks D Of course 31 I him ever since he moved to America 现在完成时 A have never heard ofB had never heard of C never heard of D never hear of 32 If it true it will cause us a lot of trouble 主句一般将来时 从句一般现在时 A is going to be B isC was D will be 33 He was afraid to Mary when she

12、 was doing her homework A intend B interrupt 打断 C insert 插入 D interest 使注意 使开心 34 Jack was riding his new mountain bike top speed 速度 A atB with C in D on 35 I usually go back to my hometown by train but this time I ll there by bus for a change A try goingB try to go C try for going D try and going t

13、ry doing 尝试做某事 try to do 努力 做某事 四 完形填空 每空 1 分 共 20 分 Americans travel by air in 36 the same way以差不多的方式as Europeans and 37 travel by train There are in fact not many railroad stations 38 in the USA 39 the track is still being used since most of America s freight 货运 is still carried 被载运的 40 As for pas

14、sengers 旅客 these is a vast network 网络 of airlines and airports in easy 41 of almost every American town Airports now the travel centers of the USA 42 comfortable 舒适的 places 43 coffee shops and bars and clean restrooms Flying in America is 44 expensive 昂贵的 than in many other countries 45 the governme

15、nt subsidized 补助 air fares Yet the different airlines are not state owned 国营的 and compete with one another for passengers Those who cannot 46 either train or plane take the Greyhound bus 长途汽车 47 transport system in the world carries so many passengers by night and by day Drivers are 48 aid借助于and hav

16、e a wonderful safety record 记录 Europeans tend 趋向于 49 their cars But Americans treat 对待 their cars 50 as vehicles which are important 51 their lives to take them to work to shopping places to picnics or to their friends 52 when they take a vacation 假期 they rarely 很少 drive long distances 路程 There is 53 form of travel which is widely used in the USA the rented car Every city and town 54 at least one car rented firm 公司 some of them are nationwide全国性的and have branches 分店abroad到 处 55 36 A muchB more C


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