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1、 贫血症的文献综述林晓丽【摘要】:“贫血”是指人体外周血中红细胞容积的减少,低于正常范围下限的一种常见的临床症状。贫血是一种常见的临床症症,尤其是在发展中国家其患病率相当高,随着对它的研究的日益深入,现就研究它的症状和发病覆盖率、分类、发病机制以及诊断和治疗方法的进展进行的出以下的综述。【作者单位】:广州医学院 2011 级药学【关键词】:缺铁性贫血、出血性贫血、溶血性贫血、巨幼血红细胞性贫血、再生性障碍贫血、地中海贫血、发病症状、发病覆盖率、贫血的分类、发病机制、贫血的诊断、贫血的治疗方法【引言】Anaemia is a global public health problem affect

2、ing both developing and developed countries with major consequences for human health as well as social and economic development. It occurs at all stages of the life cycle, but is more prevalent in pregnant women and young children. In 2002, iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) was considered to be among th

3、e most important contributing factors to the global burden of disease (1).一、 贫血的概述“贫血”是指人体外周血中红细胞容积的减少,低于正常范围下限的一种常见的临床症状。在一定容积的循环血液内红细胞计数,血红蛋白量以及红细胞压积均低于正常标准者称为贫血。其中以血红蛋白最为重要,成年男性低于 120g/L(12.0g/dl ),成年女性低于110g/L(11.0/dl),一般可认为贫血。(2)二、 贫血的人口分布(table3.1)和发病率以及受影响人数表(table3.2)(1)1、 Population coverag

4、eAlmost the entire population was covered by survey data or regression-based estimates, since all countries except for one had an estimate. The proportion of the population covered by survey data was high for preschool-age children (76.1%) and pregnant (69.0%) and non-pregnant women (73.5%), but low

5、er for school-age children (33.0%), men (40.2%), and the elderly (39.1%) (Table 3.1). By WHO region, the coverage was highest in the Western Pacific and lowest in Europe. Based on this population coverage, it was decided that there were insufficient data in school-age children,men, and the elderly t

6、o generate regional estimates.Table 3.1 Population coverage (%) by anaemia prevalence surveys (national or subnational) conducted between 1993 and 2005 WHO region PreSACa PW NPW SAC Men Elderly AllAfrica (46)b 74.6 (26)c 65.8 (22) 61.4 (23) 13.2 (8) 21.9 (11) 0.0 (0) 40.7Americas (35) 76.7 (16) 53.8

7、 (15) 56.2 (13) 47.1 (9) 34.3 (2) 47.6 (1) 58.0South-East 85.1 (9) 85.6 (8) 85.4 (10) 13.6 (3) 4.1 (2) 5.2 (1) 14.9Asia (11) Europe (52) 26.5 (12) 8.3 (4) 28.0 (12) 9.3 (3) 14.1 (3) 8.0 (2) 22.9Eastern 67.4 (11) 58.7(7) 73.5 (11) 15.5 (6) 27.5 (6) 3.2 (3) 84.3Mediterranean(21) Western 90.4 (10) 90.2

8、 (8) 96.9 (13) 83.1 (7) 96.2 (10) 93.3 (6) 13.8Pacific (27)Global (192) 76.1 (84) 69.0 (64) 73.5 (82) 33.0 (36) 40.2 (34) 39.1 (13) 48.8a P opulation groups: PreSAC , preschool-age children (0.004.99 yrs); PW , pregnant women (no age range defined); NPW , nonpregnant women (15.0049.99 yrs), SAC , sc

9、hool-age children (5.0014.99 yrs), Men (15.0059.99 yrs), Elderly (60.00 yrs). b N umber of countries in each grouping. c Total number of countries with data, no figure is provided for All since each country may be partially covered by some population groups, but few countries have data on all 6 popu

10、lation groups and no countries have data for women 5059 yrs of age.Table 3.2 Global anaemia prevalence and number of individuals affectedPopulation group Prevalence of anaemia Population affectedPercent 95% CI Number (million) 95% CIPreschool-age children 47.4 45.749.1 293 283303School-age children

11、25.4 19.930.9 305 238371Pregnant women 41.8 39.943.8 56 5459Non-pregnant women 30.2 28.731.6 468 446491Men 12.7 8.616.9 260 175345Elderly 23.9 18.329.4 164 126202Total population 24.8 22.926.7 1620 15001740三、贫血的分类、贫血的症状、疾病机制和治疗方法1、贫血的分类:缺铁性贫血、失血性贫血、溶血性贫血、巨幼血红细胞性贫血、地中海贫血、再生性障碍贫血缺铁性贫血 1【概述】缺铁性贫血(iron deficiency anemia,IDA)是指机体对铁的需求与供给失衡,导致体内贮存铁耗尽,继之红细胞内铁缺乏从而引起的贫血。【症状】缺铁性贫血是最常见的贫血。当铁铁量增加而铁摄入不足、铁吸收障碍、铁丢失过多均可引起缺铁性贫血,患者可有乏力、易倦、头晕、儿童生长发育迟缓、智力低下、易感染等症状。【发病原因】目前认为在IDA 的病因中最重要的是食物搭配不合理、体重增长迅速( 如婴儿期和青春快速发育期) 、经血过多、妊娠、频繁供血、持续超强度训练、长期使用阿斯匹林等。另外, 无论有无上述因素存在, 都应反复作大便潜


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