高一英语优质课件:Unit3 Travel journal-Revision(新人教版必修1)

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《高一英语优质课件:Unit3 Travel journal-Revision(新人教版必修1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语优质课件:Unit3 Travel journal-Revision(新人教版必修1)(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Revision 单词拼写 TheAustraliansliketo 露营 inthecountrysideattheweekends Weallknowthatheistoo 顽固 toapologize Don ttakethat 态度 withme youngman Moststudentskeepa 日记 oftheireverydaylife camp stubborn attitude diary 5 Excuseme whatisthef toParis Is 10enough 6 ThemusicsoundssogoodthatIwanttor itfromtheradio 7

2、 Inthepast thevillagerst theirgoodsbygoatnotbytruck 8 Thelittleboysaidnothingbecausehewasnotb enoughtobeagainsthisfather are ecord ransported rave Hegotajobinaforeigncompanyafter 毕业 fromuniversity Itisverydifficultto 说服 myfathertogiveupsmoking Theroleoftherailwaysdeclinedinthe 运输 system Iam 有决心 tofi

3、nishtheworkaheadoftime Iheardthenewsreport butI mnotsureiftheinformationwasr ornot graduating persuade transport determined reliable Accordingtotheweatherf itwillraintomorrow Hei thathehadneverstolenanythingfromthestore Theyoungmanseemedtobeverye aboutthegoodnews Goingforalongbicyclerideisaninterest

4、inge forme Thisatlasshowsusthed oftheworld sgeography forecast insisted excited experience details 1 Ifyouwanttohaveapleasanttrip acompassisthemost use 2 Thisisthe late newsabouttheWorldCup ItseemsthatJapanwilllosethematch 3 HeinsistedonbeingsenttoworkinTibetafterhis graduate fromBeijingUniversity 4

5、 Ifyouwanttodothetrip proper youshouldasktheguideforsomeadvice 5 Fromhis determine look Icanseeheissuretosucceed useful latest graduation properly determined 6 WiththehelpofTom Ifoundthe finally result 7 Abouttwentyvisitorswerekilledinthetrafficaccident include twoAmericans 8 Comparethispicturewitht

6、hisone andyouwillfindthe different betweenthem 9 Thedoctoradvisedhimnottodrinkcold boil water 10 Going cycle inthecountrysideisanunforgettableexperience final including difference boiled cycling 短语翻译1 下决心2 梦想做某事3 惦念4 让步5 坚持做6 像往常一样7 改变主意8 坚定的眼神9 喜欢 喜爱10 在午夜 record camp givein determine cycle expect

7、dream Completethesentenceswiththewordsfromtheboxinproperforms Somewordsmaynotbeused I aboutflyinglastnight Theboyswent lastsummer Theyputuptheirtentatthefootofthehill dreamt camping 3 Themoneywehavewill howlongwecanstayhere 4 Hewas alongthestreetwhenhewasknockedoffhisbike 5 Youcan t tolearnaforeignl

8、anguageinaweek 6 She everythingthatwassaidatthemeeting 7 Neverhashe tohisfate 命运 determine cycling expect recorded gavein 1 Mr Black Shanghaiinafewdays Doyouknowwhentheearliestplane onSunday A leaves takesoffB isleaving takesoffC isleaving istakingoffD leaves istakingoff 2 Insummerpeopleusuallystayu

9、plateoutside thecoolair A enjoyB enjoyingC toenjoyD enjoyed 3 Plantsgrowwell thereisplentyofwaterandsunshine A whichB inwhichC thatD where 4 Whoismakingsomuchnoiseinthegarden thechildren A ItisB TheyareC ThatisD Thereare B D A B 5 Theladyinsistedthattheyoungman herwalletandthathe tothepolicestationa

10、tonce A hadstolen besentB shouldsteal shouldbesentC hadstolen sentD hadstolen mustbesent 6 Areyoustillbusy Yes I anditwon ttakelong A justfinishB amjustfinishingC havejustfinishedD wasjustgoingtofinish C B 7 I mgoingtoThailandthissummerholiday A Haveanicetrip B Writetome C Takecare D Whenwillyougo A

11、 8 Itisalwaysthehusbandwho firstwhenaquarrelbreaksoutbetweentheyoungcouple A givesawayB givesoutC givesoffD givesin 9 Finallytheychanged anddecidedtotakemyadvice A mindB mindsC theirmindD theirminds D D 10 Thissongsoundsfamiliar mebutIamnotfamiliar thesinger A with toB to withC with withD to to B 他是

12、一个意志坚强的人 如果他下定决心做什么事 就一定要做好 Heisa person Ifhe dosomething hewilldoitwell 完成句子 determined determinesto 2 最后 他们终于被说服了骑自行车去环游全国 Finallythey tocyclearoundChina 3 科学家们正在寻找这条河的源头 Thescientistsaresearchingforthe oftheriver werepersuaded source 翻译句子 自从大学毕业之后 我就一直在这里工作 eversince graduatefrom 对于这个旅游计划你有什么意见 attitude 我宁愿讲实话而不愿说谎 prefer to 他坚持要我们呆在他家过周末 insist 一旦你下了决心就不该轻易改变主意 父母所关心的是孩子的未来



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