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1、目 次 车辆操稳特性客观评价指标的降维处理 摘要 1 悬架 K Jin Lingge Cao Yu BAI Fan Cui Chuanbao State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation Jilin University AbstractAbstract There are many vehicle motions that affect driver s subjective feeling A lot of test samples are needed to study the relationship between dri

2、ver s subjective feeling and objective motion of vehicles however this is difficult to do so in reality By changing tire model tire pressure and balance weight mass of two vehicles of appropriate class 16 models are derived and corresponding objective tests are implemented With main component analys

3、is methods dimensional reduction is made to the proposed objective criteria thus the requirement of subjective and objective consistency study on amount of test samples is lowered down laying foundation for consistency study of the subjective and objective evaluation system KeyKey words words Handli

4、ngHandling stability stability SubjectiveSubjective evaluation evaluation ObjectiveObjective evaluation evaluation AmountAmount ofof samplessamples 悬架悬架 K K Pang Shuyi Zhan Jun State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation Jilin University AbstractAbstract Many factors which influence vehicl

5、e steering characteristic are summed up and quantified with suspension K it is proposed in the paper that vehicle toe in and camber shall be maintained at zero as much as possible when the vehicle drives in a straight line at regular speed so as to minimize tire wear the expression of toe in and cam

6、ber during driving are also established the deformation under the effect of vectors are united to suspension and tire rigidity the significance of different rigidities are analyzed dynamic parameters are calculated with suspension KSuspension Kcharacteristic Understeer oversteer Understeer oversteer

7、 TireTire wearwear ProeProe 机构运动仿真模块在双前轴转向传动机构运动仿真模块在双前轴转向传动 机构匹配设计中的应用机构匹配设计中的应用 华清 1 2 庆丽 2 1 石油大学 2 重型汽车有限责任公司 摘要 介绍了应用 Proe 机构运动仿真模块进行运动仿真的工作流程 通 过应用 Proe 机构运动仿真模块对双前轴转向传动机构进行匹配设计的实例 论 述了商用车双前轴转向传动机构的设计理论要求 初步的传动机构实体建模方 法以及转角特性分析方法 理论模型与实体模型的转角特性数据处理与分析 以及实体模型的优化设计方法 并简要介绍了转向传动机构与悬架系统的运动 干涉分析方法

8、主题词 双前轴转向系统 传动机构 设计 ApplicationApplication ofof ProEProE MotionMotion SimulationSimulation ModuleModule inin Dual frontDual front AxleAxle SteeringSteering LinkageLinkage matchmatch DesignDesign Yin Huaqing1 2 Yang Qingli2 1 Xi an Shiyou University 2 Shaanxi Heavy Duty Automobile Co Ltd AbstractAbst

9、ract This paper briefly described the operating flow of motion simulation with Proe mechanism motion simulation module It takes Proe mechanism motion simulation module in the match design of dual front axle steering linkage as an example to expound the theoretical design requirement of dual front ax

10、le steering linkage of commercial vehicle primary solid modelling method of steering linkage a well as steering angle characteristic analysis method theoretical model and data processing and analysis of steering characteristic of solid model optimization method of solid model the motion interference

11、 analysis method between steering linkage and suspension system is also introduced in the paper KeyKey words words Dual frontDual front axleaxle steeringsteering system system Driveline Driveline DesignDesign 车体车体 刚度刚度 在正面碰撞中对人在正面碰撞中对人 体伤害影响的研究体伤害影响的研究 商恩义 洪梅 上方久乐汽车安全气囊 摘要 将汽车 B 柱减速度曲线反映的车体碰撞性能定义为车体

12、 刚度 对车体 刚度 在实车碰撞中对假人伤害的传递过程及台车试验中复现的精度 对假人伤害结果的影响进行了研究 通过对 刚度 在正面碰撞试验中对假人 运动的影响分析和对骨盆受力情况的分析 指出了试验中假人对车体的相对加 速度曲线是一近似正弦波 同时 进行了车体 刚度 曲线在台车试验中的应 用研究 指出了在台车试验中应复现的最佳曲线及校核方法 主题词 车体 刚度 碰撞试验 台车试验 ResearchResearch onon EffectEffect ofof VehicleVehicle RigidityRigidity onon HumanHuman InjuryInjury inin the

13、the FrontalFrontal ImpactImpact TestTest Shang Enyi1 Li Hongmei1 Shanghai Eastjoylong Motor Airbag Co LTD AbstractAbstract In the paper the vehicle crash performance reflected by the deceleration curve of B pillar is defined as vehicle rigidity and the transfer process of injury to the dummy by vehi

14、cle rigidity during real vehicle crash as well as the effect of accuracy of injury reproduced by the sled test on dummy are investigated It is pointed out through analysis of effect of rigidity on dummy movement during frontal impact test and pelvic stress analysis that the relative acceleration cur

15、ve of the dummy relative to the vehicle body is near sinusoidal Meanwhile an application research of vehicle body rigidity curve in sled test is carried out pointing out the optimal curve and checking method that should be reproduced in the sled test KeyKey words words VehicleVehicle bodybody rigidi

16、ty rigidity ImpactImpact test test SledSled testtest 重型柴油机燃用不同柴油重型柴油机燃用不同柴油 替代燃料的性能研究替代燃料的性能研究 楼狄明 1 霞1 胡志远1 谭丕强1 博2 1 同济大学 2 工程技术大学 摘要 对重型柴油机燃用纯柴油 体积混合比例为 1 9 的天然气合成油 GTL 柴油 与柴油混合燃料 G10 体积混合比例为 1 9 的生物柴油与柴油混 合燃料 BD10 纯 GTL 柴油 G100 及纯生物柴油 BD100 5 种燃料的动力性 经济性及燃烧特性进行了研究 结果表明 BD10 G10 与纯柴油有相似的燃烧特 性 与燃用纯柴油的油耗相比 G100 平均降低 2 62 BD100 平均高出 13 除 NOx排放外 生物柴油在降低 CO HC PM 的排放上均有所改善 主题词 柴油机 柴油 混合燃料 性能 PerformancePerformance StudyStudy onon DifferentDifferent DieselDiesel Alternative Alternative fuelsfuels f



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