2020高考英语考前冲刺Ⅳ专题11 形容词与副词

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《2020高考英语考前冲刺Ⅳ专题11 形容词与副词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020高考英语考前冲刺Ⅳ专题11 形容词与副词(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020;2020考前冲刺英语专题11 形容词与副词1. 【2020;2020辽宁普通高中学业水平考试前测】He is _ careless that whatever you say to him goes in at one ear and out at the other.A. so B. very C. such D. too2. 【2020;2020唐山期末】Samuel cant help having a big nose it is _ of him to be curious about others affairsAtypical Bconstant Cconsiderat

2、e Dunique【解析】 考查副词辨析。Therefore “因此”,表转折。交通问题已经严重影响了经济的发展,因此,我们应该不遗余力的来解决这个问题。Furthermore“此外,而且” ,表递进;Meanwhile“同时,其间”; Nevertheless“然而,不过”,表转折。4. 【2020;2020烟台期末】Well get in touch with you as soon as tickets become .Apresent Bprecious Cavailable Dconvenient5. 【2020;2020潍坊高三期末】 Im about what I say bec

3、ause careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings.Aenthusiastic B. curious Cdoubtful D. cautious【解析】考查副词辨析。nowhere but 意思是:除了哪里也不。7.【2020;2020江苏南通高三期末调研】 With the advances of technology, plastics have taken the place of many _ materials.A. conventionalB. optionalC. artificial D. potentialappr

4、oximately“大约”;obviously“显然地”;necessarily“必然地”。根据句意选D项。9. 【2020;2020甘肃兰州一中上学期期中】They were pretty poor but most of their friends were even _.A.richerB.badly offC.worse off D.well off【答案】C【解析】 考查形容词及短语辨析。句意:他们相当穷,但是他们朋友中的大多数的境况甚至更差。由语境可知C项正确。10【2020;2020浙江温高三期末八校联考】As a typist, the most important aspec

5、t of the job is to be able to type quickly and _.A. faithfully B. actually C. roughly D. accurately【答案】Dthat结构,故排除B和C,时间是被留下的,A中使用的是原因状语从句,但是缺少了系动词 。12. 【2020;2020泰安高三年级考试英语模块】A_ identification card is required when you purchase foreign money from the Bank of ChinaAvalid Bperfect Cbeneficial Dflexib

6、le【答案】A很新颖,否则他们不会接受的。mysterious 神秘的;considerate考虑周到的;curious好奇的,古怪的。14. 【2020;2020金华十校期末】These days strange things happened _ in the small village, which caused a panic among the villagersAfrequently Bfluently Cregularly Ddeliberately【答案】A16. 【2020;2020九江一模】Many students tried their best not to make

7、 careless mistakes in the examination but some of them_ found they failedAeventually BcompletelyCexactly Deffectively【答案】A好给她提供一些建议。familiar 熟悉的;similar 相似的;sensitive敏感的。18. 【2020;2020浙江调研】We have our bad times but on the whole were _ happy.A. rarelyB. merelyC. fairlyD. chiefly【答案】【解析】考查副词辨析。语意:我们处境

8、艰难,但是总体来说我们相当高兴。根据本句中的转折连词but可知应用fairy,表示“相当,颇”。A项表示“很少”,B项表示“仅仅”,D项表示“主要的”,都不符合句意。19. 【2020;2020宁波八校联考】A volcano in Indonesia erupted on November the 16th, 2020;2020, and _, hundreds of people were killed.A. consequentlyB. continuouslyC. constantlyD. consistently 备不充分。readily 乐意地;actively积极地;attent

9、ively 注意地,留意地。21. 【2020;2020西安一次质检】We put our books in the bookcase to keep them from dust.AemptyBfreeClooseDshort们参加的音乐会太精彩了。-是的。这是我参加的最好的一场。23.【2020;2020吉林期末】The patient is supposed to go to the hospital for checksA. common B. normal C. regular D. usual【答案】C【解析】 考查形容词辨析。regular checks “常规检查”。句意为:(

10、医生)建议这位病人应该到医院进行常规检查。这里指的是定期的检查,所以选regular。24. 【桂林市、防城港市2020;2020年高三第一次调研】Credit cards are useful when traveling.True. They save us the trouble of taking too much cash.AparticularlyBpartlyCexactlyDgraduallyA. concreteB. ordinaryC. standardD. abstract【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。本句前半部分提到只是有笼统的想法,由此可知此刻还没有任何“具体的”

11、内容,故A项正确。后三项分别表示“普通的”,“标准的”,抽象的”,与语意不符。27. 【2020;2020合肥质检】Though youve got a tight schedule these days, I would be _ if you could afford time to attend our meeting today.A. concerned B. fascinated C. grateful D. determinedC 考查形容词词义辨析。句意为“尽管你时间安排很紧,如果今天你能腾出时间参加我们的会议我将很感激。”根据句意选grateful“感激”。28. 【2020;

12、2020宁波八校联考】The little man was _ one meter fifty high, who is often laughed at.A. almost more thanB. hardly more than C. nearly more than D. as much as【答案】 B【解析】 hardly 相当于no。句意为:这个人不到1米5,常被人嘲笑。29【2020;2020浙江调研】 Have you read the newly-published novel by J. K. Rowling? Yes. I _ recommend this book to

13、 anyone who is sick of the same old stories.A. brieflyB. instantlyC. fully D. awfully【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。根据答语的内容可知说话全力推荐这本书,所以选fully意为:完全地。briefly“简短地”, instantly“立即”, awfully表示“非常”。30. 【2020;2020银川一中模拟】In that school, English is compulsory for all students ,but French and Russian are _.A. special B. re

14、gional C. optional D. original至于他们和和装备玩耍。32. 【2020;2020三明联考】Of the two, I would prefer _ camera, which is very easy for me to carryA. a small B. a smaller C. the small D. the smaller【答案】D【解析】考查形容词的比较级和冠词的搭配。这里特指两个之中较小的那个,所以用the smaller camera。33. 【2020;2020三明联考】We know playing computer games for long time can harm ones _ health.A. regularB. magical C. physical D. reliable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意为:我们知道长时间玩电脑游戏对我们的身体健康有害。physical health指的是身体健康。regular定期的, magical魔术的, reliable可靠的。34. 【2020;2020.02桐乡模拟】After a lot



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