新人教目标版八年级上册Test for Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou ll have a great time试题

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《新人教目标版八年级上册Test for Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou ll have a great time试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教目标版八年级上册Test for Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou ll have a great time试题(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Test for Unit 10(时间120分钟,满分120分)题号总分得分听 力 部 分 (20分).听句子,选择正确的图片。(5分)1_2._3._4._5._.听句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分)()6.A.It doesnt matter.BIm sorry to hear that.CIt is nice.()7.A.Ill play tennis. BThats a good idea.CLets go.()8.A.She will be happy. BI went to Beijing.CI like pandas best.()9.A.It costs too much. BN

2、o problem.CThanks for your help.()10.A.You are welcome. BI want some school things.CTwice a week.听小对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)()11.Why didnt Cindy go to Lindas birthday party?ABecause she was busy. BBecause she was ill.CBecause she wasnt invited.()12.What day is it today?AIts Tuesday. BIts Wednesday.CIts Thursda

3、y.()13.Where might the woman go first?ATo the park. BTo the school.CTo the supermarket.()14.What does the boys mother mean?AHe cant go out. BHe can come home late.CHe should come home early.()15.How many students spoke at the class meeting?AFour.BFive.CSix.听下面一段对话,选出正确的答案。(5分)()16.What would happen

4、if Jenny wore her jeans to the dance?AThe teachers wouldnt see her.BThe teachers wouldnt like her.CThe teachers wouldnt let her in.()17.Why cant Jenny wear jeans to the dance?ATheyre too old. BTheres a new rule.CYou cant wear black.()18.What does Martin want to bring?AA friend.BFood.CSome CDs.()19.W

5、ho will wear white pants?AJenny. BMartin. CMartins friend.()20.What is the rule about friends from other schools?AThey can come with an ID.BTeachers will ask them to leave.CTeachers will call your parents.笔 试 部 分(100分).单项选择。(15分)()21.You will cut your problem in_half if youd like to share it with ot

6、hers.AaBan Cthe D/()22.Why was the little girl so_to see her mother come back?Because she broke a cup just now.Aupset Bhappy Cexcited Dtired()23.You made to many_in your homework.Sorry,sir,Ill be more careful.Amistakes Bpreparations Cideas Devents()24.Our math teacher is really_.We all like him very

7、 much.Alazy Bunderstanding Cunfriendly Dscary()25.We will be late for class_we take a taxi there.Awhen Band Cunless Dbecause()26.This box is_heavy for the little boy_move.Ato,too Btoo,to Cto,to Dtoo,too()27.When is a good time_trees?Spring,I think.Aplanted Bpaint Cplanting Dto plant()28.I have few f

8、riends here.What should I do,Victor?I think_to others can help you make new friends.Ashouts Bsmiles Csmiling Dshouting()29.Hi,Jim.You look so tired.Well,I kept_for an hour because I missed my bus.Awalk Bto walk Cwalked Dwalking()30.Can you tell me how to use the iPhone 5?_.AThats right BCertainlyCTh

9、ank you DOf course not()31.If I dont finish the housework,my mother_me watch TV.Alets Bwill let Cdont Dwont let()32.You can solve the problem by_ your teacher for help.Aasks Bto ask Casking Dask()33.When will you give me a call?I_you when I get to the airport.Awill call Bcall Ccalled Dcalling()34.I_

10、I_there on time if I take a bus.Athink,didnt get Bdont think,getCdont think,will get Dthink,dont get()35.Do you know if they_swimming tomorrow?I think they will if they_free.Ago,will be Bwill go,areCgo,are Dwill go,will be.完形填空。(10分)Today is Saturday and there _36_ a concert at Grand Concert Hall at

11、 7:30 pm.Lily and Lucy _37_ there early,and they are reading the Notice(告示) to the Audience(听众)Notice to the AudienceAll the audience should _38_ neatly(整洁地),and if you dont,we wont let you _39_._40_ wear your slippers(拖鞋) into the concert hall.If you do,you wont go to the concert.Dont take food or

12、drinks into the concert hall.If you do,we will take it _41_.Dont take photos during the concert.If you do,youll _42_ leave.Dont smoke in the concert hall.If you do,well ask you _43_.Please keep _44_ all your mobile phones (手机)during the concert.After reading the notice,Lucy reminds(提醒) Lily to put h

13、er camera into her bag,then they go _45_ the Grand Concert Hall.They are happy.()36.A.is Bis going to have Cwill haveDwill be()37.A.arrive at Breach to Carrive Dget to()38.A.put on Bhave on Cdress Dwear()39.A.in Bout Caway Doff()40.A.Please BDont CNot DNo()41.A.off Bout Cdown Daway()42.A.must Bshould Chave to Dought to()43.A.leave Bto leave Cleaving Dleft()44.A.out Bon Cdown Doff()45.A.in Binto Con Donto.阅读理解。(30分)AXiao Qiang,a 12yearold Chinese boy,has too many activities.His father takes him away from school four afternoons a week and drives h


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