2018版高考英语一轮复习 module 3 foreign food 外研版选修8

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1、 核心单词单词运用 1.owe v应给应给 予;欠(债债等);感激,把归归功于 2.taste n味道v.品尝尝,(of)有味道 3.greedily adv.贪贪婪地;greed n贪贪婪;greedy adj.贪贪婪的 4.infamous adj.臭名昭著的 5.appetizing adj.开胃的 6.manner n方式;方法 7.requirement n要求;条件 8.entertain v招待,款待,请请客 9.remark v谈谈到,说说起;评论评论 n.评论评论 10.casually adv.随意地;casual adj.随意的 pliment n赞赞美 12.consu

2、me v(正式)吃;喝;消费费 13.consequence n后果 14.gradual adj.逐渐渐的;逐步的 15.trend n趋势趋势 ,趋趋向 16.abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的 17.pattern n图图案;模式 18.transform v转转化;转变转变 ;transformation n转转化 语境助记词不离句,句不离段 1.He owed his remarkable achievements to his boss who had provided him with ample opportunities. 2.We chatted casually a

3、nd tasted the tasty food.Altogether it was a great evening. 3.He remarked that they would protect consumer rights in a manner which was acceptable. .用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The instant coffee is really tasty (taste),and Im going to have another cup later. 2.In spite of the fact that he was not a trained econo

4、mist,his achievements were remarkable (remark) 3.I go to bed when Im sleepy and get up with an alarm clock at a fixed (fix) time. 4.Used to TV shows,where everything is quick and entertaining (entertain),many people do not have the patience to read a book that requires thinking. 5.Soon,his warm,invi

5、ting smile put me at ease,and we spent the next two hours talking casually (casual) 6.Thanks to the good care of the nurses,the boy is gradually (gradual) recovering from his lung operation. 7.All the students are required to take an exam after taking the course and anyone who fails to meet the requ

6、irements will fail.(require) 8.The mushrooms contain poison and many people were poisoned because they had eaten the poisonous mushrooms.(poison) .单词拼写 1.The wolf looked at the little sheep greedily(贪婪地) 2.Everyone likes persons with good manners(礼仪) 3.His illness is the consequence(后果)of overwork.

7、4.Any kind of energy can be transformed(转化)into electricity. 5.The product contains no artificial(人造的)colours, flavours or preservatives. 高频短语短语运用 1.to_ones_surprise 让让感到吃惊的是 2.no_wonder 难难怪 3.end_up 结结束 4.get_used_to 习惯习惯 于 5.make_out 看出,理解 6.according_to 根据,依据 7.go_against 违违反,违违背 8.whats_more 而且,

8、更重要的是 9.have.in_common 与有共同点 10.in_short 简简言之 11.set_fire_to 放火烧烧 12.refer_to 提到;查阅查阅 13.be_based_on 以为为基础础 14.put.down 放下,写下,镇压镇压 15.be_popular_with 受欢欢迎 用高频短语的适当形式填空 1.Since a good story is universal,it is no_wonder that cartoons have captured the interest of the world. 2.Now that there are only a

9、 few minutes left,wed better talk about the plan in_short. 3.As time went by,I eventually found Mary and I had a lot in_common. 4.She didnt recognize the man who hit her because she could only make_out a dark shape moving towards her. 5.The sweater my sister knitted for me ended_up twice the size it

10、 should have been.It had to be kept for later use. 6.The man in black was about to set_fire_to the house when the police came. 常用句型句型运用 1.No_wonder my fellow guests had only a few bites of each dish;they know what was still to come. 【信息提取】 no wonder是its no wonder that的省略形式 2.But one thing I do_admir

11、e is the polite manner in which British people eat,even if it is just a potato. 【信息提取】 do用来强调谓语 动词 1._the children love to visit the farm. 孩子们们喜欢欢去农场农场 玩是不足为为 怪的。 【答案】 It is no wonder that 2.He _ that had happened to him. 他确实实把发发生的事都说说了。 【答案】 did tell all 重点语法:复习定语和定语从句 选词填空 who whom whose which tha

12、t 1.He saw a house_windows were all broken. 2.All the apples_fall are eaten by wild boars. 3.Can you think of anyone_could look after him? 4.He showed a machine_parts are too small to be seen. 5.The man to_I spoke was a foreigner. 【答案】 1.whose 2.that 3.who 4.whose 5.whom 词汇词汇 突破 1owe vt.赶上,及时达到 make

13、 out of理解,推断 make up for补偿,弥补 make for走向,向前进;冲向 make up编造;组成;化妆;和解 多维训练 (1)写出下列句子中make out的汉语意思 I can hardly make out his writing._ Someone was shouting outside but I wouldnt make out who he was._ I cant make out the meaning of the passage._ She always makes out shes the only one who does any work._

14、 Theres someone outside the window,but I cant make out who it is._ (2)完成句子 She was a strange sort of person;I couldnt _(理解她) It _(对我没影响) whether he goes or not. We _(前往) the coast and then by sea to France. Please sit down and _(别拘束) 【答案】 (1)(勉强地)看出 听出 理解 声称 辨认出 (2)make her out makes no difference t

15、o me make our way to make yourself at home 高考链接 (2016天津卷)She practiced hard and finally _(make) it. 【答案】 made 2set fire to放火烧 A group of youths set fire to an old truck. 一群青年放火烧烧了一辆辆旧卡车车。 The building was still on fire three hours later. 三个小时时之后,大楼还还在燃烧烧。 Once the fire was lit,the room seemed more inviting. 火一点燃,房间间里就显显得更加舒适了。 Suddenly a pan of oil caught fire. 突然一锅锅油着火了。 【归纳拓展】 set fire to sth.set sth.on fire 放火烧,使着火 make/start/light a fire 点火 play with fire 玩火 fight the fire 救火 catch fire 着火(动作) be on fire 着火(状态) put out a/the fire


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