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1、查理和萝拉-1-01 我绝对永远不吃蕃茄(CHUCKLING)Charlie!(CHUCKLING)Lola?Charlie!(CHUCKLING)#NAME?- Whoa! Whee!Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!Aw!Ah!(CHUCKLING)Lola!Ahh!(CHUCKLING)I have this little sister, Lola.She is small and very funny.Bah-dee-do.(CHARLIE) SometimesMum and Dadask me to help give Lolaher dinner.Th is is a hard job

2、because Lolais a very fussy eater.I do not eat peas or carrotsor potatoes or mushroomsor spaghetti or eggsor sausagesI do not eat caulifloweror cabbage or baked beansor bananas or orangesAnd I am not keen on apples.or rice or cheeseor fish fingersAnd I will not e v erNEVER eat a tomato!My sister hat

3、es tomatoes.So I say.Thats lucky,cause were nothaving any of those things.Were not going to eatany peas,or carrots, or potatoes,or mushrooms,or spaghetti, or eggs,or sausages.There will be no cauliflower,or cabbagge, or baked beans,bananas, or oranges.We dont have any apples,or rice,or cheese, or fi

4、sh fingers.And no tomatoes? not ever?And certainly no tomatoes.But why are these carrots there,Charlie?U m, carrots are for rabbits.I don t ever eat carrots.(CHARLIE) One day I thoughtof a good trick to play on her.But, Lola, I said,those are not carrots.They re not carrots, they reorange twiglets f

5、rom Jupiter.They look just like carrotstome.How can they be carrots?Carrots dont grow on Jupiter.(ECHOING) Thats true.(GURGLING)Well, as they areall the way from Jupiter.Mm, not bad.(CHARLIE GIGGLES)dont even thinkabout giving me a pea.I dont ever eat peas.Huh?Peas are too smalland too green.But, Lo

6、la, those are not peas.Of course theyre not.those are green dropsfrom Green land.(CHIRPING)(MOOING)(Lola GIGGLES)(TH UNDER)Green drops!But I dont eat green things.Goody. More for me, then.Green drops!Hooray! Green drops! Yeah!Green drops aresoin credibly rare.Well, maybe Ill just nibbleone or two.-

7、Oh!#NAME?Quite tasty.#NAME?- Charlie!Hooray, hooray!I will not eat potatoso dont even try.not even mash.(CHARLIE) This isnt mash.(GRUNTING) This isnt mash.This is cloud fluff from thepointiest peak of Mount Fuji.Ooh.Oh, well, in that case,a large helping for me.Mm. I love to eat cloud.(BOTH YODEL)Yu

8、 m-a-lay-hee-hoo!(GIGGLES)查理和萝拉-2- Charlie!#NAME?They look like fish fingers to meand I would nevereat a fish finger.So I said, Fish fingers?They are not fish fingers.Lola, they are not fish fingers.They are oceannibblesfrom under the sea.Mermaids always eatoceannibbles.Ive been to this supermarketo

9、ne time with Mum.And I ALWAYS eatwhat mermaids eat.Mm. Yummy!Now, my tummy isso absolutely fullof orange twiglets,green drops, cloud fluff,and oceannibbles,I cant eat an other single thing.not even a tomato?I will not ever NEVEReat a tomato.But will you pass meone of those, Charlie?And I said.One of

10、 those?But. But its a tomato.And she says.It is not a tomato.Ta-da!Its not a tomato,its a moon-squirter.Moon-squirtersare my favourite.(APPLAUSE)You didnt think they w eretomatoes, did you, Charlie?(Lola CHUCKLES)Look.02 我们保证我们可以照顾你的狗(CHUCKLING)Charlie!(CHUCKLING)Lola?Charlie!(CHUCKLING)#NAME?- Whoa

11、! Whee!Ooh!Ooh!Ooh!Aw!Ah!(CHUCKLING)Lola!Ahh!(CHUCKLING)(SNIFFING)(LOLA) Say Woof,Charlie.WoofSit.Woof.I have this little sister,Lola.Good doggy.She is small and very funny.Walkies!Come on,Charlie,walkies!At the moment Lola really,really wants to have a dog.But Mum and Dad say she cantbecause our fl

12、at is too smalland Lola is too youngto look after one.Come on,Charlie,lets go for a walk.- Mmph!#NAME?My cereal bowl is nowa dog bowl.Oh,how sweet!And she has made mea dog bed.#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?So one day Dad took usto the park.There was me and my friendMarv,Lola and her friend Lot

13、ta,and Sizzles.#NAME?- Sizzles is M a rvs d o g.Lola loves Sizzles.Look at him.But so does Lolas best friendLotta.I like Sizzles.#NAME?#NAME?Um,Marv,can we look after Sizzles?Lola,do you know about dogs?#NAME?#NAME?We know that Sizzles is a very,extremely,very clever dog.What about tricks?Yes,he can

14、 do very good tricks.If he wanted,he could roll over.And jump over things.#NAME?#NAME?查理和萝拉-3-And speak English.Definitely,I think.Lotta,do you know,I thinkSizzles can do really anything.- Wow!#NAME?Sizzles isthe cleverest dog ever.#NAME?#NAME?(MARV) Yeah. Hey,watch this.Sizzles,sit.Sizzles,Sizzles.

15、 Sit!Sizzles,sit.sit,sit,sit.Sizzles!sit!Phew! Good boy.We could play just one game,Marv.But who is going to look afterSizzles?- Me!- Oh,oh,oh!#NAME?- Please,m e!Hmm. Im not sure.It is only for a little while.Hell be OK with Lola and Lotta.(BOTH) Me,me,me!Well,Im pretty sure he will.OK.But you do kn

16、ow thatthere are lotsof rules if you want tolook after Sizzles.(MARV) No chocolates.Or cakes.Or no sweets of anykind.Completely no digging.And no splashing in puddles.No chasing birds.And no taking him off the lead.(SIZZLES GROANS)So you will take extra specialcare of Sizzles,wont you?#NAME?- No,we wont.- I mean we wont.#NAME?You wont take your eyes offhim for one single second.(BOTH) Not a second!Do you honestly promiseto look after my d


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