2017-2018学年八年级英语上册 module 4 unit 1 he lives the farthest from school课时作业 (新版)外研版

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1、Unit1 Helivesthefarthestfroms chool. Module4 Planes,shipsandtrains 目录 contents 课课前预习预习 课课堂导导学 课课堂小测测 课课后作业业 课课前预预 习习 目录 contents 课前预习 Work seriously 课课堂导导 学 目录 contents 1. But nobody was late, except me.但是, 除了我之外没有人迟迟到。 辨析except和besides except意为“除之外”,强调从整体中除去 部分,即except后的部分不包括在整体之内, 常和all, everythin

2、g, no one, nothing等词 一起使用;besides意为“除之外还有”, 课堂导学 Work seriously 即besides后的人或物也包括在前面提到的范围 内。 如:All of them went out for a walk _John. 除了约翰他们都出去散步了。 Six students passed the exam _Tony. 除了托尼之外,还有六个人考试及格了。 课堂导学 Work seriously except besides 2. Maybe I should go to school by taxi.或许许 我应该应该 乘出租车车去上学。 by和表

3、示交通工具的名词(名词前没有任何冠词 )连用,表示“乘坐某种交通工具”。 如:travel by train/car/ship/underground /boat/bus/taxi乘火车/汽车/轮船/地铁/小船/公共 汽车/出租车出行 课堂导学 Work seriously 拓展 交通方式的表达法还有: (1)by+交通路线所在位置。 如:by land 从陆路 by water 从水路 by sea 从海路 by air 乘飞机 (2)take+a/the+表示交通工具的名词, 表示“乘坐”。 课堂导学 Work seriously 如:take the bus 搭乘公共汽车 take a

4、taxi 乘出租车 (3)in/on+限定词(如a, my, our等)+表示交通 工具的名词,其中on foot 是固定搭配,意为“ 步行”。 如:in a car 乘小汽车 on a bike 骑自行车 课堂导学 Work seriously 【学以致用】 ( )(1) I usually go to school _bike. A.on B.by C.at D.of ( )(2) He goes to America _sea. A.of B.by C.in D.on ( )(3) Mary always _the bus to work. A.takes B.by C.in D.dri

5、ves 课堂导学 Work seriously B B A 3. Theres so much traffic.交通如此拥拥堵。 so much意为“如此多的”,后接不可数名词;so many也可表示“如此多的”,后接复数可数名词 。如: There is _ in summer. 在夏天,雨水是如此丰沛。 课堂导学 Work seriously so much rain There are _ in the street during the Spring Festival. 春节期间,街上如此多人。 课堂导学 Work seriously so many people 4. He live

6、s the farthest from school, so he takes the underground.他住得离学校最远,因 此他乘坐地铁(上学)。 far可作形容词,意为“远的;遥远的”, 也可作副词,意为“远;遥远”。 短语far from意为“远离”。 课堂导学 Work seriously 如:The supermarket isnt _ the bank. 超市距离银行不远。 Jerry doesnt live _ his company. 杰瑞住得离他的公司不远。 课堂导学 Work seriously far from far from 拓展 far的比较级 与最高级分别

7、有两种形式 ,即farther/further, farthest/furthest。这两种 写法都表示距离上更远、最远。此外,further 还有“更进一步”的意思。furthest意为“最远地” ,常用来表示抽象的概念。如: He goes _than his father. 他比他爸爸走得还远 。 课堂导学 Work seriously farther/further I want to learn English _in Canada. 我想在加拿大深造英语。 He studies the subject _. 他研究这门 功课最深。 课堂导学 Work seriously furth

8、er furthest 目录 contents 课课堂小测测 一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词单词 的适 当形式填空。 1.His house is _(远离) from his school. 2.There are many _(选择 ) and I dont know which bag to buy. Work seriously far 课堂小测 choices 3.The buses in Beijing are very _(拥挤 的) during rush hours. 4.Lots of a_are caused by drinking. 5.Some of my c_

9、walk to school every day. Work seriously crowded 课堂小测 ccidents lassmates 二、用括号内所给单词给单词 的适当形式填空。 1.Zhang Chao runs the _(fast) in his class. 2.Taking the bus is the best way _(get) to school. 3.Wang Hong has the _(many) books of us all. Work seriously fastest 课堂小测 to get most 4.Its too far.How about

10、_(go) by taxi? 5.He lives the _(far) from school , so he has the longest journey. Work seriously going 课堂小测 farthest 三、单项单项 填空。 ( )1. Everybody is here _Tom, because he is ill in hospital. A.except B.besides C.except that D.beside ( )2. We cant go to the park today, because we have _homework to do.

11、A.so many B.so much C.many D.few Work seriously A 课堂小测 B ( )3. I usually go to school _bike,but sometimes I go to school _foot. A.with;on B.on;by C.on;with D.by;on ( )4. _did your uncle travel to London? By sea. A.What B.How C.Where D.Which Work seriously D 课堂小测 B ( )5. My home is the closest _the s

12、chool. A.to B.with C.at D.on ( )6. I cant carry the box, Mum. _, I can help you. A.OK B.Dont worry C.Thats all right D.Youre welcome Work seriously A 课堂小测 B 课课后作 业业 目录 contents 4 一、单项单项 填空。 ( )1. Every boy finished the painting _Sunny,because he couldnt find his pencil. A.with B.without C.except D.b

13、esides Work seriously C 课后作业 ( )2. Jenny was late for work this morning, because she met _accident. A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )3. How will you go there on Friday morning? I will go there _my fathers car. A.on B.by C.with D.in Work seriously B D 课后作业 ( )4. David jumped _in the long jump.He won the game! A

14、.longest B.farthest C.fastest D.highest ( )5. _? I cant find my train ticket. A.Why B.What happened C.What about you D.How are you Work seriously B B 课后作业 二、完成句子,词词数不限。 1. 他的相机和我的一样。 His camera is _ mine. 2. 工厂通常建在远离城市的地方以防危害当地 居民的健康。 Factories are usually built _ the city to keep the local people from getting harmed. Work seriously 课后作业 the same as far from 3. 亲近自然是我们放松的好方法。 Getting _ nature is a good way for us to relax. 4. 这封信一直在我的口袋里。 The letter was in my pocket _. Work seriously close to all the time 课后作业 5. 班上所有的学生中,汤姆写得最仔细。 Of all the students in my class,Tom writes _


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