八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 9 Main Task教案

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1、Unit 5教学目标:1.To understand key words: peaceful ,female ,mice ,upright , daytime 2. To present factual information on a report 3. To produce a report using information obtained from research. 4. To express opinions about wild animals in danger 5. To write a report on how to treat the endangered anima

2、ls and how to take action to protect them教学重点:Know sth. about the endangered animals and master the important sentences and phrases 教学难点:To present factual information on a report教学用具:Recorder ,picture ect.教学设计:Step I.Free talk. (Talk about giant pandas)1. Do you like giant pandas?-Yes, we do.2. wha

3、t colour are they?-Black and white.3. What do they eat?-Bamboo shoots and leaves.4. Are they in danger?-Yes, they are. (Now lets learn more about giant pandas)Step II. Check the preparation. (见学案Part One)A.检查学生预习单词情况(个别读且纠正-集体读-巩固重点单词) B.检查重点短语(核对答案-提示重点词组-读背词组) 1一次只生一两个宝宝 6.look like bears 2.变得越来越小

4、 7.fourteen hours a day 3.继续开挖土地 8.write to newspapers and magazines 4.为了他们的而杀死他们 9.more around 5.在白天 10.walk upright C:预习作业交流(小组核对-集体核对-质疑交流) 用本节课要学的生词填空1. Giant pandas are quiet and _animals.2. We work in the _ and sleep at night.3. Bears can walk _like human.4. The_giant pandas have only one or t

5、wo babies at a time.5. When giant pandas are bore,they look like little_. Part A: Task 1.Read the title of the report in Part A Create an interent in the topic by asking *What have you learned about giant pandas in this unit? Task 2.Ask students to skim through the report quickly then work in pairs

6、to give each paragraph a question. (见学案Part Two 1) Task 3.Listen to the tape and read after it Then work in pairs to get the main information from the report.(见学案Part Two 2)AppearanceAbilityCharacterDangerActionsGiantpandasblack and whitelook like bearsdrink-14 hours a day,bamboo shoot-s and leavesq

7、uiet and peacefulthe number-living areas-hunt them fortheir fur-write to new-papers-tell them -the problems Part B & C : Task 1.Ask the students to read Part B Task 2.Get some information from the notes and try to complete Simons report in Part C on their own. Task 3.Ask more able students to read i

8、t aloud and check the answers Then work in pairs to express opinions about wild animals in danger. Step IV. Present language points Task 1.Pick up key points and try to make sentences with them.spend-doing, walk around in the daytime, get smaller and smaller, at a time, keep taking the land . (见学案Pa

9、rt Two 3) Task 2.Ask students to work in pairs to talk about what animals they think are in danger. Then ask the more able student to make notes on the blackboard and try to say the report from the notes. Step V. Have a short test in class and check the answers to find out how much they have learned. (见学案Part Three ) Step VI. Homework.1. Preview the check out part2. Learn the language points by heart 3. Finish their own report on animals in danger Step VII 教学反思:


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