2020版高考英语新精准大一轮江苏专用版练习:必修4 Unit 3 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析

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1、2020版高考英语新精准大一轮江苏专用版练习A卷 单项填空1(2019泗阳中学高三月考)Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.Please give me a reply at your earliest_AconvenienceBconsiderationCinterruption DimaginationA解析:句意:你们所提供的任何帮助我们都很感激, 请在方便的时候尽早联系我们。 at ones convenience 意为“在某人方便的时候”。 2The visiting minister expressed his satisfa

2、ction with the talks, _ that he had enjoyed his stay here.Ahaving added Bto addCadding DaddedC解析:adding that “补充说”, 作伴随状语。 3(2019南京、 盐城模拟)Rainforests _ at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.Acut Bare cutCare being cut Dhad been cutC解析:句意:雨林正在以如此快的速度被砍伐以至于在不久的将来它们

3、就会从地球上消失。 从语境中可以看出此处强调目前这样的动作正在进行, 那么在不久的将来就会被砍伐光。 4I feel it is your sister not you who _ for the spoiled child.Ais to blame Bis going to blameCis to be blamed Dshould blameA解析:be to blame 是相对固定的结构, 意思为“应该负责”。 同时, 该句的主要结构是一个强调句型, 强调主语。 注意主谓一致。5(2019无锡期中)Could you tell me what made you so upset? _AC

4、harged with giving away state secretsBAccused of giving away state secretsCBeing charged with giving away state secretsDAccusing of giving away state secretsC解析:本句是省略句, 省略了made me so upset; 所选部分是主语, 所以用ing形式, 再根据意义 “被指控出卖国家机密”, 所以选C。 6We will_going to Egypt for sightseeing until the situation there

5、becomes stable.Aput downBput offCput outDput upB解析:考查动词短语辨析。 句意:我们将推迟去埃及游览的日期直到那儿的局势稳定下来。 put down “放下”; put off “推迟”; put out “扑灭”; put up “抬高, 使升高”。 7The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday.Aturned out Bfound outCgiven out Dcarried outC解析:turn out “结果是”

6、; find out “查清, 弄明白”; give out “发出, 分发, 散发”; carry out “履行, 实施”。 句意:昨天广播公布了市长要来参观我校的消息。 根据题意, 选C项。 8At least 30 workers were _in the explosion accident, eight of them seriously, including one who was taken unconscious to the hospital.Ainjured BwoundedCharmed DhurtA解析:句意:在这次爆炸事故中至少有30个工人受伤, 他们中有8个重伤,

7、 其中一名昏迷不醒, 已被送往医院。 injure “(主要指意外事故中)受伤”; hurt “伤害”; wound “(指刀、 枪、 剑)伤”; harm “伤害”。 根据句意选A项。9Seeing the coach nodding _ to her, the little dancer was no more nervous and went on with her performance.Aconfidently BamazinglyCincreasingly DencouraginglyD解析:考查副词辨析。 句意:看到教练鼓励地向她点头, 小舞者不再紧张, 继续表演。 confid

8、ently “自信地”; amazingly “令人惊奇地”; increasingly “不断增加地”; encouragingly “鼓励地”。 根据句意可知, 应选D项。 10Im sorry.I _ at you the other day.Forget it.I was a bit out of control myself.Ashouldnt shoutBshouldnt have shoutedCmustnt shoutDmustnt have shoutedB解析:考查情态动词的用法。 题干中说话人讲述的是过去的事情。 道歉的人想表达的意思是: 我那天不应该对你大喊大叫。 而事

9、实上自己已经这样做了。 shouldnt have done sth.“本不该做某事”, 故选B。11Much of the criticism has focused on the railways online purchasing system, which has been unable to _ the huge demand.Atake notice of Battach importance toCshow preference for Dkeep pace withD解析:考查动词短语辨析。 句意:很多批评集中在铁路的网上购票系统, 这个系统不能跟上巨大的需求。 keep pa

10、ce with “跟上, 赶上, 与并驾齐驱”, 符合句意。 take notice of “注意到”; attach importance to “重视”; show preference for “偏爱”。 12It might have_ your notice but I am very busy at the moment.Aquit BneglectedCescaped DdeniedC解析:考查动词辨析。 该句句意为: 你可能没注意到, 但是我现在确实太忙了。quit “离开; 停止; 摆脱”;neglect “疏忽; 忽略”;escape “溜走; 逃脱”;deny “否定”。

11、 escape ones attention/notice“被某人忽视”; 故该题正确答案为C。13Look, the window is so dirty.I know.It _ for weeks.Ahasnt cleaned Bdidnt cleanCwasnt cleaned Dhasnt been cleanedD解析:窗户看起来很脏, 说明到现在为止窗户已经很长时间没有打扫, 而且window与clean之间为动宾关系该用被动语态。 14(2019江苏如东中学高三质检)He was _of looking down upon the disabled person in publi

12、c, but he turned a deaf ear to it.Acondemned BchargedCaccused DblamedC解析:be accused of “被控告/指责”。 15I _ downtown to the shopping centre soon.Could I get you something? No, thanks.I will do eshopping.Awas just going Bam just about to goChave just gone Dam just goingD解析:考查时态。 此处是进行时表示将来动作。 B项不与soon连用。

13、阅读理解ALisbon to Sintra OverviewSintra is 25km to the west of Lisbon. We strongly discourage driving to Sintra, as the narrow hill roads are not designed for the heavy tourist traffic and there is virtually no car parking once there. There are bus services to Sintra, but the journey time is longer tha

14、n that by train and the locations of the bus stations are not as convenient as the train stations.The trains to Sintra are operated by the national train company of Portugal. There are two rail routes between Lisbon and Sintra, both equally useful for tourists. These services are:1) the Rossio stati

15、on to Sintra2) the Oriente station to Sintra, via Areeiro, Entre Campos, and Sete Rios stations.The Rossio service is the one typically used by most visitors, as it departs from the historic center of Lisbon.The train departing from the Oriente station is generally used by those visitors traveling onward to Sintra, as this route is closer to Lisbon Airport, the ma


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