六年级下册英语专项试题-小学英语代词综合测试 全国通用(含答案)

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六年级下册英语专项试题-小学英语代词综合测试 全国通用(含答案)_第1页
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《六年级下册英语专项试题-小学英语代词综合测试 全国通用(含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级下册英语专项试题-小学英语代词综合测试 全国通用(含答案)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小学英语代词综合测试一、填空主格Iitwe宾格meyouthem形容词性物主代词myHisyour名词性物主代词minehers1._skirt is yours?2. _ is your name? -Im Jenny.3. _ is that? -This is Li Ming speaking!4. _ times did you play basketball a week? -Three times!5. _ pen is this? -Its mine Sam says.6. _ is Anns sister? -Lucy.7. _ didnt you come to my par

2、ty? -Sorry, I was ill in bed.8. _ is your hobby(爱好)? -Playing football!9. _ have you gone? -Beijing.10. _ are you? -Fine. Thanks!11. _ did you play basketball? -Three times a week.12. _ I go into the classroom, I saw all the students are very quiet!13. I dont know _ to learn English well.14. _ can I

3、 do for you? -Id like a black T-shirt.15. _ have you lived in America last year? -I have lived in America for four month last year.二、选择题1. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than _ in Shenyang.A. thatB. ItC. thisD. one 2. Mr. Green is our English teacher. _comes from U. S. A.A. heB. sheC. itD. they3

4、. My bike is broken. May I borrow_?A. youB. yourselfC. yoursD. your4. Would you like some tea? Yes, just_-.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little bit5. Would you like some tea or coffee? _. Thanks, Ive had enough.A. eitherB. neitherC. someD. both6. I bought _ exercise books with _ money.A. a few, a fewB

5、. a few, a littleC. a little, a fewD. a little, a little7. I made the cake by _. Help _, Tom.A. ourselves, yourselfB. myself, yourselfC. myself, youD. me, him8. Enjoy_, May and Mary.A. yourselfB. myselfC. yourselvesD. themselves9. _ house is this ?Its mine.A. WhatB. WhoC. WhoseD. Whose10. She is a s

6、tudent and _ name is Mary.A. sheB. herC. hersD. his11. She will go skating and I will do _.A. suchB. sameC. the same asD. the same12. _ is he?He is a bus driver.A. who B. whichC. thatD. what13. _ hat is this?Its _.A. Whose, meB. Who, mineC. Whom, hisD. Whose, mine14. The population of China is large

7、r than _ of Japan.A. oneB. itC. thatD. those15. Li Li is clever than _ in his class.A. anybodyB. anyone elseC. else anyoneD. somebody else16. _ like music.A. Both of themB. Both of theyC. The both girlsD. Both them17. Could you give me some ink?Sorry, I have_ in my bottle.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD.

8、 little18. He has _ to tell us.A. something importantB. important somethingC. anything usefulD. useful nothing19. Would you like _ coffee? Yes, Id like _.A. any, anyB. some, someC. some, anyD. any, some20. _ of the teachers are ok in our school.A. everyB. eachC. eitherD. all21. Of the three foreigne

9、rs, one is from London, _ are from the USA.A. two othersB. the other tooC. another twoD. the both22. Which would you like, sir, tea or coffee?I dont mind. _ is ok.A. EitherB. NeitherC. AnyD. Both23. Help _ to some chicken, boys and girls.A. youB. yoursC. yourselfD. yourselves24. What do you usually

10、have for breakfast?_ milk and _ eggs.A. Little, a littleB. A few, fewC. A little, a fewD. A few, a little25. Who taught _ history last year?Nobody! He learned it _.A. him, himselfB. his, himselfC. himself, himselfD. his, him26. There isnt _ paper here. Will you go and get _for me?A. any, anyB. any,

11、someC. much, manyD. many, much27. The farmer is busy because hes so _ sheep to keep and so _ work to do.A. much, manyB. many, muchC. many, a lotD. a lot, much28. On _ side of the river therere many tall trees.A everyB. allC. bothD. each29. Whose photo is this?Its _.A. meB. mineC. myD. myself30. Who

12、is playing the piano in the next room?_ is Li Pings brother.A. ThisB. ThatC. ItD. He 31. The old man has two sons, but _ of them lives with him.A. bothB. noneC. neitherD. all32. You have more apples than I, but _ are bigger than_.A. my, yourB. my, yoursC. mine, yourD. mine, yours33. There is _ meat

13、at home. Would you please go and buy_?A. some, a littleB. a little, anyC. little, someD. little, any34. My parents are workers. _ both work in the same factory.A. themB. theyC. heD. she35. Can you come on Friday or Saturday?Im afraid _ day is possible.A. eitherB. sameC. nayD. neither36. He cant hear you, because there is _ noise here.A. very muchB. too muchC. much tooD. so many37. All of us were invited, but _ of us came



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