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1、菌物研究2006, 4(3):112- 116Journal of Fungal Research Volnull4,Nonull3, 2006 ISSN 1672- 3538VT)snull邱君志1, 2nullnull, 马慧斐2, 陈宇熹21null 安徽农业大学安徽省微生物防治重点实验室,安徽合肥2300362null 福建农林大学生命科学学院,福建福州350002Knull1: 对昆虫病原真菌座壳孢的功能a资源调查a经典分类发展历程及其传统分类存在的问题a以及应用现代分子生物学方法研究座壳孢的系统发育等进行了回顾和总结,旨在为澄清该属真菌的种类及其系统发育关系提供科学依据b1oM:

2、昆虫病原真菌; 座壳孢; 分类研究ms|: Q949null32null null nullDSM: A null null nullcI|: 1672null3538(2006) 03null0112null05null nullh)(Entomopathogenic fungi)*t73Hq/?S8=,9y7)bl%!s,s7F,#37b)ea3ah4a4JZ1ilb1 nullVT;1h),h)d?xXT3VT( Aschersonia Montagne) (V)Hypocrella)j?3B173)(parasitical fungus),as 21a122aC 23Tzean24sY

3、yaaaLaSVBt,bTF15M,5S208ga1u,VT3)S1 000z,XkSVT)V12,GenBankc29HVTbtT,MSVTu,7OPSVTW5,WVTKSEBb,S12u, ITS 28S 18Sbs0d1osaL.S:,iyqsw1,-s0d?b1VTs0d,-KVTsnbObornik39RAPD/yAnull aleyrodis113SEu23Aschersonia sppnulld;Obornik408v(nr large subunit,nr LSU)ys,Anull placenta4( Aschersonia spnull A28aA31aAi2bAi1a)d

4、?;Suparp41s28S8y(28S ribosomal genesequence)yVTAnull placentaaAnull samoensisAnull badia26sd;Lee 42(Polyketide Synthases, PKS)you1Anull goldiana73144s;Liu8null93L.V( LSU, RPB2,mtSSU)Anull insperataaAnull incrassata#(Hypocrella zhongdongii),UsWT1bTRAPDnullPCRLSU rDNAsyd,s16(5Xa6)VTT1L.Ms,TVLSU rDNARA

5、PD/aVTd?s 43btsaVTd?-byN,TVTd?L.S:,y,L8DNACytnullb,8DNA28S rDNAjz4bS=M1b4 nullZnullTEXT?,FMvSds$,=aaZa2uVTS,H.dsas03ZE,SzVTdsH,s03_ZE,WVTV,V2)s0dbBZ,.dsT,b.dsipy,B7?VT),34VLGb6BZ,Vqyw)W1,7d?,ySVT)sdbID:1 null Fransen J Jnull Naturalenemies ofwhiteflies: fungiM/ Gerling Dnullwhiteflies: their Bionomi

6、cs, Pest Status and Managementnull Annulldover: Intercept,1990: 187null200null2 null EllisT M M, Fransen J J, van Lenteren J Cnull Pathogenicity of Asnullchersonia sppnull against whiteflies Bemisia argentifolii and Trialeunullrodes vaporariorum J null Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 2002,81(1):

7、1null11null3 null Evans H C, HywelnullJones N Lnull Aspects of the genera HypocrellaandAschersonia as pathogens of coccids and whitefliesC nullPinnullnock D Enull Proceedings Vth International Colloquium on Invertenullbrate Pathology and MicrobialControlnull Australia: Adelaidenull 1990:111null115nu

8、ll4 null1null,),9nullVT)M/!null33nullZEnullq:S/, 1995:267null272null5 null Qiu Junzhi, Huang Zhipeng, Pan Jieru, et alnull Effect of certainpesticides on spore germination and mycelial growth of the entonullmogenous fungus AschersoniaaleyrodisJnull Chinese JournalofPesnullticide Science, 2004, 6(1):

9、 31null36null6 nulln,nullh)VTxDSJnull), 2004, 23(1): 115null121null7 null Evans H C, HywelnullJones N Lnull EntomopathogenicfungiM/BennullDov Y, Hodgson C Jnull Soft scale insect:Their biology, naturalenenull114 null)nullnullnullnull null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null 2006Mmies and controlnull Amsterdam:Elsevier Science, 1997, 7B: 3null27null8 null Liu M, Hodge K Tnull Hypocrellazhongdongii spnull novnull, the teleonull


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