2018版高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music课件 外研版选修6

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1、【话题词汇】1donation n捐献2volunteer n 志愿者3participate v 参加4improve v 改善5launch v 发起6distribution n 分配;分发7in need 需要8Project Hope 希望工程9share sth.with sb. 与某人分享某物10a contribution towards. 对的捐助【经典语篇】为了迎接六一儿童节的到来,你们学校号召学生为希望工程捐款。请你用英语给校刊写一篇文章,希望同学们能够伸出援助之手,奉献自己的爱心。 内容包括: 1.介绍目前中国农村儿童的现状。特别是偏远地区的儿童,没有钱读书,很多孩子辍

2、学在家。 2.捐助希望工程的意义。 注意:1.词数100左右;2开头已给出,不计入总词数。In order to meet the arrival of International Childrens Day, our school called on the students to make some donations for the Project Hope._【佳作欣赏】In order to meet the arrival of International Children s Day,our school called on the students to make some d

3、onations for the Project Hope. Project Hope is a good way to promote the education in the rural areas,but it is far from being sufficient.By now,only a small portion of the children benefit from it. As_is_known_to_all,China_has_the_largest_population_in_the_ world_and_most_of_them_live_in_the_countr

4、yside.Since the economic conditions there are rather poor,many_families,especially_in_the_remote_areas,cannot_afford_to_send_their_ children_to_school,and_many_children_have_to_drop_from _school. The “Project Hope” is aimed at solving this problem so_that_ every_child_of_school_age_can_receive_regul

5、ar_education. It_doesnt_matter_how_much_youre_going_to_donate. Lets help them.【思维发散】1将第句改为it作形式主语的句子_2将第句改为有定语从句的复合句_3将第句改为含有定语从句的复合句_4仿照第句用so that.完成句子我通常是赶七点的地铁去上班,这样才能保证有座位坐。As a rule I catch the seven oclock subway to work_.5仿照第句用It doesnt matter.完成句子只要你努力了,赢不赢没有关系。So long as you try your best,_

6、.【答案】1.It is known to all that China has the largest population in the world and most of them live in the countryside.2As is known to all,China has the largest population in the world,most of whom live in the countryside.3Many families,especially in the remote areas,cannot afford to send their child

7、ren to school,many of whom have to drop from school.4so that I can be sure of getting a seat5it doesnt matter whether you win or not核心单词核心单词单词运用单词运用1.relative n亲亲戚,戚,亲亲属;属;adj.有关系的,相有关系的,相对对的的2.interpret v诠释诠释,解,解释释;翻;翻译译;interpretation n诠释诠释,解解释释3.characteristic n特征,特性;特特征,特性;特质质adj.特有的,典型的特有的,典型的4

8、.poetry n诗诗歌;歌;poetic adj.有有诗诗意的;意的;诗诗的;的;poem n诗诗;poet n诗诗人人bine v结结合,合,联联合;合;combination n结结合,合,联联合合6.depress v使沮使沮丧丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷;,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷;depression n沮沮丧丧7.ambition n志气,抱志气,抱负负,雄心;,雄心;ambitious adj.有志气的;有志气的;有抱有抱负负的的 8.regarding prep.关于关于9. regulate v规规定,管理,整定,管理,整顿顿;regulation n规规定,定,调调节节10.

9、voluntary adj.自愿的;自愿的;volunteer v& n志愿;志愿者志愿;志愿者11.vacant adj.空的,空缺的空的,空缺的12.handle n柄,把手柄,把手13.spotted adj.有有污污迹的,有斑点的迹的,有斑点的 14.liveliness n活活泼泼,快,快乐乐,生,生动动;lively adj.活活泼泼的的15.relief n(痛苦、痛苦、忧虑忧虑等的等的)解除,减解除,减轻轻,调剂调剂16.relax v使放松,使使放松,使轻轻松;松;relaxation n放松;消遣;放松;消遣;relaxed adj.感到放松的,松懈的;感到放松的,松懈的;

10、relaxing adj.令人放松的令人放松的17.charm v& n吸引,使陶醉吸引,使陶醉18.symbolic adj.象征的,作象征的,作为为象征的;象征的;symbol n象征象征19.present v赠赠送,送,颁发颁发(礼物、礼物、奖奖品等品等);介;介绍绍;呈;呈现现;adj.出席的;出席的;现现在的;当面的在的;当面的 20.therefore adv.因此,所以因此,所以语境助记语境助记词不离句,句不离段词不离句,句不离段Bob,a relative of mine,is an ambitious boy,who never feels depressed about

11、the future.He likes collecting stamps and always studies hard to achieve his ambition of becoming an excellent interpreter.He goes to a local hospital to do some voluntary work at regular intervals.In his spare time,he often waters the flowers,does some cleaning,etc.to relieve his parents of some of

12、 the housework,and therefore we all think he is an honour to his parents.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.Only when theories are combined (combination) with practice can we know how they work.2.Take a deep breath,and then you may feel relaxed (relax)3.The organization is run on a voluntary (volunteer) basis.

13、4.The young actress looked so charming (charm) in her beautiful dress that we took masses of pictures with her.5.The medicine will help to relieve (relief) you from your pain.6.It depresses (depression) me to see such young girls smoking.7.He knew I collected bird eggs and asked me whether my collec

14、tion was growing.(collect)8.Her son is ambitious and his ambition is to become a great inventor.(ambition).单词拼写单词拼写1.The concert will be relayed (转播转播) at 9 am.2.Only when theories are combined (结合结合) with practice can we know how they work.3.You seem much more relaxed (放放松的松的)since you changed your

15、 job.4.Trade was depressed (萧条,不景萧条,不景气气) by the rise in oil prices.5.Kindness is one of his attractive characteristics(性格性格),which make him very popular with the classmates.高频短语高频短语短语运用短语运用1.give_concerts举办举办音音乐乐会会2.be_true_of/for 对对适适用,符合于用,符合于3.give_life_to 赋赋予予生生命命(生命力,活力生命力,活力)4.(be)the_same_wi

16、th 与与情况相同情况相同5.share_feelings_and_ideas_with 与与分享感受与想分享感受与想法法6.make_contact_with 与与进进行来往行来往7.all_of_a_sudden 突然突然间间8.dance_to_the_music 伴伴着音着音乐乐跳舞跳舞9.draw_upon 利用,凭借,利用,凭借,依依赖赖10.in_addition_to 除此之除此之外外11.depend_on 依靠,依依靠,依赖赖12.be_connected_with 与与有关有关用高频短语的适当形式填空用高频短语的适当形式填空1.What made the audience

17、 surprised is that the hero disappeared all_of_a_sudden_.2.We need to draw_upon/on the successful practices of the European countries in this process.3.Do you think mankind has made_contact_with aliens?4.I often share_the_feelings_and_ideas_with my classmates after class.5.Empty spaces give_life_to

18、the whole painting and allow people to come into the picture.6.In_addition_to our daily expenses,we have to spend quite a lot on our daughters further education.常用句型常用句型句型运用句型运用Its_the_same_with classical Chinese music.【信息提取信息提取】its the same with的使用_know nor he cares what happened.他既不知道也不关心他既不知道也不关心

19、发发生了什么事。生了什么事。【答案答案】Neither does he重点语法:现在完成进行时重点语法:现在完成进行时用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.You _ for hours.You should stop to have a rest.(work)2.I _ for an hour but she still hasnt come.(wait)3.My clothes are wet.I _ in the rain.(walk)4.She _ Jim every night for the past two weeks.(phone)5.Since the beginn

20、ing of the vacation,I _across the country,and my next stop is the Wuyi Mountains.(travel)【答案答案】1.have been working2.have been waiting3.have been walking4.has been phoning5.have been travelling词汇词汇突破突破1combine v结合,联合结合,联合 Some films combine education with recreation.有些有些电电影把教育与影把教育与娱乐结娱乐结合起来。合起来。We a

21、re going to combine the three departments into a big supermarket.我我们们准准备备把把这这三个部三个部门联门联合成一个大超市。合成一个大超市。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】巧辨异同巧辨异同join,combine,connect,unite(1)join结结合合,接接合合。泛泛指指任任何何事事物物的的直直接接连连接接,连连接接的的程程度度可可紧紧可松,含可松,含还还能能够够分离之意。分离之意。(2)combine合合并并,结结合合。指指两两个个或或两两个个以以上上的的人人或或事事物物合合在在一一起起。含含有有为为了了一一个个共共同同的的目目

22、的的而而结结合合,或或结结合合后后仍仍不不改改变变或或失失去去本本性性之意。之意。(3)connect结结合合,连连接接。通通过过媒媒介介把把各各种种事事物物连连接接起起来来,语语义义较较combine和和unite弱。弱。(4)unite联联合合,混混合合。指指紧紧密密的的结结合合,使使之之成成为为一一个个整整体体,含含极极难难分开之意。分开之意。用用combine的正确形式填空的正确形式填空These refugees are looked after by the _ efforts of the host countries and nongovernmental organizati

23、ons.Each side benefits a lot from _.Indeed,_ forces with China in Afghanistan might even improve the relationship between Washington and Beijing._ with that big company,the small firm becomes more competitive.He carried on the business in _ with his friends.【答案答案】combinedcombinationcombiningCombined

24、combination高考链接(2016新 课 标 卷 )Skilled workers also_(combine)various hardwoods and metal to create special designs.【答案】combine2regarding prep.关于关于 He knew nothing regarding the case.关于关于这这个案子他一无所知。个案子他一无所知。She said nothing regarding your request.她她对对你的要求只字不提。你的要求只字不提。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】regard vt.看待;与看待;与有关系;考虑

25、有关系;考虑regard.as.把把看作看作 多维训练多维训练(1)单句语法填空单句语法填空Davis had very little to say _(regard) the accident._ regards economic issues,he agreed with our view.I have something to say with regard _ his behavior.The law requires equal treatment for all,regardless _ race,religion,or sex.This is a famous saying fr

26、om a writer regarded _ one of the fathers of environmentalism.(2)单句改错Please give my regard to your family._【答案】(1)regardingAstoofas(2)regardregards3relief n.(1)(痛苦、痛苦、忧虑忧虑等的等的)解除,减解除,减轻轻,调剂调剂It was a great relief to find that my family was all safe in the earthquake.看到我的家人在地震中安然无恙,我感到极大的欣慰。看到我的家人在地震

27、中安然无恙,我感到极大的欣慰。 (2)救救济济;解救;解救They are in need of relief.他他们们需要救需要救济济。Money is needed for the relief of sufferers in Haiti.救救济济海地的受海地的受难难者很需要者很需要钱钱。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】relieve vt.减轻,解除,援救,救济减轻,解除,援救,救济relieve sb.of 解除某人的解除某人的(负担等负担等);减轻某人的;减轻某人的(痛苦等痛苦等)for the relief of 为了救济为了救济(much) to ones relief (to ones g

28、reat relief) 使某人大为放心,使某人深感宽慰使某人大为放心,使某人深感宽慰单句语法填空单句语法填空_ his relief,a loud knock on the door spared him from giving an explanation.My assistant relieved me _ all the paperwork.The castle stood out _ relief against the blue sky.【答案答案】Toofin高考链接(2016新课标卷)It could be anythinggardening, cooking, music,

29、sportsbut whatever it is,make sure its a _ (relief)from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.【答案】relief4honour n尊敬;崇敬;荣誉,让人引以为荣的事尊敬;崇敬;荣誉,让人引以为荣的事v.授予荣誉授予荣誉Earlier this year,I had the honour of meeting the President Bush and Mrs Bush.今天早些今天早些时时候,我有幸候,我有幸见见到了布什到了布什总统总统和他夫人。和他夫人。The c

30、itizens held a memorial in honour of those who died for the liberation.市民市民们为纪们为纪念那些念那些为为了解放而捐躯的人了解放而捐躯的人举举行了行了仪仪式。式。Liu Xiang is an honour to our country.刘翔刘翔为为我我们们国家争了光。国家争了光。Its an honour to make a speech here.很荣幸能在很荣幸能在这这里里讲话讲话。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】单句语法填空单句语法填空I have _ honour of performing before you all.I

31、ts _ honour for me to perform before you all.I feel greatly _(honour) to be invited here.His friends took a party _ honour of his promotion.The employee should be honoured _ his great help to the manager.She is honoured _ a model teacher.【答案答案】theanhonouredinforas高考链接(2016新 课 标 卷 )So it was a great

32、_(honour)to be invited backstage at the not for profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research.I was allowed to get up close to these cute animals at the 600acre centre.【答案】honour5relative nC亲属,亲戚亲属,亲戚adj.相关的;比较的;相对的相关的;比较的;相对的The pipa is a lute with four strings and is a relative of t

33、he European lute.琵琶是一种有四根弦的琉特琴,也和欧洲琉特琴有关。琵琶是一种有四根弦的琉特琴,也和欧洲琉特琴有关。In fact,I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives.事实上,我觉得我在与朋友和亲人道别的时候很少哭。事实上,我觉得我在与朋友和亲人道别的时候很少哭。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】 完成句子完成句子_,its not important.相对而言,这并不重要。相对而言,这并不重要。It is difficult to _these results_an

34、y known cause.很难把这些结果与任何已知原因联系起来。很难把这些结果与任何已知原因联系起来。I have a lot to say _that affair.关于那件事,我有好多话要说。关于那件事,我有好多话要说。【答案答案】Relatively speakingrelate;within relation to 短短语语聚焦聚焦1make contact with与与进行交往进行交往She comes into contact with many people.她和许多人有联系。她和许多人有联系。To learn more advanced technology,we shoul

35、d establish contact with the outer world.为了能够学到更多先进的技术,我们应建立与外界的联系。为了能够学到更多先进的技术,我们应建立与外界的联系。He maintains a close contact with his former classmates.他与从前的老同学保持密切接触。他与从前的老同学保持密切接触。We can learn much by being brought into contact with opposing opinions.通通过过接触反面意接触反面意见见,我,我们们可以学到很多可以学到很多东东西。西。He made ma

36、ny useful social contacts while he was in Canada.他他在在加拿大期加拿大期间间,建立了很多有益的社会交往。,建立了很多有益的社会交往。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】in contact with和和接触,有接触,有联联系系out of contact with 和和脱离接触,失去脱离接触,失去联联系系bring sth.into contact with 使使与与接触,使接触,使与与联联系系come into contact with 接触接触have contact with 接触到,和接触到,和有有联联系系lose contact with 和和失去失

37、去联联系系establish contact with 与与建立建立联联系系maintain a close contact with与与保持密切接触保持密切接触/联联系系 完成句子完成句子We_ each other for five years.我我们们已失去已失去联联系系5年了。年了。【答案答案】have been out of contact/touch with2draw upon(on)利用,凭借,依赖利用,凭借,依赖The company can draw on their vast reserves to pay for the project.公司可以公司可以动动用其雄厚的用

38、其雄厚的储备资储备资金来支付金来支付该该工程的工程的费费用。用。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】draw near/close(时间、空间的时间、空间的)临近临近draw a conclusion(from)(从从中中)得出结论得出结论draw sb.s attention to sth.有意使某人注意某物有意使某人注意某物draw in/out(指白天的时间指白天的时间)渐短渐短/长长draw sb.into sth./doing sth.;draw sb.in使使某某人人参参加加某某事事物物(尤尤指指勉勉强他人强他人)draw sth.up草拟草拟We drew on her experience t

39、hroughout the project.我我们这们这一一项项目自始至目自始至终终都借重她的都借重她的经验经验。Christmas is drawing on/near.圣圣诞节马诞节马上就要到了。上就要到了。Youd better draw up a list before going shopping.去去购购物前最好列个清物前最好列个清单单。完成句子完成句子Scientists have _ that smoking is associated with lung cancer.科学家们已得出结论:肺癌与吸烟有很大的关系。科学家们已得出结论:肺癌与吸烟有很大的关系。Id like to

40、 _ to the no smoking rule.我希望你们注意禁止吸烟的规定。我希望你们注意禁止吸烟的规定。【答案答案】drawn a conclusiondraw your attention3.be true of/for与与情况相同;对情况相同;对适用适用The same is true of my second instrument.我的第二种乐器也是一样。我的第二种乐器也是一样。Babies need a lot of sleep and this is particularly true of newborns.婴儿需要大量的睡眠,新生儿尤其如此。婴儿需要大量的睡眠,新生儿尤其

41、如此。 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】be it true or not不管是否如此,不管是真是假不管是否如此,不管是真是假come true (预言、梦想等预言、梦想等)成为事实,实现成为事实,实现hold true 有效,适用有效,适用(It is)true,but. 果然不错,但是果然不错,但是be true to 忠实反映某事物,符合某物忠实反映某事物,符合某物When I won all that money,it was as if all my dreams had come true.当我当我赢赢得了那笔得了那笔钱时钱时,我的梦想似乎都成真了。,我的梦想似乎都成真了。The film i

42、s very true to life.这这部部电电影非常符合生活影非常符合生活实际实际。介、副词填空介、副词填空We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality.This is especially true _ food.Bob is true _ his wordyou can rely on him.The movie is not true _ the book.【答案答案】oftoto4give life to赋予赋予生命生命(生命力,活力生命力,活力)【教教材材原原句句】They give

43、life to the whole painting and they allow people to come into the picture,like a dialogue.它它们们给给整整幅幅作作品品带带来来生生机机,也也使使得得观观众众融融入入图图画画中中,就就像像与与图图画画进行对话。进行对话。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】give ones life to 献身于献身于;为;为献出生命献出生命bring.to life 使使更有趣更有趣/生动生动come back to life 苏醒过来,复活苏醒过来,复活lose ones life 牺牲,丧命牺牲,丧命risk ones life(t

44、o do sth.) 冒着生命的危险冒着生命的危险(做某事做某事)true to life 逼真逼真In the story the artist brings the statue to life.在在这这个故事中,个故事中,艺术艺术家家赋赋予塑像以生命。予塑像以生命。The solider risked his life to rush into the fire to save the child.那个士兵冒着生命危那个士兵冒着生命危险险冲冲进进大火去救大火去救这这个孩子。个孩子。多维训练多维训练(1)完成句子完成句子He _ for drunk driving while she _

45、for saving a child.他因酒后他因酒后驾车丧驾车丧了命而她了命而她为为救一个孩子献身。救一个孩子献身。The match finally _ in the second half.比比赛赛在下半在下半场终场终于精彩起来。于精彩起来。(2)一句多一句多译译在小在小说说中,中,艺术艺术家家赋赋予了雕像以生命。予了雕像以生命。_._.【答答案案】(1)lost his lifegave/sacrificed/laid down her lifecame to life(2)In the story the artist gives life to the statue.In the

46、story the artist brings the statue to life 句型精析句型精析Its_the_same_with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。中国古典音乐也是一样。it is the same with.so it is with.既既用用于于肯肯定定,也也用用于于否否定定,陈陈述两种以上的情况。述两种以上的情况。具体具体说说此句型主要用于:此句型主要用于:(1)前面的句子前面的句子谓语谓语既有肯定,又有否定既有肯定,又有否定时时;(2)前面两个句子的主前面两个句子的主语语既有人,又有物既有人,又有物时时;(3)前面句子的前面句

47、子的谓语谓语既有既有be动词动词,又有,又有实义动词时实义动词时。He is very clever,but he doesnt work hard,it is the same with/so it is with his sister.他很他很聪聪明,但不努力,他姐姐也是明,但不努力,他姐姐也是这样这样。Mary was born in the USA but she is working in Beijing now;it is the same with Tom.玛丽玛丽出生在美国,但是她出生在美国,但是她现现在在北京工作,在在北京工作,汤汤姆也是姆也是这样这样。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】“

48、也如此也如此”表达法:表达法:(1)在在肯肯定定句句中中,用用sobe(助助动动词词,情情态态动动词词)另另一一主主语语,表表示示前前面所面所说说的情况亦适合于另一人或物。的情况亦适合于另一人或物。(2)在在否否定定句句中中,用用neither/norbe(助助动动词词,情情态态动动词词)另另一一主主语语,表示表示“也不也不”。(3)“so主主语语助助动动词词/情情态态动动词词/系系动动词词(不不倒倒装装)”表表示示赞赞同同,意意为为“的确,确的确,确实实”。(4)be true of/for 与与情况相同情况相同its the same with.the same is true of/fo

49、r.so it is with.也是一也是一样样/也是如此也是如此She can ride a horse,so can I.她会她会骑马骑马,我也会。,我也会。He is a worker,so_am I.他是一位工人,我也是。他是一位工人,我也是。If you wont go,neither will I.如果你不去,我也不去。如果你不去,我也不去。He doesnt take interest in music.Neither_do_I.他他对对音音乐乐不感不感兴兴趣,我也如此。趣,我也如此。She has finished her homework.她已她已经经完成作完成作业业了。了。

50、So_she_has.她的确完成了作她的确完成了作业业。Some people fear darkness.It is true of Xiao Ming.许许多人怕黑,小明也是多人怕黑,小明也是这样这样。完成句子完成句子She likes to listen to music._.她喜欢听音乐。我也喜欢。她喜欢听音乐。我也喜欢。She is a beautiful girl.她是个漂亮女孩。她是个漂亮女孩。_.确确实实是。是。If you dont go there tomorrow,_.如果明天你不去那里,我也不去。如果明天你不去那里,我也不去。He is only a child but

51、 he knows a lot about wild animals,_.他只是个小孩,但对野生动物了解很多,他姐姐也是如此。_ Chinese literature.中国文学也是一样。【答案】So do ISo she isneither/nor will Iso it is with his sister/it is the same with his sisterIts the same with高考链接(2016北京卷,D)For previous generations,college was a decisive break from parental control;guidance and support needed to come people of _ same age and from within.【答案】the“课下课下课下课下练习练习练习练习”见见见见“ “课时作业课时作业课时作业课时作业” ”



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