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1、1.Expressing “purpose” 表“目的” do sth in order to do , do sth so as to do , in order that, so that, do sth with the purpose of The purpose of is to do 活动活动+be aimed at doing1.为了提高学生讲英语的能力,学生为了提高学生讲英语的能力,学生会要组织一场英语演讲比赛。会要组织一场英语演讲比赛。In order to improve the students ability to speak English, an English-s

2、peaking contest will be held by our Students Union.2. (地球一小时)这个活动的目的是为了(地球一小时)这个活动的目的是为了提高环保意识,应对气候变化。提高环保意识,应对气候变化。This activity is held in order to raise peoples environmental awareness and fight/cope with climate change.This activity is held with the purpose of raising peoples environmental aware

3、ness and fighting/coping with climate change.2.(地球一小时)这个活动的目的是为了(地球一小时)这个活动的目的是为了提高环保意识,应对气候变化。提高环保意识,应对气候变化。The purpose of this activity is to raisepeoples environmental awareness and (to) fight/ cope with climate change.This activity is aimed at raising peoples environmental awareness and fighting

4、/coping with climate change.3. 学生会将组织一次英语演讲比赛,目学生会将组织一次英语演讲比赛,目的:增长环保知识;提高英语口语的:增长环保知识;提高英语口语 内内容容“保护环境,节约能源保护环境,节约能源”。The Students Union is going to organize an English-speaking contest, the theme of which is: “Protect our environment and save our energy” to increase our knowledge about the environ

5、ment and improve our spoken English.4.英国奥林匹克文化计划英国奥林匹克文化计划(The Cultural Olympiad)旨在激发旨在激发(stimulate)英国和英国和各国人民的奥运精神。各国人民的奥运精神。The Cultural Olympiad in England is aimed at stimulating the Olympic spirits of the people in England and all over the world. The Cultural Olympiad in England is carried on i

6、n order to stimulate the Olympic spirits of the people in England and all over the world. 1. 有些欧洲语言来源于拉丁语有些欧洲语言来源于拉丁语 (originate from Latin),例如,例如:法语、意大利语和法语、意大利语和西班牙语。西班牙语。 Some European languages such as/like/including French, Italian and Spanish originate from Latin. 2. 她是一个学习勤奋的学生。例如,她是一个学习勤奋的学生

7、。例如,她经常努力学习到深夜。她经常努力学习到深夜。She is a hard-working student. For example, she always studies hard till mid-night.3. 除了北京本地学生外,许多来自不同国除了北京本地学生外,许多来自不同国家如英国,美国,法国等的学生参加这家如英国,美国,法国等的学生参加这次冬令营。次冬令营。Besides the Beijing natives/locals, many students from other countries such as/like/including England, America

8、 and France participate in the winter camp. 我们讨论了全球变暖的危害,如冰雪融我们讨论了全球变暖的危害,如冰雪融化、海面上升、城市被淹没、极限天气化、海面上升、城市被淹没、极限天气增多、物种灭绝等。增多、物种灭绝等。We discussed the harmful effects that global warming is causing to our planet, including the melting of polar ice caps, which is causing the sea levels to rise and is thr

9、eatening to drown our cities, and the increase of extreme weather conditions, and the extinction of many animal species.3. Expressing “reason” 表“因果”Sentence patterns:表原因的句式:表原因的句式1) because of / due to / owing to . + doing sth (句首句首)2) because + 原因原因从句从句3) for the reason that4) The reason for sth is

10、 that + 原因从句原因从句5) The reason why + 结果结果 is that + 原因原因从句从句6) result from the fact that result in the fact that 由于由于缺乏资金和设备,许多非洲缺乏资金和设备,许多非洲儿童都不能享受受教育的权利。儿童都不能享受受教育的权利。 他失败的他失败的主要原因是主要原因是他不够努力。他不够努力。海洋被污染的海洋被污染的原因原因:游客乱扔垃:游客乱扔垃圾,工厂直接排污。圾,工厂直接排污。许多交通事故由粗心驾驶引起。许多交通事故由粗心驾驶引起。1. 由于由于缺乏资金和设备缺乏资金和设备(名词名词)

11、,许多非洲,许多非洲儿童都不能享受受教育的权利。儿童都不能享受受教育的权利。 Because of/Due to/ Owing to a lack of funds and equipment, many African children cannot enjoy the right of receiving education.Many African children cannot enjoy the right of receiving education due to the fact that there arent enough funds and equipment.Becaus

12、e of/Due to/ Owing to lacking funds and equipment, many African children cannot enjoy the right of receiving education.2. 他失败的他失败的主要原因是主要原因是他不够努力他不够努力(句子句子)。The reason for his failure is that he didnt work hard enough. He failed because/for the reason that he didnt work hard enough. The reason why h

13、e failed is that he didnt work hard enough. His failure resulted from the fact that he didnt work hard enough.It is because he didnt work hard enough that he failed. 3. 海洋被污染的海洋被污染的原因原因:游客随便扔垃圾,游客随便扔垃圾,工厂直接排放污水工厂直接排放污水 (句子)(句子)。The oceans are polluted for the reasons that tourists throw rubbish casu

14、ally and that factories pour the polluted water directly into the sea. The oceans are polluted because tourists throw rubbish everywhere and factories pour the polluted water directly into the sea. The reasons why oceans are polluted are that toutirsts throw rubbish casually and that factories pour

15、the polluted water directly into the sea. 4. 许多交通事故许多交通事故由由粗心驾驶(名词)引粗心驾驶(名词)引起。起。Careless driving causes/leads to/results in many traffic accidents.Many traffic accidents result from/are caused by careless driving.Due to/Because of/ Owing to careless driving, many traffic accidents happen.5.粗心驾驶导致许多

16、交通事故。粗心驾驶导致许多交通事故。4. Not only A, but also B(通常A,B两部分词性一致)1. 不仅不仅是学生们,是学生们,连连老师们都被感老师们都被感动到流泪了。动到流泪了。2.2.她她不仅不仅是一个出色的家庭主妇,是一个出色的家庭主妇,而且而且是是一位一流的音乐家。一位一流的音乐家。 3.3.体育锻炼体育锻炼不仅不仅有助于身体健康,有助于身体健康,还能还能使人保持愉悦的心境。使人保持愉悦的心境。4.4.互联网互联网不仅不仅使人们更快地获得信息,使人们更快地获得信息,而且而且加强了人与人之间的沟通。加强了人与人之间的沟通。1. 不仅不仅是学生们,是学生们,连连老师们都

17、被感动到老师们都被感动到流泪了。流泪了。2.2.她她不仅不仅是一个出色的家庭主妇,是一个出色的家庭主妇,而且而且是是一位一流的音乐家。一位一流的音乐家。Not only the students, but also the teachers were moved to tears.Shes not only an excellent housewife, but(also) a first class musician.Not only is she an excellent housewife, but(also) a first class musician.3. 体育锻炼不仅有助于身体健

18、康,还能体育锻炼不仅有助于身体健康,还能使人保持愉悦的心境。使人保持愉悦的心境。Physical exercise not only contributes to our physical health, but also enables us to keep a joyful heart.Not only does physical exercise contribute to our physical health, but it also enables us to keep a joyful heart.4. 互联网互联网不仅不仅使人们更快地获得信息,使人们更快地获得信息,而且而且加加

19、强了人与人之间的沟通。强了人与人之间的沟通。Internet can not only enable people to obtaininformation more quickly, but it (also) strengthens the communication between people.Not only can Internet enable people to obtaininformation more quickly, but it (also) strengthens the communication between people.5. It 作形式宾语think/b

20、elieve/feel /find/ consider/ make+ it+ adj./n. (+ of/for sb.) to do sth.我认为无论何时见到老师都跟老师问好是有我认为无论何时见到老师都跟老师问好是有礼貌的表现。礼貌的表现。科学人发展令我们跟别人联系很方便。科学人发展令我们跟别人联系很方便。 25%的受调查的孩子发现跟他们的父母很难的受调查的孩子发现跟他们的父母很难沟通。沟通。think/ believe /feel /find/ consider /make+ it+ adj./n. (+ of/for sb.) to do sth.我认为无论何时见到老师都跟老师问好是有

21、礼貌我认为无论何时见到老师都跟老师问好是有礼貌的表现。的表现。科学人发展令我们跟别人联系很方便。科学人发展令我们跟别人联系很方便。 25%的受调查的孩子发现跟他们的父母很难沟通。的受调查的孩子发现跟他们的父母很难沟通。I consider it good manners to say hello to your teachers whenever you meet them.The development of science has made it quite convenient for us to get in touch with others. A quarter of the su

22、rveyed children find it hard to communicate with their parents. 6. It is + adj./n. (for/of sb.) + to do sth1.要想成功,有明确的学习目标是非常重要的。要想成功,有明确的学习目标是非常重要的。2. 在地震中懂得如何自救对我们每个人来说都十在地震中懂得如何自救对我们每个人来说都十分必要。分必要。3. 你对父母撒谎是不对的。你对父母撒谎是不对的。It is + adj./n. (for/of sb.) + to do sth1.要想成功,有明确的学习目标是非常重要的。要想成功,有明确的学习目标

23、是非常重要的。2. 在地震中懂得如何自救对我们每个人来说都十在地震中懂得如何自救对我们每个人来说都十分必要。分必要。3. 忘记带伞是他的特征(他经常忘记带伞。)忘记带伞是他的特征(他经常忘记带伞。)If you want to succeed, it is very important for you to have a clear study goal It is quite necessary for every one of us to know how to save ourselves in an earthquake.It is typical of him to forget h

24、is umbrella.7. When it comes to当谈到票价问题时,我认为坐火车旅行要比坐飞当谈到票价问题时,我认为坐火车旅行要比坐飞机便宜携。机便宜携。就责任而言,我们应该为自己的行为负责。就责任而言,我们应该为自己的行为负责。当谈到当谈到“安全性安全性”这个问题时,你对居住在某个这个问题时,你对居住在某个美国城市怎样看。美国城市怎样看。当谈到票价问题时,我认为坐火车旅行要比坐飞当谈到票价问题时,我认为坐火车旅行要比坐飞机便宜些。机便宜些。就责任而言,我们应该为自己的行为负责。就责任而言,我们应该为自己的行为负责。当谈到当谈到“安全性安全性”这个问题时,你对居住在某个这个问题时,

25、你对居住在某个美国城市怎样看。美国城市怎样看。When it comes to the prices of tickets, I consider it cheaper to travel by train than by plane. When it comes to responsibility, we should be responsible for our own behaviors. When it comes to safety, what do you think of living in an American city?8. We cant stress / emphasi

26、ze the importance of too much我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。 我们再怎么强调保护视力也不为过。我们再怎么强调保护视力也不为过。 我们再怎么强调自信的重要性都不为过。我们再怎么强调自信的重要性都不为过。can not.too. 再再也不过分也不过分 1.It is important for sb. to do.2.Sth. plays an important part/role in our life.3.Sth is of vital importance. 4.Sth is crucial to .5.We can

27、t stress / emphasize the importance of too muchcant stress the importance of too much我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。 We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English. 我们再怎么强调保护视力的重要性也不为过。我们再怎么强调保护视力的重要性也不为过。 we cant emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么

28、强调自信的重要性都不为过。我们再怎么强调自信的重要性都不为过。We cant stress the importance of confidence too much. 9. As . / As is done, 通常情况下,人们都会为目标而奋斗。通常情况下,人们都会为目标而奋斗。众所周知,知识就是力量。众所周知,知识就是力量。正如人们所期待的,她获得了学士学位。正如人们所期待的,她获得了学士学位。正如人们所相信的,表现良好的学生更容易获正如人们所相信的,表现良好的学生更容易获得成功。得成功。通常情况下,人们都会为目标而奋斗。通常情况下,人们都会为目标而奋斗。As is usually the

29、 case, people will struggle for their goals.众所周知,知识就是力量。众所周知,知识就是力量。(as)As we all know, /As is known to all, knowledge is power.正如人们所期待的,她获得了学士学位。正如人们所期待的,她获得了学士学位。As is expected, she got the bachelors degree.正如人们所相信的,表现良好的学生更容易正如人们所相信的,表现良好的学生更容易获获得成功。得成功。As is believed, the students who behave wel

30、l can achieve success more easily.10. Those who 1.我们再怎么强调遵守交通规则的重要性也不为过。违我们再怎么强调遵守交通规则的重要性也不为过。违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。反交通规定的人应该受处罚。2. 通常情况下通常情况下,害羞的、缺乏自信的人觉得难以跟别人沟害羞的、缺乏自信的人觉得难以跟别人沟通。通。3. 支持这个观点的人认为选择好的专业比选择名校更为支持这个观点的人认为选择好的专业比选择名校更为重要。重要。我们再怎么强调遵守交通规则的重要性也不为过。违反我们再怎么强调遵守交通规则的重要性也不为过。违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。交通规定的人应该受

31、处罚。We cant stress too much the importance of obeying the traffic rules. Those who break/violate traffic regulations should be punished. 通常情况下通常情况下,害羞的、缺乏自信的人觉得难以跟别人沟通。害羞的、缺乏自信的人觉得难以跟别人沟通。As is usually the case, those who are shy and lack confidence find it hard to communicate with others.支持这个观点的人认为选

32、择好的专业比选择名校更为重支持这个观点的人认为选择好的专业比选择名校更为重要。要。Those who support the view think that choosing a good major is much more important than choosing a famous university. (.think it more important to choose a good major than to choose a famous university. )Who should be blamed is the master.Who want to be a win

33、ner must strength their power.Those who are given some difficult training are more likely to become stronger.11. with的复合结构17. With + 宾语宾语+宾补宾补 ( 形容词形容词 / 副词副词/ 介词短语介词短语 / 非谓语非谓语 )老师在讲课,那个学生站在外面。老师在讲课,那个学生站在外面。The teacher is giving a lesson while his student is standing outside. The teacher is giving

34、 a lesson with his student standing outside.这个孩子还没有做完作业就出去玩了这个孩子还没有做完作业就出去玩了The child went out for a play, but he didnt finish his homework.The child went out for a play with his homework unfinished.有这么多的工作要做,我们只得日夜忙碌。有这么多的工作要做,我们只得日夜忙碌。 With a lot of work to do, we had to be busy working day and ni

35、ght. 老人坐在椅子上,嘴里叼着一个烟斗。老人坐在椅子上,嘴里叼着一个烟斗。The old man sat on the chair with a pipe in his mouth不要开着门窗睡觉。不要开着门窗睡觉。 Dont sleep with the door and windows open. 所有的灯都亮着,天安门广场显得更加漂亮。所有的灯都亮着,天安门广场显得更加漂亮。 Tian An Men Square looks even more beautiful with all lights on. Which (who) has/have-= with结构结构People te

36、nd to live in a place which has more fresh air.People tend to live in a place with more fresh air.She married a man who has a lot of money.She married a man with a lot of money.12. Dont take it for granted that不要认为不要认为是天经地义是天经地义/理所当然的;理所当然的;不要想当然认为不要想当然认为1. 不要认为别人尊重你是天经地义的事情。不要认为别人尊重你是天经地义的事情。Dont t

37、ake it for granted that other people should respect you.2. 别以为你父母养你一辈子是天经地义的事。别以为你父母养你一辈子是天经地义的事。Dont take it for granted that your parents should support you all your life.3. 不要想当然认为你不需要付出努力就可以成功。不要想当然认为你不需要付出努力就可以成功。Dont take it for granted that you can achieve success without making efforts.13. I

38、t is / wasthat1. 我把成功归功于父母。正是他们使我成为我把成功归功于父母。正是他们使我成为一个有决心的、勤奋的人。一个有决心的、勤奋的人。2. 正是由于坚强的意志和毅力,他能够克服正是由于坚强的意志和毅力,他能够克服重重困难,取得成功。重重困难,取得成功。3. 是来自世界各地的捐助使这些孩子得以接是来自世界各地的捐助使这些孩子得以接受教育。受教育。1. 我把成功归功于父母。正是他们使我成为一我把成功归功于父母。正是他们使我成为一个有决心的、勤奋的人。个有决心的、勤奋的人。I owed my success to my parents. It is they that have

39、made me a determined and diligent person. 2. 正是由于坚强的意志和毅力,他能够克服重正是由于坚强的意志和毅力,他能够克服重重困难,取得成功。重困难,取得成功。It was because of his strong will and perseverance that he was able to overcome all the difficulties and achieved success. 3. 是来自世界各地的捐助使这些孩子得以接受教育。是来自世界各地的捐助使这些孩子得以接受教育。It is the donations from all

40、over the world that enable these children to receive education.14. Sb. did/carried out a survey among sb. on sth.1. 上周,我们以上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像谁是你的偶像”为为题,在题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查名学生中进行了一次调查 。2.前天,我们就英语资料购买情况在前天,我们就英语资料购买情况在我校我校1600名学生中进行了一次调查名学生中进行了一次调查 。3.最近,你对你校高三学生的体育锻最近,你对你校高三学生的体育锻炼情况进行了调查。炼情况进行了调查。1. 上周,我们

41、以上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像谁是你的偶像”为题,在为题,在2600名学生中进名学生中进行了一次调查行了一次调查 。Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is Your Idol”.2.前天,我们就英语资料购买情况在我校前天,我们就英语资料购买情况在我校1600名学生中进行名学生中进行了一次调查了一次调查 。The day before yesterday, we did a survey among 1600 students on the English materials purchase in our school

42、.3.最近,你对你校高三学生的体育锻炼情况进行了调查。最近,你对你校高三学生的体育锻炼情况进行了调查。Recently, a survey has been done among Senior 3 students on/about participating in physical training/exercise.15. It occurred to sb that (某人某人)想到想到 .; 突然想到突然想到 1.我突然想起两年前同样的事情发生在我的身上。我突然想起两年前同样的事情发生在我的身上。2. 正在那时,正在那时, 他突然想起他以前曾经来过这儿。他突然想起他以前曾经来过这儿。3

43、. 说到工作,我想起说到工作,我想起Mary是个勤勤恳恳、负责任的人。是个勤勤恳恳、负责任的人。1.Sb came up with a brilliant idea.2.An excellent idea occurred to me.3.It occurred to me that/It hit me that-4.A good idea rushed into my mind.15. It occurred to sb that (某人某人)想到想到 .; 突然想到突然想到 1.我突然想起两年前同样的事情发生在我的身上。我突然想起两年前同样的事情发生在我的身上。2. 正在那时,正在那时,

44、他突然想起他以前曾经去过那儿。他突然想起他以前曾经去过那儿。3. 说到工作,我想起说到工作,我想起Mary是个勤勤恳恳、负责任的人。是个勤勤恳恳、负责任的人。It occurred to me that the same thing happened to me two years ago. At that time, it occurred to him that he had been there before. When it comes to work, it occurs to me that Mary is a diligent and responsible person. 16

45、. It is said / believed / hoped / reported/ that +从句从句 =Sb is said / believed / hoped / reported to do sth .据报道,越来越多的青少年开始吸烟据报道,越来越多的青少年开始吸烟。It is reported that more and more young people start/begin smoking.More and more young people are reported to start/begin smoking.17. On no account can we (我们绝

46、对不能(我们绝对不能.) 1. 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 2. 我们绝不能放弃每一个可能的机会。我们绝不能放弃每一个可能的机会。On no account can we give up every possible opportunity. 3. 我们绝不应满足现状。我们绝不应满足现状。On no account should we be content with the present situation. 18. so that 时间是如此珍贵,我们浪费不

47、起。时间是如此珍贵,我们浪费不起。他是如此的有学问,以致被选为当地的代表。他是如此的有学问,以致被选为当地的代表。他想得入迷,完全不知到发生了什么事。他想得入迷,完全不知到发生了什么事。Time is so precious that we cant afford to waste it. He is so learned that he is chosen to be the local representative.He was so absorbed in thinking that he didnt know what had happened. So precious is time

48、 that we cant afford to waste it.So learned is he that he is chosen to be the local representative.So absorbed was he in thinking that he didnt know what had happened. 时间是如此珍贵,我们浪费不起。时间是如此珍贵,我们浪费不起。他是如此的有学问,以致被选为当地的代表。他是如此的有学问,以致被选为当地的代表。他想得入迷,完全不知到发生了什么事。他想得入迷,完全不知到发生了什么事。19. Undoubtedly, There is

49、no doubt that1.毫无疑问,现在人们越来越重视身体健康。毫无疑问,现在人们越来越重视身体健康。2.毋庸置疑,毋庸置疑, 中国在世界上扮演越来越重要中国在世界上扮演越来越重要的角色。的角色。3.毫无疑问,作为广州人,我们应该为毫无疑问,作为广州人,我们应该为2010亚运会的成功举办出自己的一分力。亚运会的成功举办出自己的一分力。毫无疑问,现在人们越来越重视身体健康。毫无疑问,现在人们越来越重视身体健康。毋庸置疑,毋庸置疑, 中国在世界上扮演越来越重要的中国在世界上扮演越来越重要的角色。角色。毫无疑问,作为广州人,我们应该为毫无疑问,作为广州人,我们应该为2010亚亚运会的成功举办出自

50、己的一分力。运会的成功举办出自己的一分力。Theres no doubt that, as Cantonese, we should do our bits for the success of 2010 Asian Games.Undoubtedly, China is playing an increasingly important role in the world. Undoubtedly, nowadays people are attaching more and more importance to good health. 20. There is no denying (t

51、he fact) that不可否认,当今世界上妇女正在发挥着重不可否认,当今世界上妇女正在发挥着重要的作用。要的作用。不可否认,成功的关键在于拥有积极的态不可否认,成功的关键在于拥有积极的态度。度。不可否认,汽车在带给我们方便的同时也不可否认,汽车在带给我们方便的同时也造成了环境污染造成了环境污染不可否认,当今世界上妇女正在发挥着重要的作不可否认,当今世界上妇女正在发挥着重要的作用。用。There is no denying that women are playing an important role in the world today. 不可否认,成功的关键在于拥有积极的态度。不可否认

52、,成功的关键在于拥有积极的态度。There is no denying the fact that success lies in having a positive attitude. 不可否认,汽车在带给我们方便的同时也造成了不可否认,汽车在带给我们方便的同时也造成了环境污染。环境污染。There is no denying that while/although cars have brought us convenience, they also cause environmental pollution. 21.There is no need (for sb.)to do sth.

53、 没有必要做没有必要做 没有必要把时间浪费在玩游戏上。没有必要把时间浪费在玩游戏上。There is no need to waste so much time on playing computer games.如果你不想来,就不必来了。如果你不想来,就不必来了。There is no need for you to come if you dont to.22.To ones surprise / delight / joy / anger / fear/sorrow/satisfaction/ disappointment /, 使我高兴的是我自己解出了那道数学难题。使我高兴的是我自己解

54、出了那道数学难题。To my joy, I worked out the difficult maths problem by myself. =What made me happy is that I worked out the difficult maths problem by myself.使高兴某人惊讶使高兴某人惊讶/失望失望/高兴的是高兴的是-(变主从)(变主从)To ones surprise/disappointment/delight,=what makes sb surprised/disappointed/delighted is that- 23. attach gr

55、eat importance to1.除了学习之外,我们更应该重视培养自己的能力。除了学习之外,我们更应该重视培养自己的能力。 Besides study, we should attach more importance to developing our abilities. 2. 政府应该重视教育的质量。政府应该重视教育的质量。 The government should attach great importance to the quality of education. 3. 越来越多的学校重视用计算机教学。越来越多的学校重视用计算机教学。 More and more school

56、s attach great importance to using computers in teaching.走得越高,看得越远。走得越高,看得越远。The higher up you go, the more you can see.我们书读得越多,我们越有学问。我们书读得越多,我们越有学问。The more books we read, the more learned we become.我们越是有决心要解决这个问题,我们的将来我们越是有决心要解决这个问题,我们的将来就越光明。就越光明。The more determined we are to solve the problem,

57、the brighter our future will be.24. The +比较级比较级, the+比较级比较级非谓语1.他将是第一个到山区任教的大学生。2.你认识不认识和你妈妈说话的那个老人。3.你读过鲁迅写的小说吗?He will be the first university student who will teach in the mountain village.He will be the first university student to teach in the mountain village.Do you know the old man who is talk

58、ing to your mother?Do you know the old man talking to your mother?Have you read the novels which were written by Luxun.Have you read the novels written by luxun?4.很多人参加的那次会议举办的很成功。5.雨下得很大,造成了这个地区的严重水灾。6.杰克生于1984年,是一名工人。The meeting, which were attended by many people, is a great success.The meeting ,

59、 attended by many people, is a great success.It had rained heavily, which resulted in severe flood in this area.It had rained heavily, resulting in severe flood in this area.Jack who was born in 1984, and he is a worker.Jack, born in 1984, is a worker.7.他坐在桌子旁边,在看报纸。8.猎户离开房间,后面给着他的狗。9.她坐在窗户旁边,陷入了沉思。

60、He sat at the table and he was reading newspaper.He sat at the table, reading newspaper.The hunter left the room, and he was followed by his dog.The hunter left the room, followed by his dog.She sat by the window and she was lost in thought.She sat by the window, lost in thought.保留句子连词的非谓语结构1.冰加热到一定

61、程度时,它就会变成水。2.和你比起来,我们还有很长的路要走。When it was heated enough, water can be changed into water.When heated enough, water can be changed into water.If we are compared with you, we still have a long way to go. If compared with you, we still have a long way to go.3.她在看电视时,忍不住流下了眼泪。4.听到这个消息时,他高兴的跳了起来。While sh

62、e was watching TV, she couldnt keep back her tears.While watching TV, she couldnt keep back her tears.When he heard the news, he jumped with great joy.On(介词)(介词) hearing the news, he jumped with great joy.5.如果你听从我的建议,将会按时完成任务。6.尽管以个人留在屋里,萨姆一点也不害怕。You can finish the task on time if you take my advice

63、.You can finish the task if taking my advice.Though he was left alone at home, Sam wasnt afraid at all.Though left alone at home, Sam wasnt afraid at all.Though it was raining heavily, we managed to find the lost boy.Heavily as it was raining, we managed to find the lost boy中国国家主席胡锦涛下个月将要对美国进行友好访问。H

64、u Jintao, president of China, will pay a friendly visit to the United States next month. 同位语同位语主语从句1.我们现在最需要的就是得到他的帮助。2.他现在应该做的就是呆在家里等他妈妈下班回来。What we are in great need of is to get help from him.What he is supposed to do is to stay at home ,waiting for his mother to come back from work.表语从句1.这就是他做告诉我要做的。2.这就是他今天没来上学的原因。3.这就是他要去的地方。This is what he told me to do.Thats why he was absent from school today.Thats where he wants to go.



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