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1、What is he doing ?He is watching the rice .Yuan LongpingLesson 35Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”1.There is a famous ( ) named Yuan Longping, he ( ) from the Southwest ( ) University in 1953.2.He ( ) himself to research in ( ) hybrid rice,It is as big as the ( ),3.It ( ) enough rice to feed chinese peopl

2、e. 4.The ( ) was introduced to the U.S,5. Many people ( ) from it.6. So thats an ( ) for us to have such a farmer. farmergraduatedAgriculturaldevoteddeveloping peanutproducedtechnologybenefithonorListening task: True or False1.Yuan Longping was born in 1953.2.In 1980,the technology for hybrid rice w

3、as introduced to the United States.3.Yuan Longping came up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the 1990s.Read and answer1.Who is Yuan Longping?2.When was he born?3.What did he do in 1973?4.What does he like to do in his spare time?5.What is he doing now?He is “Father ” of Hybrid rice.He was born in 19

4、30.In1973,together with other people ,he succeeded in the development of hybrid rice.He likes playing the violin, listening to music, reading and swimming in his spare time .He is working on developing super hybrid rice now.Retell the text1.Who is Yuan Longping?2.When was he born?3.What did he do in

5、 1973?4.What does he like to do in his spare time?5.What is he doing now?Language notes1, (1) so that 引导的是引导的是目的目的状语从句状语从句.so that 意思意思是是“为的是;以便为的是;以便”,表示做某事的目的,句,表示做某事的目的,句中常常有中常常有情态动词情态动词can, could, may, might等等; eg: 所有学生都努力地学习以便能通过考试。所有学生都努力地学习以便能通过考试。 All the students studied hard so that they c

6、ould pass the exams. (目的状语从句目的状语从句) (2) so that还可以引导还可以引导结果结果状语从句,意为状语从句,意为“结结果;以致;因此果;以致;因此”, so that前常用前常用逗号隔开逗号隔开。 eg: 他早早起床,因此赶上了头班公共汽车。他早早起床,因此赶上了头班公共汽车。 He got up early, so that he caught the first bus.(结果状语从句结果状语从句) He is so young that he doesnt dress himself .2. graduate from 意为意为 “毕业于毕业于” e

7、g:我们明年将从阳郭中学毕业。:我们明年将从阳郭中学毕业。 We will graduate from Yangguo Middle School next year.3. come up with意思是意思是“找到或提出(答案、找到或提出(答案、办法等)。办法等)。(=think of/remeber) eg:他想不出办法来。:他想不出办法来。 He could not come up with an idea.4.4.devote 动词,意思是动词,意思是“奉献(自己、时间、奉献(自己、时间、精力);专心;献身精力);专心;献身”。与介词。与介词to连用,后连用,后接名词或接名词或v-in

8、g形式。形式。devote oneself/sth. to意思是意思是 “致力于,献身于致力于,献身于”。 eg:他全心致力于教育学生:他全心致力于教育学生. He devots himself to teaching .5.in the 1960s意思是意思是“在在20世纪世纪60年代年代”。表。表示示“多少世纪多少年代多少世纪多少年代”,在年份后面加,在年份后面加-s或或 s。注意:不要丢掉。注意:不要丢掉the。 eg: 20世纪世纪80年代年代 in the 1980s或或in the 1980s6. because of 意思是意思是“由于,因为由于,因为”,后接名词、代词或,后接名

9、词、代词或 v-ing 形式形式 because 用来引导原因状语从句用来引导原因状语从句 eg: 他因为起来晚了而没能准时上学他因为起来晚了而没能准时上学. He didnt come to school on time because of getting up late . He didnt come to school on time because he got up late.7. It is said that意思是意思是“据说据说”。 eg : 据说你需要一辆新自行车。据说你需要一辆新自行车。 It is said that you need a new bike.8. (1)

10、benefit 作作动词动词意思是意思是“收益,得益收益,得益”,通常和介词,通常和介词from连用连用. eg: we always benefit from teacher Wangs report. (2) benefit 作作名词名词意思是利益,好处。意思是利益,好处。 eg: what benefit did you get from him?单项选择单项选择1.The scientist devoted _ scientific research during all his life. A. himself to B. himself for C .him to D. him f

11、or 2.The volleyball match was put off _the heavy rain. A. because B. with C. because of D. to 3.These eggs were found in Gebi Desert by a group of scientists _. A. in 1920s B. in the 1920 C. in the 1920s D.1920s 4.It _that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great White Sharks. A. said B. saying

12、 C. is said D. was saidACCC根据汉语完成句子。根据汉语完成句子。1.1.她走得很快,为了准时到校她走得很快,为了准时到校 She walked fast _ _she could get to school on time. 2.2.二十世纪六十年代,他提出了杂交水稻的想法。二十世纪六十年代,他提出了杂交水稻的想法。 He _ _ _an idea for a hybrid rice in _ _.3.3.据说袁教授是中国最富有的人之一。据说袁教授是中国最富有的人之一。 _ _ _that Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China.4.4.他去年从清华大学毕业了。他去年从清华大学毕业了。 He _ _Qinghua university last year.so that came up with the 1960sIt is saidgraduated from



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