Family (家庭)

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《Family (家庭)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Family (家庭)(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 There is a magical place in our own private universe that stays at the core of our being no matter where our lifes journeys take us. It is where we seek refuge when the slings and arrows of outrageous1 fortune have become too much for the soul to bear. 在我们的心中有一个神奇的地方,不管生命之旅把我们带到何处,它都是我们生命的核心。当恶境中的枪

2、林弹雨让我们的身心感到难以承受时,我们会在那里寻求到庇护。 It is where we shed our superficial selves, repair our battered bodies, boost our wilting10 spirits, fix our tarnished11 psyches, mend our bruised emotions and change our evil ways.这是我们可以脱掉虚饰的外衣,休养疲惫的身体,重振萎蔫的精神,拭亮黯淡的心灵,养护我们受伤的情感,改正我们心中的邪恶。All in all, family is the harbo

3、r of our mind, our spiritual pillar (精神支柱)!But,do you know how Family consists of(组成)?means of familyF代表Father爸爸,M代表Mother妈妈,A代表And,I代表我,L代表Love,Y代表You。意思就是:爸爸妈妈我爱你们,所以才组成了一个家。 show you:Types of familyJoint family 核心家庭 Nuclear family 多代家庭Enlarged family 单亲家庭Incomplete family 再婚家庭In China:The rural f

4、amilyThe extended familyThe nuclear familyIn the USA: The multiple birth familyThe family of second-and-third immigrants the nuclear familyDINK familyThe single-parent familyThe same-sex-parent familyThe remarried family And so forth Family values Chinese Family valuesAncient Chinese has always atta

5、ched great importance to family problems. The Chinese people will even nation called “guo jia ”.中国古代一直高度重视家庭问题。中国人民甚至将“国家”称为“郭佳”。Chinese believe that as father or husband, a man has absolutely power.中国人认为作为父亲或丈夫,一个人有绝对的权力The honor and profit of a family may be the most significant Chinese value.一个家庭

6、的荣誉和利润可能是最重要的中国价值Chinese pay more attention to childrens scores. Amercan Family valuesTraditionally, the American family has a nuclear, consisting husband, wife and children.传统上传统上,美国家庭有一个核美国家庭有一个核,由丈夫、妻子和孩子由丈夫、妻子和孩子Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happine

7、ss of individual members.美国人把家庭作为一个群体美国人把家庭作为一个群体,其主要目的是其主要目的是促进个体成员的幸福促进个体成员的幸福Along with the American emphasis on individual freedom, the belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family. 随着美国强调个人自由随着美国强调个人自由,平等的信念一直平等的信念一直对家庭有强烈的影响。对家庭有强烈的影响。Group discussion1.what is you family like now?2

8、.when you were a chile,you think that family taught you what?1.What is your family like now?happy 幸福的幸福的 distant 冷漠的冷漠的 harmonious和睦的和睦的 inharmonious不和睦的不和睦的 needy条件艰苦的条件艰苦的affluent小康的小康的peaceful平静的平静的grandma 奶奶,外婆奶奶,外婆 grandpa 爷爷,外公爷爷,外公marriage 婚姻婚姻foster father 养父养父 foster mother 养母养母adopted son

9、养子养子 adopted daughter 养女养女elder brothers wife嫂子嫂子 elder sisters husband姐姐夫夫 is the first teacher of children. is the natural teacher of children.vTeach children to respect the old、 to respect their hometown、to share the house chores(but not every family).v教孩子要尊重老人,尊重他们的家乡,分享家务教孩子要尊重老人,尊重他们的家乡,分享家务(但

10、不是每一个家庭)。(但不是每一个家庭)。In the family, children learn self-reliance and responsibility in addition to outside, still learning the meaning of loyalty. 在家庭中,孩子学习 自立和责任 除了外,还 学习忠诚的含义。 families teach children socialskills: vpoliteness vmake friendsvindependentvways of expressing anger or affection and so on

11、 . v家庭教孩子社交技巧:家庭教孩子社交技巧: 礼貌礼貌 结交结交 独立独立 v方式表达愤怒或感情等等。方式表达愤怒或感情等等。v Company Logo Summary41235Families to educate their children individualism and collectivism 个人主义 集体主义Families teach children independence and responsibilityFamilies teach children socialskillsFinally, let us enjoy a comic(漫画)(漫画)Concl

12、usionFamily gives us light ,to disperse the darkness of the front; gives us harbor, to enjoy the ease of landing; gives us smile ,to forget the annoyance of life. 家庭给了我们光,驱散前方的黑暗,给我们引领港口,享受轻松登陆,给我们笑容,忘记生活的烦恼。Because of youCherish family and cherish the family. 珍惜家庭,珍惜亲情。珍惜家庭,珍惜亲情。Best wishes to your family



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