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1、Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section A Section A period1period1狸狸卷卷呼呼怪怪硒硒候候菠菠衰衰散散旺旺久久仔仔后后酵酵散散矩矩促促怯怯酞酞腊腊慈慈拒拒卷卷日日沉沉单单砰砰谣谣酗酗拍拍盆盆甄甄人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Where can you get some money?I can get so

2、me money in a bank.凄凄嗡嗡怜怜接接戎戎喧喧傲傲端端弘弘考考铱铱崩崩陀陀万万疲疲让让觅觅册册舶舶带带摆摆咙咙著著碧碧狮狮存存据据佣佣缮缮迢迢劳劳自自人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Where can you buy some stamps and postcards?I can buy some stamps and postcards in a post office.账账虑虑何何廓廓

3、送送还还缨缨快快暮暮竿竿泽泽梆梆田田槽槽脸脸囊囊瑞瑞毕毕纶纶凡凡刷刷掺掺聚聚秸秸摈摈慨慨谎谎失失鳞鳞松松狸狸饰饰人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Where can you get a dictionary, buy a newspaper or get some magazines ?I can get a dictionary, buy a newspaper and get some magazine

4、s in a bookstore.骤骤丧丧斌斌锦锦尝尝硝硝鞋鞋锚锚眯眯茄茄忻忻韩韩氟氟诧诧澡澡熙熙局局召召谆谆陌陌窍窍补补涕涕箍箍地地征征腑腑素素囊囊药药严严准准人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Where can you have dinner?I can have dinner in a restaurant.刽刽鸥鸥敷敷创创着着湛湛箕箕壳壳体体丝丝疡疡硕硕涌涌程程寥寥僵僵溺溺帮帮哈哈垂垂缅缅针针仿仿谎

5、谎邓邓咯咯修修门门方方掘掘限限沃沃人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Where can you get a pair of shoes ?I can get a pair of shoes in a department store拆拆性性终终躲躲仁仁勋勋睁睁庇庇弊弊箭箭狈狈获获慧慧渗渗筛筛蔑蔑致致塘塘喷喷咆咆秽秽妹妹忻忻禄禄侯侯汛汛诫诫蓬蓬弃弃郝郝苑苑陈陈人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Uni

6、t3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Where can you get some information about the town ?I can get some information about the town in a library.症症吨吨丰丰缀缀辨辨堂堂西西馋馋堵堵薯薯拦拦寞寞阳阳腺腺貌貌胜胜乾乾离离铬铬醋醋颜颜坟坟嘲嘲草草勇勇氛氛乒乒这这宁宁图图云云橡橡人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod

7、1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)I can get some money in a bank.I can get a dictionary in a book store.I can have dinner in a restaurant.I can buy some stamps in a post office.I can get a pair of shoes in a department store.I can get some magazines in a book store

8、. I can get some information about the town in a library.I can buy a newspaper in a bookstore.策策屋屋暮暮斯斯憨憨醉醉出出策策协协态态撰撰吕吕枫枫淮淮鹅鹅噬噬卫卫派派可可帝帝束束嘉嘉憨憨蓉蓉炸炸麻麻肃肃漾漾肥肥马马滋滋此此人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)I can get some money in a bank

9、.I can have dinner in a restaurant.I can buy some stamps in a post office.I can get a pair of shoes in a department store. get some magazines I can get a dictionary in a book store. buy a newspaperI can get some information about the town in a library.勒勒寸寸寇寇号号皑皑搂搂旋旋博博斥斥户户锦锦通通米米国国志志杀杀旭旭蹭蹭醉醉讣讣楔楔乌乌戈戈荡荡

10、磕磕碳碳袱袱囱囱校校红红揽揽棱棱人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Could you tell me where I can buy some stampsCould you please tell me where I can buy some stamps?Do you know where I can buy some stamps?I can buy some stamps in a post of

11、fice.(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问)Where can I buy some stamps?Ask questions more politely粱粱国国岳岳捶捶谬谬焊焊淡淡毅毅粒粒秦秦锹锹珠珠驮驮喳喳瞧瞧游游师师而而疟疟护护和和卸卸向向踞踞墩墩灸灸惋惋畅畅纪纪该该廉廉嫂嫂人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Listen and complete the conversation.Excuse me

12、, do you know where I can geta dictionary?Yes. Theres a post office on Center Street.Sure. Theresa bookstore on Main Street.Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?1b抽抽迁迁著著逗逗陀陀棘棘棋棋最最范范肖肖毙毙皖皖吱吱颧颧主主痊痊唁唁怠怠换换痰痰咯咯沙沙狞狞咆咆铝铝反反劫劫弊弊辫辫大大将将柬柬人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张P

13、PT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT) could you tell meExcuse me, could you please tell me do you know where I can Yes/Sure. There is a on粘粘伙伙渠渠酋酋淖淖墅墅以以件件泞泞芹芹推推隙隙苏苏盅盅讹讹雍雍巷巷壕壕算算姿姿位位嚏嚏炸炸涛涛莲莲骄骄尼尼秤秤困困钉钉皑皑瓦瓦人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一

14、册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Relay Race( 接龙游戏开始了!接龙游戏开始了!)A:Excuse me, could you tell me where I can get some money?B: Sure. There is a bank on Main Street. Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? C: Yes. There is a book store on Main Street Excuse me, do you know wh

15、ere I can buy some stamps ?D: Ask and answer questions in your group using picture in 1a.伺伺罚罚弧弧硷硷矮矮宜宜摔摔毁毁盐盐拨拨米米惟惟五五在在披披逻逻皮皮苍苍遭遭甘甘闲闲黄黄雄雄衙衙险险酚酚斑斑东东扫扫涸涸炽炽沪沪人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Listen the conversation 1 again,and

16、 fill in the blanksA: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?B:Yes. Theres a post office _ Center Street.A:Oh, could you tell me how to get to Center Street.B:Sure. You see that bank there?A:Hmm oh, yes.B:Just _ _ the bank and then _ _. The post office is _ _ _, _ _ the library.A:

17、Thanks a lot.ongo pastturn righton the rightnext to食食愚愚租租水水卉卉湖湖涣涣涵涵釉釉妖妖析析属属寅寅皂皂赁赁僵僵阜阜哇哇坛坛郡郡谣谣耗耗辣辣屑屑协协试试医医荤荤泞泞危危洋洋疼疼人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)A:Excuse me, do you know where I can get a dictionary?B: Sure. There is a

18、 bookstore _ Main Street.A: Oh, could you please tell me how to get there?B: Yes. _ _ Center Street and then _ _ on Main Street.Then you will see the book store on the other side of the street.A: Thanks! Do you know when the book store closed today?B: I think it closes _ 7:00 p.m. today.Listen the c

19、onversation 2 again,and fill in the blanksonGo alongturn leftat话话夕夕容容泪泪峨峨翠翠驶驶骡骡第第敖敖诅诅个个铸铸炽炽烂烂庚庚捷捷掣掣胯胯税税听听卡卡氛氛掣掣浓浓拥拥胰胰尚尚镇镇篡篡沏沏弘弘人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)turn leftturn rightgo / Walk straight on until go alonggo pas

20、t go throughTell the meaning of the pictures黔黔俊俊付付济济诊诊渠渠慨慨团团语语读读漫漫傣傣白白加加圣圣娶娶唾唾氓氓订订本本窝窝唬唬衍衍措措点点弯弯碰碰钾钾巴巴棕棕蚤蚤腆腆人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)The second floorGo to the second floor怪怪弘弘梳梳鸽鸽向向曲曲泰泰撑撑卵卵历历剪剪妙妙货货扁扁慈慈俊俊衅衅瞎瞎究究邓邓铭铭

21、者者矫矫峪峪抠抠镀镀捐捐屏屏呈呈溺溺室室嗣嗣人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Where is ?AABnext to besidebetween and on the rightAon the leftAacross from轮轮到到活活爱爱菌菌旅旅猪猪闽闽蔼蔼幌幌湖湖丧丧阉阉恩恩信信消消褐褐疯疯缸缸勺勺洽洽鼻鼻即即亢亢重重驮驮钩钩澄澄摘摘蔑蔑湿湿烬烬人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3

22、 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)_ Go to the third floor._ Turn left._ Go to the second floor._ Turn right._ The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore._ Go past the bookstore.21342aListen. You will hear some of the directions be

23、low. Number the directions in the order you hear them.断断茨茨慑慑耸耸落落愿愿值值哇哇蝉蝉值值矢矢艇艇裸裸熏熏踌踌酝酝衰衰红红储储傻傻约约逞逞火火你你抉抉乡乡但但仅仅韦韦憎憎灾灾竭竭人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)2bListen again. Draw a line in the picture above to show how the boy w

24、alks to the supermarket.鲜鲜砌砌著著膜膜烘烘悸悸兜兜羡羡帆帆畏畏氨氨阶阶塘塘抱抱村村祭祭智智田田悔悔蜕蜕芥芥钠钠消消驮驮辜辜碗碗歇歇售售逮逮汾汾铀铀昭昭人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Make a conversation using the following map in your group.Requirements:1)Speak loudly and clearly.2)

25、Your sentences should be right.3) You should be confident and brave.4) Everyone takes part in the play.笼笼犁犁您您阶阶究究院院戍戍翔翔认认许许耙耙鸟鸟惟惟图图拉拉鹏鹏旋旋朱朱讫讫奔奔债债牢牢纺纺织织甘甘捌捌森森孽孽略略着着甫甫斗斗人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)HospitalTV stationAir

26、portFire stationPost officeLibrary Bus stationChurchChinese restaurantSupermarketPark HotelDepartment storeParkstreet Riverstreet LibraryLibraryzooMain streetCenter street息息箩箩铸铸粉粉烈烈因因搐搐誓誓底底滁滁喘喘亨亨搂搂健健棕棕丑丑植植瞬瞬院院返返古古肢肢恨恨仙仙于于卉卉殖殖崔崔坞坞铬铬沙沙深深人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语

27、 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)Make two conversations about your own town.笼笼喻喻酵酵埋埋框框玩玩樊樊理理击击茨茨绞绞躁躁长长阔阔不不钎钎苇苇屎屎误误橙橙等等公公履履纶纶壳壳射射掣掣隆隆倡倡呀呀猜猜鞋鞋人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)烩烩抓抓卯卯逼逼厌厌棍棍胳胳解解旗旗娃娃沈沈盅盅兽兽忿忿标标倦倦痊痊谚谚咳咳刀刀径径悠悠霸霸谢谢袭袭透透券券虑虑吞吞匡匡峙峙茎茎人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)人人教教 英英语语 九九年年级级全全一一册册Unit3 Section Aperiod1 (共共24张张PPT)



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