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1、CONFIDENTIALGeneric Introduction Moisture Sensitive Device(MSD) Process Control Purpose空气中的水分會通過滲透進入一般性包裝材料.利用表面裝貼技術將SMD物料焊接到PCB過程中,SMD物料會接触到超過200C 的高溫. 高溫回流時, 濕气迅速膨脹, 材料配合不當以及材料表面降級會使SMD物料斷裂和分層.MSD控制指對不同潮濕等級的MSD物料的搬運,包裝,運輸和使用進行標準方法控制,以免物料受潮而高溫回流導致优率及可靠性下降.ProceduresSites are required to conform to

2、the specifications of J-STD-033A and be aware of the information contained in J-STD-020C.(CELESTICA)The following procedures are described in this document and represent the basic processes that shall be maintained and controlled for MSDs.1.Receiving Inspection2.StorageCelestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALGene

3、ric Introduction3.post Exposure to Factory Ambient4.Board Rework5.Reuse of material6. Audit RequirementsReference Doc of CELESTICAJ-STD-033A : A joint standard developed by the JEDEC and IPC about handling, Packing, shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface .由JEDEC和IPC共同制定的有关潮湿敏感SMD物料的搬运

4、,包装,运输和使用标准J-STD-020 : Moisture Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices .非密封固态SMD装置的湿敏性分类.Reference Doc of CDGCELQ-029-PROC-510 Handling Procedure For Dry Packing Component干燥包装物料的操作程序CELQ-029-PROC-56 Procedure for ICs, PCBs and PCBAs Moisture Control and Baking

5、.MSD物料, PCB, PCBA的焗烤和湿度控制的工序 Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALScope for MSDIC, BGA handling, packing, shipping & use IC搬運,包裝,運輸和使用 J-STD-033A Assembly processes: mass reflow, localized heating ( board rework) ,高溫回流,局部加热(PCBA返工)有關術語和定義有關術語和定義MSD: Moisture Sensitive Devices 潮濕敏感裝置SMD: Surface Mount Device 表面

6、裝貼裝置(Active) Desiccant 干燥劑 HIC: Humidity Indicator Card 濕度指示卡 MBB: Moisture Barrier Bag 防潮袋 Floor Life 允許暴露時間 Shelf Life 保存期限MSL: Moisture Sensitivity Level 潮濕敏感等級RH: relative humidity相對濕度相對濕度是指在特定溫度下空氣中的水氣相對這個溫度下空氣所能包含的最大水氣量的比率,用百分比表示. Generic IntroductionCelestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALKey RequirementsR

7、eceiving InspectionPurposeComponentsshallbereceivedinacontrolledenvironmentfor TemperatureandHumiditywithproperidentification.ProcedureComponentsmustbereceivedinthefollowingmanner:1. Dry packed SMD packages should be inspected for a bag seal date located on the caution or bar code label.2.MBB, desic

8、cant, HIC & MSD Label shall conform to J-STD-033A . TheMBBshallhaveaMoistureSensitiveIDandMoistureCautionlabelaffixedtotheoutsideortothelowestlevelshippingcontainer(Figure1).3.The HIC should be read immediately upon removal from the MBB. If the 5% RH dot is pink and the 10% RH dot is not blue, the S

9、MD packages have been exposed to an exces-sive level . Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALFlow chart in CDG Key RequirementsCelestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALProcedure :IQC 检查来料,召集ME,QA,PROD,PROG,TE,MP等部门召开MRB会议.确定哪些物料可以继续再用, 哪些物料需要重新Baking,哪些物料必须Reject给供应商.n可继续再用的物料贴上UAI标签(IQC),图1.nHIC超标的物料帖上SROT/RWK标签(IQC),设立相应的MR

10、R号并存入MRB,图2.n生产部要Baking的物料贴上Special Handling标签(IQC).此标签主要是对该物料Baking的要求,图3.n生产部Baking完后,贴上一个焗炉标签(PROD),图4.2.生产部Baking :n开MRB会议,主要确定的项目?n规则和流程, 标签填法,图片?主要是那些COMP在用干燥箱和焗炉?Key Requirements图1图2图3图4Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALnIQC检查合格后贴上UAI标签 .nMRB会议确定必须Reject 给供应商的物料贴上RTV标签(IQC),并存入MRB内 , 图5.图5Celestica A

11、siaCONFIDENTIALKey RequirementsStoragePurposeComponentsshallbereceivedinacontrolledenvironmentforTemperatureandHumiditywithproperidentification.ProcedureThefollowingproceduresarecoveredonthefollowingpages:1.DryCabinetstorage2.DryPackstorageTable1outlinestheattributesofthedifferentstoragemethods.Cele

12、stica AsiaCONFIDENTIALStorage - Dry CabinetPurposeDrycabinetsusedtostorecomponentsshallcontroltheTemperatureandHumidityofthespacewithinconsistently.Procedure1. Dry components and packaging material if necessary as defined in Drying section .2. Place dry components in cabinet maintaining RH of no mor

13、ethan5%RH.ComponentsmaybeexposedorsealedinaMBB.3.LogtheDateandTimecomponentisplaceinthecabinetorplaceaMSDcontrollabel/tagonthecomponentpackaging.4.Temperature within the cabinet shall be controlled to 30C.INCDG:35%-85%RH12-27Key RequirementsCelestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALMcDry干燥箱干燥箱 Ref Doc. : CELQ-052-M

14、PI-1907 (Dongguan MPI DL-1)打开包装的物料:1.如果在一个小时内用完, 只需真空包装.2.如果超过暴露时间用完, 就必须重新Baking .3.濕敏水平為2至4的元件, 如果暴露時間不超過12小時,最少需要暴露時間的 5倍的时间去干燥,这要求儲存的濕度條件不可高于10%RH.4.濕敏水平為5至5a的元件, 如果暴露時間不超過8小時,最少需要暴露時間的 10倍的时间去干燥,这要求儲存的濕度條件不可高于5%RH.Key RequirementsRH 顯示器Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALCDG的的3个主要湿度控制表个主要湿度控制表 :Celestica

15、 AsiaCONFIDENTIALKey RequirementsStorage - Dry PackPurposeDrypackingshallbeperformedconsistentlytocontroltheTemperatureandHumidityWithintheMBB.Procedure1.DrycomponentsandpackagingmaterialifnecessaryasdefinedinDryingsection.2.PlacethecomponentsintoaMBB.3.PlacetherequiredamountofdesiccantintotheMBB.4.


17、equentsealing.Vacuum Packer(真空包装机) Ref Doc.:CELQ-029-MPI-850 (Dongguan MPI DL-1)7.Inspectsealforanyairleaks.8.PlaceorupdateexistingMSDcontrollabel/tagontheMBB.9.Storethedrypackinambientconditions40C/90%RH.Floor lifeFloor life are always 24 hrs for all components except level 6, 1 & 2. 除 Level 6, 1,

18、2 外所有MSD零件的 Floor Life CDG 均定為24小時.SMD packages classified as Level 6 must be dried by baking, then reflowed within the time limit specified on the label. Level 6 用之前必須焗CDG have no floor life limit for Level 1 & 2. CDG對Level& 2沒有floor life 限制. . Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALKey RequirementsAttention1.

19、Moisture sensitive items classified at levels 2a through 5a should be packaged in hermetically sealed barrier materials with desiccants. The components must be dried prior to being sealed in MBB .2. SMD packages classified as Level 6 must be labeled and dried by baking, then reflowed within the time

20、.3. Table below details dry packing requirements for different MSL devicesCelestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALKey Requirements 4. Carrier materials that are placed in the MBB can affect the moisture level within the MBB. Therefore, the effect of these materials must be compensated for by baking or, adding add

21、itional desiccant in the MBB .post Exposure to Factory AmbientIf components are with level 1 or level 2, the exposure time is not a concern.If exposure not greater than 1 hr: floor life clock can stop.If components are rebagged using the original packing materials this should be done within 30 minut

22、es according to J-STD-033A.If exposure not greater than 8 hrs: a minimum desiccating period of 10X by dry packthe exposure time is required to dry the SMD packages enough to reset the floor life clock.If components with level 2a or 3 exposed for anytime less than their floor life, the floor life clo

23、ck can stop using dry pack.If exposure greater than 8 hrs and less than its floor life (24 hrs), the components should be reflowed prior to the floor life or otherwise must be re-baked and dry packed.reflowed prior to the floor life or otherwise must be re-baked and dry packed. 如暴露超過8小時小于小時, 須在24小時

24、里 reflow完, 否則要Re-bake再包裝.If exposure more than its floor life (24 hrs), the components must be baked 48 hrs at 125 C. prior to reflow or dry pack. 若暴露超過24小時則 reflow 或干包裝前一定要焗小時。 cant be used. 超過儲存期限的物料用之前須檢查.Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALKey RequirementsIf exposure more than its floor life (24 hrs), the

25、 components must be baked 48 hrs at 125 C prior to reflow or dry pack.Board ReworkIf any component temperature exceeds 200C, the board must be baked dry prior to rework and/or component removal.If do not need to reuse the suspected defective part or performance failure analysis then baking the board

26、 is not required.Bake duration of PCBA is based on the component to be removed.PCBA rework flow chartCelestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALKey RequirementsWORK DESCRIPTION: IC,PCB和和PCBA的焗爐指示的焗爐指示Ref Doc. :CELQ-029-MPI-1426Dongguan MPI DL-11. IC預焗方法預焗方法根據IC的焗爐溫度設定值,選擇可承受此溫度的導電管或盤。將電子元件平放在導電的管上或盤上進行焗爐。焗完的電子元件必須作防

27、潮包裝以备用.2. PCB預焗方法預焗方法對於PCB將電路板放在層架上,每疊之間及與焗爐內壁最小留2吋空間以便疏氣。n對除Matrox產品之外的所有PCB,每疊的高度最大2吋, 如沒有足夠的PCB層疊,可把重物壓在電路板上,以避免電路板焗板後拗曲。n對于Matrox產品所有PCB,每疊的高度最大1吋, 而且需放置重物壓在電路板上以避免電路板焗板後拗曲。n對于Matrox需要特别Rework的產品,每疊的高度最多是4块PCB重叠放置,而且需放置重物壓在電路板上以避免電路板焗板後拗曲。焗完的電路板必須於24小時內進行回流,否則要作防潮包裝.Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIAL3.

28、PCBA預焗方法預焗方法n對於PCBA將電路板放在層架上,不可層疊,電路板之間最小留1吋空間以便疏氣。n對於已裝配電路板PCBA, 在出烘爐時, 生產部需要在已裝配電路板PCBA的流程卡上邊蓋上B 印和寫下出爐的日期和時間。 它們一定要在24小時之 內進行加熱進行零件翻修,否則需要再一次烘板。ICs和和PCBA的焗爐參數設定的焗爐參數設定PCB的焗爐參數設定的焗爐參數設定Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALCDG MSD LabelReuse of materialPurposeDryPackingmaterialsmayberecycledorreusedtoreduceco

29、sts.ProcedureDesiccant,HICandMBBcanberecycledaccordingtomanufacturersinstructions.vReuseofDesiccants1. J-STD-033 A requires that desiccants shall meet MIL-D-3464, TYPE II2. Activated clay type desiccants can be baked according to manufacturers recommendation to renew it to original specifications .3

30、. Prior to reuse, the desiccants should be baked for 48 hrs at 125 C along with the MSDs 4. It is recommended that the desiccants should be reused only for one cycle.vReuse of HIC1.J-STD-033 A requires that HIC shall comply with MIL-1-8835. At minimum, the HIC shall have three color dots with sensit

31、ivity values of 5%RH, 10%RH, 15%RH .2. HIC can be baked for reuse. The HIC cant be reused until 5%RH value becomes completely blue .Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIAL3.It is recommended that the HIC be baked 1 hr at 125C and reused only for onecycle .vReuse of MBBMBBsmaybereusedprovidedtheyhavenotbeenpunctu


33、posedproperlytoadheretoISO-14001requirements.Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIAL Audit RequirementsPurposeTheMSDcontrolprocessshallbeauditedtoensurecompliancetoCelesticaMPS.Procedure1.MSDprocesscontroldocumentationcomplieswithCelesticaMPSandJ-STD-033A.2.TrainingandEducationprogramcontent.3.FactoryEnvironment

34、alConditionsaremonitored.4.Monitoringequipmentismaintainedmonthlyandcalibrationverifiedannually.5.Drystorageequipmentismaintainedmonthlyandcalibrationverifiedannually.6.Proceduresarefollowedaccurately.7.Trackingdataisarchived.8.Baking/Dryinginformationislogged.Celestica AsiaCONFIDENTIALThanks!Celestica Asia



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