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1、Phone Etiquette电话礼仪45%55%100%Speak Face To Face面谈Speak On the Phone电话交谈VSChoose A Normal Ring选择一个正常的铃声Do you really want your colleagues to hear latest single blasting on your cellphone while youre fumbling to silence it?你真的希望你的同事在你手忙脚乱去静音时听到最新神曲从你手机中传出吗?Who You Are 你是谁What You Believe你的信仰DONT Answe

2、r Your Phone When .不要接电话,当。entering a meeting, restaurant, theater, training class进入会场,餐厅,剧院,培训课程。Do not take 不带 Turn off 关机Vibration 震动Silence 静音If cannot reschedule an important call during a meeting,如果在会议中有重要电话且不能更改时间, People youre meeting with - APOLOGIZE & EXPLAIN与你会面的人 道歉 与 解释Caller INFORM ava

3、ilable time & STATE will monitor message & return call致电者 告知方便的时间 并 声明将关注信息并回电Ahead of time!提前!DONT PLACE YOUR PHONE ON THE TABLEWHEN MEETING OTHERS!在与别人会面时不要把你的手机放到桌上!Preparation筹备Topics 议题Questions 问题Questions or objections you may encounter? 你可能遇到的问题或异议 ?A suitable place? 一个合适的地方?A right number?

4、正确的号码?Take notes during the call电话中记笔记Visualize your caller as friendly & positive 将对方视为友好积极的人Have all of your personal info at hand i.e. 将你所有的个人信息放在手边,例如 - Calendar 行程安排Full name 全名Address 地址Phone number 手机号码E-mail 邮箱地址AMPMSuitable Calling Time致电的合适时间IhopeIdidntcatchyouatabadtime.抱歉抱歉这这种种时时候找你。候找你。

5、When Rings当铃声响起。Discontinue any other conversation or activity 暂停一切会话或活动Keep distance from others 与别人保持距离Answer Promptly (Before The Third Ring If Possible) 及时接听 (最好能在第三声响起前)Announce Yourself自报家门Good afternoon Mr. Brown, this is Irene from STCC.下午好,布朗先生。我是上海嘉庭中心的Irene。Thank you for calling STCC. Thi

6、s is Irene.您好,感谢您致电上海嘉庭中心。我是Irene。 Answer接听Call致电Address the caller properly by his or her title. 得当地称呼对方的头衔。NEVER address an unfamiliar caller by his or her FIRST NAME. 称呼不熟悉的人时,不要直呼其名。Do use the callers name frequently 频繁称呼对方personal connection to the caller与对方的个人联系Volume音量A QUIET, CONVERSATIONAL

7、VOICE一个安静的对话嗓音2-finger widths away from mouth离嘴两指宽How to identify whether it is too loud?怎样辨别是否太大声了?Tone音调Tip: Record your own conversations to hear how your sound to others.小贴士:把你自己的对话录下来,来感受别人会听到的嗓音。DONT sound overly anxious, aggressive or pushy 不要听起来过分焦虑、强势或固执 Authority & Confidence 权威 与 自信DONT l

8、ean back in your chair 不要向后靠在你的椅子上 ADD A SMILE TO YOUR VOICE在你的声音中加入微笑 Wording用词Use professional & positive words使用专业且积极的词汇You have toYou need toWhy didnt you?你必须你需要你为什么不?Will you pleaseWould you please?请您好吗?您愿意吗?Yourproblem/Yourcomplaint你的问题/你的投诉Your question / Your concern / this situation您的疑问 / 您

9、的关注 / 这种情况Hangon/Holdon不要挂/等一下May I put you on hold?您可以稍等下吗?Whos calling?你是谁?May I say who is calling please?请问贵姓?I cant hear you, speak up!我听不见,大声点!I am having a little difficulty hearing you. Can you please speak up?我有点听不太清。您可以再大声点吗?I cant help you. Youll have to speak to someone else我帮不了你。你应该打给别人

10、。I need to transfer your call to (dept.) so that they can answer your question. May I do so? 我需要把您转接到(部门),他们可以解答您的疑问。我可以这样吗?I dont know我不知道Let me find out about that for you.我会为您弄清其情况JEFFSHOW姐夫秀姐夫秀Which one takes precedence?哪一个优先?Interruption打断COMER来访者/ PASSB过客CALLER 致电者 If you must interrupt the co

11、nversation,then。如果你必如果你必须须要要打断打断对话对话,那么。那么。Holding持机等候When returning 回来时Example 例Mr. Liu, can you please hold while I retrieve your file? (pause for a response) 刘先生,我需要搜索下您的文件,您可以稍等吗? (停顿,等待回复) Thank you. I will be back in a minute. 谢谢您,我马上回来。(caller on hold 致电者等候)Thank you for holding, Mr. Liu. I c

12、an now help you.刘先生,感谢您的耐心等待。我现在可以为您服务了。Holding持机等候Case 案例You need to retrieve the file of Mr. Liu. How to ask him for holding?你需要搜索刘先生的文件,怎样让他等候呢?Holding持机等候Leave them on hold for 1 MINUTE让他们等候1分钟Put them on hold MULTIPLE TIMES/call让他们等候在一次电话中等候多次Make them CALL YOU BACK让他们回电给你DONTSDONTS不要不要不要不要Call

13、ThemBack给给他他们们回回电电Refresh!更新进展!Holding持机等候Example 例Ms. Zhao, I will check to see if Mr. Zhang is available to take your call. Can you please for a minute? (pause for a response) 赵女士,我将确认张先生能否接电话,您可以稍等吗?(停顿,等待回复) Thank you. I will be right back.谢谢您,我很快回来。(caller on hold 致电者等候)Im sorry for the inconve

14、nience, Ms. Zhao. That line is still busy. Will you continue to hold or should I have him call you back? 赵女士,抱歉给您带来了不便。电话仍然占线。请问您是希望继续等待还是让他给您回电呢?Case 案例You need to transfer Ms. Zhao to Mr. Zhang. 你需要把赵女士的电话转接给张先生。What if the line keeps busy?如果一直占线,你将怎么办?Transfer转接When returning 回来时Immediately Let T

15、he Caller Know Who Else Is In The Room With You立即告知对方还有谁和你在房间里Speaker Phone免提电话THE ONLY TIME: need 1 person on the conversation at your end唯一的时机:你电话这头不止一人需要加入会话。Change An Appointment更改时间Something urgent has come up. Could I postpone our appointment? 发生了一些急事。我俩的约会能不能延期? May I ask you to postpone the

16、meeting until the day after tomorrow? 可以要求你将会面时间延到后天吗?Appointment预约Make An Appointment约定时间Would it be possible to see Mr. Scott sometime this week? 请问这星期能否跟史考特先生见个面?Id like to make an appointment with Mr. Scott. 我想要跟史考特先生约个时间见面Proper Closing得当的结束Final Opportunity To Make A Good Impression留下好印象的最后时机T

17、HANK AGAIN. 再次感谢。Ask if there is anything else you can assist him with. 询问是否有其他需要帮忙的地方。 i.e., “Nice talking to you” or “Im glad we resolved this concern”. 例,“很高兴与您通话”或“很高兴我们一起解决了这个顾虑”Talk in the PAST TENSE and use “closing” phrases 用过去时交谈并使用“结尾”用词State the ACTION YOU WILL TAKE 声明你将采取的行动Spell out FOL

18、LOW-UP ACTION, including time frames/deadlines. 弄清后续行动,包括时间节点/截止日期。Wait For The Caller To Release The Call Before Hanging Up. 等待对方挂机后再挂。Offer Alternative提供其他途径Example 例If you have any further information you would like to share with me, please send me an email at 如果您有更多信息想要与我分享,请发送邮件至My assistant, M

19、ary, will be willing to help you. You can reach her at Ext. 8015. 我的助理Mary将很乐意帮助您。您可以拨打分机8015联系她。Leave Voicemail语音留言Spelling 提供拼写 Please Call 请打给我Good Time to Reach You 联系你的最佳时间Area Code 区号Repeat 重复Will Call Back 我会再打Urgent 紧急Can I leave a message?我可以留言吗? Yes. Go ahead, please. 可以, 请继续。 Of course. H

20、old on for just a second so I can grab a pen and paper. 当然, 稍等一下让我拿下纸笔。 Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down. 当然, 如果你可以等我一下下, 让我找张纸写下来。Leave Message留言Key points are the same with Voicemail要点与语言留言一样He is out on his lunch break right now. Would yo

21、u like to leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了, 您需要留言吗? He is not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以帮您传话吗?Turn Over 翻翻过过来来 Fold In Half 对对折折Maintain ConfidentialityMaintain Confidentiality保密保密保密保密Deliver: ASAP传递: 尽快Answer: 1 Business Day回复:1个工作日KEEP COURTEOUS no matter how mad a caller may be保持礼貌,无论对方如何疯狂KEEP COURTEOUS even if a wrong number保持礼貌,即使是打错了Notice注意Notice注意Interaction互动ASK QUESTIONSASK QUESTIONS! 问问题!问问题!REPEAT INFO REPEAT INFO back to the Caller back to the Caller! 向对方重复一遍信息!向对方重复一遍信息!Notice注意TakeNotes记笔记When 何时Who 何人Where 何地What 何事Why 何因How 如何5W1HQ & A问答



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