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1、Unit 2 English around the worldLanguage points1.More than =over (P9)1) More than 数词数词 “多于多于”我认识大卫有二十多年了。我认识大卫有二十多年了。I have known David for more than 20 years.2) More than +n. “不只是不只是 , 不仅仅不仅仅”杰克不仅是一个老师,他还是一个作家。杰克不仅是一个老师,他还是一个作家。Jack is more than a teacher ; he is a writer, too. 3)More than one+n. “不

2、止一个不止一个” 作主语作主语 谓动为单谓动为单不止一个人有这本书。不止一个人有这本书。More than one person has this book.No morethan 和和一样不(都否定)一样不(都否定)Jack is no more clever than me.杰克和我一样不聪明。杰克和我一样不聪明。Not morethan 不如不如 (前者不如后者前者不如后者)Jack is not more clever than me.杰克不如我聪明。杰克不如我聪明。Language points in Reading Paragraph 1people from England ma

3、de voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that.1. make a voyage (to sw.) make a journey (to sw.) make a trip ( to sw.)航海旅行航海旅行远距离旅行远距离旅行短途旅行短途旅行 voyage: 去国外或海上旅行去国外或海上旅行 journey: 指较远的从一地到另一地陆路旅行指较远的从一地到另一地陆路旅行 travel: 一系列的旅程,尤指旅行的概念一系列的旅程,尤指旅行的概念 不可数不可数trip: (短途短途)旅行旅行 tour: 参观多处

4、名胜的旅行参观多处名胜的旅行1). It is tiring to take a long _ by train from Paris to Moscow.2). The _ from England to Australia used to take several months.3). Theyll have time for a _ to France next weekend.4). We went on a guided _(向导)(向导) round the castle.journeyvoyagetriptour2.because of 因为因为,后接名词后接名词/代词代词/宾语

5、从句宾语从句/动名词动名词 because 因为因为,后接句子。后接句子。Eg.1.)他们是因为我们来到这里的。他们是因为我们来到这里的。 2).因为下雨,我们迟到了。因为下雨,我们迟到了。 They are here us. We were late it rained. We were late raining.because ofbecause ofbecauseToday, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.如今说英语的人如今说英语的人比以往任何

6、时候比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来学说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。语言来学说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。3. than ever before常与比较级常与比较级连用,连用, 意意为为“ 比以往任何时候比以往任何时候”(1)简看起来比以前漂亮多了)简看起来比以前漂亮多了.(2)夜晚比以前更漂亮了)夜晚比以前更漂亮了.Jane looks much prettier than ever before.The night was more beautiful than ever before.Language points in Paragraph 2 N

7、ative English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.4. even if= even though =though=although “尽管;即使尽管;即使”引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句 尽管他很忙,他还是愿意帮我们。尽管他很忙,他还是愿意帮我们。1)He likes to help us even if/though he is very busy.主、从句皆表示将来,从句主、从句皆表示将来,从句可用一般现在时代替将来时可用一般现在时代替将来时2

8、)Even if it rains tomorrow, we will leave for Beijing. 尽管明天下雨,我们还是会离开北京。尽管明天下雨,我们还是会离开北京。用用if, as if, even if填空填空 (1)_ I had money, I wouldnt buy it.(2) _ I had money, I would buy it.(3) It looks _ it is going to rain. even if “尽管,即使尽管,即使”引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句 if “假如假如” 引导条件状语从句引导条件状语从句 as if/ though “好像

9、好像” 引导方式状语从句引导方式状语从句 Even if/thoughIfas if/though5. native English speaker: 以英语作为母语的人以英语作为母语的人native language: =native tongue 母语母语native speakers 说母语的人说母语的人Id like to come up to your apartment. The problem came up in the meeting yesterday发芽发芽; ; 被提出被提出; ; 升起升起 New shoots of bamboo will come up. The

10、sun comes up in the east. 问题在昨天的会议中被提出来了。问题在昨天的会议中被提出来了。(无无被动形式)被动形式)e up3)I my old friend in the town yesterday.2)We the answer to the question. 1)When I was wondering which roade to take, a policeman e up to: 走近,上来走近,上来 come up with:想出,提出(主意,答案,问题等)想出,提出(主意,答案,问题等)come around: 恢复,苏醒恢复,苏醒come about

11、:出现,发生出现,发生 come out:出版出版come across:(偶然地偶然地)碰到;想到碰到;想到 came up tocame up withcame acrossLanguage points in Paragraph 3So why has English changed over time?那么,那么, 英语英语经过经过一段时间为什么会起变化呢?一段时间为什么会起变化呢?7. Over 贯穿贯穿, 经过(一段经过(一段时间)时间) over time 随着时间推移随着时间推移1) , he has become more patient.经过这些年,经过这些年, 他变得更有

12、耐心他变得更有耐心2)周末她会来杭州。周末她会来杭州。She will come to Hangzhou .over the weekendOver the years8.actually= in fact 事实上,实际上事实上,实际上Actually,culture meets and communicates with each otherHe looks stupid, but actually he is clever. municate with You can communicate with me in QQ zone. 你可以和我在你可以和我在QQ 空间里交流空间里交流 . c

13、ommunication (n.交流交流)It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时当时的英语更多的以德语为基础,的英语更多的以德语为基础,而今天而今天所说所说的不是的不是。10. base on / upon be based on 以以为基础为基础 你的想法应该以事实为基础。你的想法应该以事实为基础。 这部电影以事实为基础。这部电影以事实为基础。 This movie facts. You should your opinion facts.1)sb. base sth. on/upon sth.2

14、)sth. be based on/upon sth.baseonis based on11. at present 目前目前, 现在现在1)adj.现在的,目前的现在的,目前的 the present government 出席的出席的 Were you present at the meeting?2)n. /prezent/ 目前:目前:the present There is no time better than the present if you want to do something. 礼物礼物3)v. /prizent/ 赠送赠送 present sb. sth. /pre

15、sent sth. to sb. 正式介绍正式介绍 May I present my teacher to you? 12. rule n. 规则,统治规则,统治 v. 支配,统治支配,统治1)He makes it a rule to walk a half hour before breakfast.2)The queen ruled the country.because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French.13.especially意思是意思是“尤其,特别尤其,特别”, specially 指为了某一目

16、的,专门做某事指为了某一目的,专门做某事 1). Our city is very beautiful, _ in spring. 2). He came here _ to ask you for help. especiallyspeciallyand especially its vocabulary.1)我们应该充分利用好我们的资源。我们应该充分利用好我们的资源。 2) 每一分钟都应该很好地利用。每一分钟都应该很好地利用。 We should our resources.Every minute should . 14.make use of 利用,使用利用,使用 make good

17、/ full use of 充分使用,很好地利用充分使用,很好地利用 make no use of sth. 没有利用没有利用make good use ofbe made full use ofShakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.Language points in Paragraph 415.the latter: 后者后者 the former: 前者前者Language points in Paragraph 5许多人已经来了。许多人已经来了。无家可归的人的数量在上升。无家可归的

18、人的数量在上升。 the number of 的数目(其后谓语动词用单数)的数目(其后谓语动词用单数) The number of homeless people has increased. 17. a number of 大量的大量的 (其后谓语动词用复数)(其后谓语动词用复数) A number of people have came.16.fluently(adv.): speak fulentlyIndia has a very large number of fluent English speakers. The number of people invited_ fifty,

19、but a number of them _absent for different reasons. A . were; was B. was; was C. was ; were D. were; were18. for example such as 用于列举用于列举典型例子典型例子不可列举一连串事物不可列举一连串事物可放在可放在句首、句中或句末句首、句中或句末所举例的事物只能是所举例的事物只能是总体的一部分总体的一部分不能全部列举出来不能全部列举出来Such as后后不可有逗号不可有逗号.Eglish is spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and co

20、untries in Africa such as South Africa.for example/ such as2)Some students , _ Li Lei, like reading books.3)Some students, John, _ live in the town.such as for example 1)I like drinks, tea and coffee such as19. Only time will tell. 只有只有时间会证明时间会证明一切。一切。tell 此处为此处为vi. 意为意为“证明,显示出证明,显示出” 还可作还可作 “发生影响;起作用;判断发生影响;起作用;判断” tell v. 知道知道, 判断判断 Its hard to tell whether he is right. tell A from B: 区分,分别区分,分别 Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?



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