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1、 Being a good student Project1(Period 2)A good studentA good studentat schoolon the roadat homein other public placesBrainstormBrainstormWhat makes a good student?should/shouldntshould/shouldnt_._.We should do well at school .Topic sentence(主旨句)Tip:写作时,可以围绕中心句进行陈述。Details(细节)Describe the picturesDes

2、cribe the pictures We must listen to the teachers carefully in class. We mustnt litter in our school. We should study hard at school. _.We should do well at home.Give adviceGive advice We should putour things in order and keep our rooms clean and tidy. We shouldnt waste food.(We should save food.)Ti

3、p: 我们可以用不同的语言表达相同的意思,我们可以用不同的语言表达相同的意思,使文章更有质感。使文章更有质感。_Rules on the roadRules on the roadFirst, we must look for a zebra crossing. Then, we must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.We can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. We must first look left, then right and

4、 then left again. We can also cross the road with other people.We must not run or play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.Tip: 在写作时要注意句子与句子之间、段落与段落在写作时要注意句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间的逻辑顺序,恰当使用关联词。之间的逻辑顺序,恰当使用关联词。How can we cross the road safely?Sometimes, there is no zebra crossing.Rules on the ro

5、adRules on the roadTip: 没有逻辑关系的并列句,写作时可不考虑顺序。没有逻辑关系的并列句,写作时可不考虑顺序。What other traffic rules do you know?Rules in otherRules in other public places public placesWe should do well in other public places.Topic sentence(主旨句):(主旨句):We should/shouldnt/can/cant/must/mustntin the .What other public places do

6、 you know?We must keep quiet and put books in order in the library.We shouldnt take photos in the museum.We mustnt talk loudly or smoke in the cinema.We mustnt climb trees or pick flowers in the park. we should do well at home. We should get up early and never go to bed late. We should put our thing

7、s in order and keep our rooms clean and tidy. we should do well at school. We must listen to the teachers carefully in class. We mustnt litter in our school. we should do well on the road. When we cross the road, first, we must look for a zebra crossing. Then, we must look at the traffic lights and

8、wait for the green man. we should do well in other public places. We must keep quiet in the library. We mustnt climb trees or pick flowers in the park. How to be a good student? To be a good studet, what should we do? Lets try our best to be a good student. Main body主要内容Head开头Title标题Ending结尾要求:请写一篇关

9、于要求:请写一篇关于How to be a good student?的的文章。可从两方面或者多方面进行陈述。至少文章。可从两方面或者多方面进行陈述。至少60字。字。Lets write!Checklist1紧扣主题,结构完整。2时态得当,句子通顺。3拼写正确,标点准确。4书写端正,布局美观。5句式丰富,擅用连词。得分 _7分钟要求:请写一篇关于要求:请写一篇关于How to be a good student?的的文章。可从两方面或者多方面进行陈述。至少文章。可从两方面或者多方面进行陈述。至少60字。字。Check by yourselvesChecklist1紧扣主题,结构完整。2时态得当

10、,句子通顺。3拼写正确,标点准确。4书写端正,布局美观。5句式丰富,擅用连词。得分 _删除:删除:调位:调位:替换:替换:增补:增补:好句:好句:You can use these signs to help you.Exchange and share1. Read your partners article and circle the mistakes. 2. Underline the sentences that you like, and draw stars behind it.3. Tick the stars.How to write a complete composition?1.Title2.Head3.Main body4.Endingstructure结构Sum upHomework2.Make a poster according to your writing. 1. Revise your writing;



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