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1、 宜君县高级中学宜君县高级中学 苟亚琴苟亚琴1.同学们!心动不如行动,跃跃欲试不如同学们!心动不如行动,跃跃欲试不如亲自尝试!亲自尝试!我们是课堂的主人,不怕你说错什么就我们是课堂的主人,不怕你说错什么就怕你什么都不说!怕你什么都不说!2.It is a coastal city3.In the southeast of Fujian Province4. National Garden City5.Gulangyu Island6. Which city is it according to the pictures ?7.Xia Men8 8. . Module 4 A Lively Ci

2、ty9.Learning Learning A Aimims s 【学习目标】【学习目标】I I. Knowledge . Knowledge A Aimims s ( (知识目标)知识目标) 1 1. Important words and phrases: survey, suburb, attractive, . Important words and phrases: survey, suburb, attractive, fortunate, pretty, sound, bother, rent, approach, starvefortunate, pretty, sound,

3、bother, rent, approach, starve,exchange, afford, in the south of, on the coast, put up, high-exchange, afford, in the south of, on the coast, put up, high-rise building, shopping malls, across the water, for a whilerise building, shopping malls, across the water, for a while 2 2. Important sentence

4、patterns. Important sentence patterns: (1) (1) Its been six years sincIts been six years since we last saw each other.e we last saw each other. (2)(2) This is the first time IvThis is the first time Ive visited your hometown.e visited your hometown. (3)(3) This is one of the most attractive places I

5、ve been to.This is one of the most attractive places Ive been to. (4)(4) Whats the climate like? Whats the climate like? (5)(5) Its a gorgeous island with somIts a gorgeous island with some really interesting e really interesting architecture.architecture.IIII. Ability . Ability A Aimims s ( (能力目标)能

6、力目标) 1. Train the studentsreading ability 1. Train the studentsreading ability 2. 2. Learn how to introduce ones hometown.Learn how to introduce ones hometown.III. III. EmotionEmotionalal A Aimims s(情感目标)(情感目标) Develop the students feelings of loving their hometown and Develop the students feelings

7、of loving their hometown and country.country.1010. .Preparation and Self-learning 【自主学习、为新课奠基自主学习、为新课奠基】Translate the following into English.(A级级 识记类)识记类)(C层学生展示,层学生展示,B、A层学生补层学生补充)充)11.Cooperation and Discussion 【合作探究、讨论解合作探究、讨论解疑(学生)疑(学生)】 【跟踪反馈、及时点评(教师)跟踪反馈、及时点评(教师)】Complete the passage. Reading-

8、知识问题化、问题层次化,提高阅读知识问题化、问题层次化,提高阅读能力!(能力!(B级级 理解类理解类 )( B、C层学生展示,层学生展示,A层学层学生补充)生补充)组内展示(组内展示(Group Show)(小展示)(小展示)小展示小展示时,由一位同学主持,其余同学参与讨论,主时,由一位同学主持,其余同学参与讨论,主要讨论在完成导学案时不会做的题目或困惑,如有不要讨论在完成导学案时不会做的题目或困惑,如有不同意见,要大胆质疑,最终得到统一结论,如遇组内同意见,要大胆质疑,最终得到统一结论,如遇组内解决不了的问题,英语学科长将其汇报给老师或反馈解决不了的问题,英语学科长将其汇报给老师或反馈到黑板

9、上,老师要跟踪巡视,及时点评,对小组内的到黑板上,老师要跟踪巡视,及时点评,对小组内的讨论情况要全面掌控,防止学生发生知识误解及偏离讨论情况要全面掌控,防止学生发生知识误解及偏离现象,并对小组内好的思路及方法及时予以表扬。现象,并对小组内好的思路及方法及时予以表扬。 12.Show and Summary【成果展示成果展示 总结提升总结提升 】班内展示(班内展示(Class Show)(大展示)(大展示)大展示大展示时,小组选派代表在班内讲解带有共时,小组选派代表在班内讲解带有共性的问题,易错的问题(会的没有异议的简性的问题,易错的问题(会的没有异议的简单的问题不做详细讲解);展示时,一般由单

10、的问题不做详细讲解);展示时,一般由C、B层同学展示,由层同学展示,由A层同学负责点评或拓展;层同学负责点评或拓展;不同的小组成员展示得分值不同,不同的小组成员展示得分值不同,A层最低,层最低,C层最高,层最高,B层居中,层居中,A层加层加1分,分,B层加层加2分,分,C层加层加3分,展示错误不加分也不扣分分,展示错误不加分也不扣分, 由学由学科长负责考核计分。科长负责考核计分。 13.The cityThe peopleThe climateBuildingsplaces of interestTwo different districtsattractive, interesting an

11、d livelyfriendlypretty hot and wet in the summer and cold in the winterlots of high-rise buildings and shopping malls Gulangyu island, gorgeous island with some really interesting architecturethe business district and the western district Fill in the chart. (List the key words related to the topic.)

12、14. Supposing you are a guide, you want to introduce your hometown to the tourists. Welcome to My Hometown My hometown, Xiamen, is an _,_ and _ city. The people here are very_, and the climate is pretty _ and _ in summer and it is _ in winter. In the _ _, lots of high-rise buildings have been put up

13、. There are some great _ _. In the _ _, there are some pretty _. Whats more, _ _ is a gorgeous island with some interesting _. I love my hometown. Welcome to my hometown!lively friendly wet colddistrictdistrict Island architectureattractive interestinghot businessmallsshoppingwesternparksGulangyu15.

14、 Expansion and Improvement【拓展知识,迁移能力拓展知识,迁移能力】(D级级 拓展类)拓展类)(C、B层学生展示,层学生展示,A层学生补充)层学生补充) Finish task 1 and 2. 16. You Mike Task 1 Speaking (Make dialogues)Supposing Mike is your pen-pal from America, it is the first time he has visited Tongchuan,can you introduce our hometown to him?17. Task 2 Writi

15、ng If you are a guide, how do you introduce our hometown Tongchuan to the tourists from America.18.You can use the following hints(线索(线索). Features(特点特点): lively,attractive,historical location (位置位置): .in the middle of Shaanxi area (面积面积):.covers an area of 3882 square km Population (人口人口): .about 8

16、60 thousand People: kind,friendly and hard-working climate : .neither.nor (cold,hot,warm,cool) Places of interest: Yaowang mountaion,Yaozhou kiln, Chenlu ancient town,Yuhua palace, Fudi Lake, Zhaojin memorial hall,Xiangshan mountain, Xuejiazhai revolutionary site and so on Special local products (特产

17、特产): apples, walnuts, cherry,persimmon,corns, beans, grain and so on Life: happy, comfortable and relaxing 19.Welcome to My Hometown My hometown-Tongchuan is a lively, attractive and historical city, which is located in the middle of Shannxi province. It covers an area of 3882 square kilometers with

18、 a population of 860 thousand. People here are kind, friendly and hard-working. It is neither cold in the winter nor hot in the summer. Tongchuan is also rich in apples, walnuts, cherry,persimmon, corns, beans, grain and so on. people here live a very happy, comfortable and relaxing life. Recently,

19、great changes have taken place in Tongchuan. and a lot of tourist resources have been exploited, such as Yaowang mountaion,Yaozhou kiln, Chenlu ancient town, Yuhua palace, Fudi Lake, Zhaojin memorial hall,Xiangshan mountain, Xuejiazhai revolutionary site and so on, which are appealing to more and mo

20、re tourists from all lover the world. I love my hometown. Welcome to my hometown. 20.Write a description of ourhometown-Tongchuan.(描描述我们述我们的的家乡家乡铜川铜川) Homework:21.课堂评星:课堂评星: 各组比对小组得分,小组得分最多者被评为各组比对小组得分,小组得分最多者被评为“明明星小组星小组”,学员得分最多者被评为,学员得分最多者被评为“明星学员明星学员”。22. The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today!为!为把明天的工作做好,最好的把明天的工作做好,最好的准备是把今天的工作做好!准备是把今天的工作做好!23. Thanks For Your Attention!24.



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