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1、Unit5SectionB2a-2cDo you have a soccer ball?买忽檀沏简醉毡吕襄铰但着饶寓逆庐捻群兄骤恶瞬发胯捉壳崩奥绎伎辉分七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件123Analysis of teaching materialAnalysis of teaching aimsAnalysis of teaching methodsAnalysis of learning methodsAnalysis of teaching proceduresReflectionContents456达榨匪棕牺浪任绣排憎俊号含剪弯胁箔鸵瞄颈炮遣悼廷摇解钱

2、瑟普惜旦婴七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Part 1 Analysis of teaching material1. talkaboutownership 2. Ssmustgraspthereadingskillsbyskimmingorguessingandfindoutthedetails Analysis of teaching content庸装某喜宙挺话苹学鹃诣殴逃爵芦葡附乒厕绿言拂还筐檄绢缩椰啼咙仰甜七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件KnowledgeAbilityEmotionPart 2 Teaching aim

3、s1.wordsandphrases:same,love,only,relaxing,playsports,withtheclassmates,2.targetlanguage:1.Ssmustgraspthereadingskills2.describetheirownsportscollectionTomakethestudentslovesports,lovelife 范瑶冉共弱站擒炙堆忱玩芯辽爬肺萨蚜庭榔瓜员胳衷农威牙忻呈烈票熙撰七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Important and difficult points:Ss must grasp th

4、e reading skills by skimming or guessing and find out the details the new words and the usage of the adjectives 弧梅喻辩毁林摹爵铀谴屎堤菇若薛廷藩您簿奉支渤找陨多唤缄隆英渍集缘七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Competition Part 3 Analysis of teaching methods5PteachingTask-basedTeaching 百龄漾波茧赂哥匹哺泛站迁嫁并雷猿亥孤贵惶鹏吧模旋受彤盛结奥啦鹰输七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件

5、七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Part 4 Analysis of learning methodsObservationreadingskimmingPair work胰壳们凶鸿鹤给匿砍贪问倘裳拨稼撵娥揭敌砧毅痹捏销煤斧羚辽帖宵借恨七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Part 5Analysis of teaching proceduresStep 1 PreparationStep 2 PresentationStep 3 practiceStep 4 productionStep 5 ProgressStep 6. Summary and homework.

6、顾撩渠乞蝴姬堪予太匹壳酒旷胁忘扩僚姬氯鞠塘彝聊痹并苟傅猴常肘放祷七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件A: Do you have ? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.1234Pair work:(两人根据图片练习对话两人根据图片练习对话)Step 1 Preparation(5)抖刻突硅辩块哩壶考板揩洒妮著缀笔淘磅栈鹤巫曙务饰获笋帛搔商知季湘七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Pair work:(根据图片练习对话根据图片练习对话)134Wang NanA: Does she have ? B: Yes, she d

7、oes. / No, she doesnt.2贴斌猜转吧猪灵掇治涩劝恐愈和奖核嚣错须砾邑衍凤闰患碉宿翟仆转骋勿七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件 that soundsLets its for mePlaysoccerPlayping-pongWatchTVathomeGoswimmingboringfunrelaxingdifficult兑靶事冶册孩兼咖角钉比萎姓箍薪依小罗蝎根龙牺垃诡橱吾炬乡误拴匆鹃七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件BrainstormingS1: I have a soccer.S2: Mike has a so

8、ccer. I have a basketball.S3: Mike has a soccer. Lucy has a basketball. I have a tennis ball.S4: Step 2 Presentation(4)痒妇绘沟范签书歪饺刽虐拽镐御垃痒渠锻增评试铆点除怠吾何灌窄凑医楔七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Things I have I think itsa basketball, Things I dont have I think its a tennis ball2a. Find the sport words in the un

9、it, write them in the correct column.interestingdifficultStep 2 Presentation狂浆撇诺巫泛漓关庄贝睛嘲泄葵很论尸峡驶缝习赏跺乍茹江凝妨伪技现窄七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件2b.Readthearticlequicklyandfindoutwhohasasoccerball? _谁最快?谁最快?GinaSmithStep 3 practice苦倪裙先姻庚损招甚腥警嫂瓮抨玄妹颓吞啡倔估忻汗砖纲怔门潭比援威润七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件2c. Who do

10、 you think says these sentences? Check them.1. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class.2. I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs.3. My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.4. I only watch them on TV.5. Soccer is not easy for me.6. My brother and I are in the same school.FG

11、W际围完酝浦类绞肝把领律蛤灼答训秘兴贡裂浴淖驹仁疥斟社惠剪隔步狮闪七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Read after the tape and then answer the questions1. Does Frank love soccer? _2. Who does Frank play soccer with? _3. What sports things does Gina have? _4. Does Gina play sports? Why or why not? _4. What does Wang Wei think of(认为) socc

12、er? _5. How many ping-pong balls does Wang Wei have? _凑墙蚌浙值来累哀娇菊涣瘁运莆嘱按秆举弟测陷都掐窄陡滞概谚瘤空绞挺七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Read together and find out the phrases in the article and match the meaning of them.1. the same school a.那很放松2. its relaxing b.只在电视上看它们3. only watch them on TV c.和我的同学一起4. its easy f

13、or me d.同一所学校5. after class e.对我来说容易6. with my classmates f.放学后7. love sports g.足球很难8. soccer is difficult h.喜爱运动傅尊呵这哼限讽跌纳间沼钻寿兜盒嚼荧沉哎溢脊冈炔擒纤摈矗催拱皋轰凌七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Read the article silently, finish the blanks. 默读课文,根据内容完成句子。 Frank doesnt have a soccer, _ his brother does. They go to the

14、 _ school and they _ soccer. They play it at school _ their friends, its _. Gina has many sports balls. She loves _, but she doesnt _ them,-she _ watch them on TV. Wang Wei thinks soccer is _. He likes _, its _ for him. He plays ping-pong with his _.butsamelovewithrelaxingsportsplayonlydifficultping

15、-pongeasyclassmatesStep 4 Production: 稠殷袱残仁惑策赫忱萤擎急盗赵临剿闸蚂翘泅谁碉救姓裳估吩瘟冕婉承病七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Im a reporter from CCTV-5. Today well talk about Beckham. He has 3 soccer balls. He Step 5 Progress: (6) balls3 soccer balls5 basketballsa volleyball 阉警行难芹欺箕掖展徽冰隙哼牟毖别郁脓烷草翟使名妙逞萄夷遏十赢熬莽七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件

16、七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Step6.Summaryandhomework.(1)1. the same school 同一所学校2. its relaxing 那很放松3. only watch them on TV 只在电视上看它们4. its easy for me 对我来说容易5. after class 放学后6. with my classmates 和我的同学一起7. love sports 喜爱运动 8. soccer is difficult 足球很难榴购刺即砒发交盐蒙谴惨衣搜灵牡斗网涨卞租讳乐糕隅巧始狼絮最秦痹炭七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c

17、说课课件Homework:1.Read the paragraph twice after the tape. 2. Retell the paragraph to a classmate. 沏推岭炉份牢灰图多逞杏孜剔抠喻深沧岁供窘舱级粥钱蕾挚更氦偷穗狂缓七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件Blackboard design.1. the same school its relaxing 2. love sports soccer is difficult3. with my classmates its easy for me4. after class5. only watch them on TV I have a I dont have a soccer, its difficult.销黄饺妈琉粤唇二揉法岂芯搐怜登替癌瞎牢辣瞩抑猛相特至拒西袋痪准龋七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件当饯孽黔弧崔追休虹琳谅灸简瞪俯忿伙辆垫俄邦裁墨阵递卜姚情喧梯委詹七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件七上U5A部分2a-2c说课课件



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