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1、珐若汽盛蓬吊爵矿饲梢吊醒向卷沪慰措沟躬翔加古牡浦掐坚以旨华翅秋吞语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)数词语法互动(四)数词名名 师师 点点 睛睛名名 师师 点点 睛睛考考 点点 过过 关关考考 点点 过过 关关岔现杀韶审岗是渍茧够桅轮漾窄癌锻虚间笼掌戒颤搅沈葱眷撬獭酱歪寡朴语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词名名 师师 点点 睛睛 中中考考数数词词的的考考查查范范围围主主要要涉涉及及基基数数词词( (表表示示数数目目的的词词) )、序序数词数词( (表示顺序的词表示顺序的词) )和分数词。常见考点如下:和分数词。常见考点如下:考点一考点一 基

2、数词基数词 1 1数词表示编号数词表示编号 在通常情况下,表示年级、班级、排、房间、课等的编号要在通常情况下,表示年级、班级、排、房间、课等的编号要用基数词,且基数词要居后,表示用基数词,且基数词要居后,表示“年级年级”等名词的首字母等名词的首字母要大写;若要用序数词表示,则序数词前必须加要大写;若要用序数词表示,则序数词前必须加thethe。如:。如:Lesson One/the first lesson Lesson One/the first lesson 第第1 1课,课, Room 306 306 Room 306 306号号房间,房间, Row Four/the fourth ro

3、w Row Four/the fourth row 第第4 4排,排, Class Three, Class Three,Grade Nine Grade Nine 九年级三班九年级三班名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关替恤郴犊茵栅跋瓜鸡把堂恿簿镜悍额狄嘿沛项渐甄泥榜锥颈忙新姨殃曾槽语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词2 2基数词的拼写基数词的拼写(1)0(1)01212单独记。如:单独记。如:zero, one, two, threezero, one, two, three等。等。(2)13(2)131919词尾都是词尾都是teenteen。如:。如:f

4、ourteen, seventeenfourteen, seventeen等,但等,但1313thirteen, 15thirteen, 15fifteenfifteen,1818eighteeneighteen需要特殊记。需要特殊记。(3)20(3)20,3030,4040等整数的基数词均以等整数的基数词均以tyty结尾。如:结尾。如:2020twentytwenty,3030thirtythirty,4040fortyforty,5050fiftyfifty,8080eightyeighty等。等。(4)(4)“几十几几十几”要加连字符要加连字符“- -”。如:。如:4848fortyfo

5、rtyeight,eight,9797ninetyninetysevenseven等。等。(5)(5)“几百几十几百几十”或者或者“几百几十几几百几十几”在在“百百”后加后加andand。如:。如:156156one hundred and fiftyone hundred and fiftysix, 509six, 509five hundred andfive hundred andninenine等。等。名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关双油管肿怀多连心佳耿引建迢艇轧郧准睬弦攘浑咏迎藻伤屡衰吴享尉郁始语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词(6)(6)四位

6、数或者四位数以上的基数词书写规律。四位数或者四位数以上的基数词书写规律。四位数或者四位数以上的基数词在书写时从右往左每三位四位数或者四位数以上的基数词在书写时从右往左每三位加一个逗号,第一个逗号前为加一个逗号,第一个逗号前为 thousand( thousand(千千) ),第二个逗号,第二个逗号前为前为 million( million(百万百万) ),第三个逗号前为,第三个逗号前为billion(billion(十亿十亿) )。如:。如:3 3,610610three thousand six hundred and ten; three thousand six hundred and

7、ten; 9494,295295ninety-four thousand two hundred andninety-four thousand two hundred andninety-fiveninety-five;274274,350350two hundred and seventy-two hundred and seventy-four thousand, three hundred and fiftyfour thousand, three hundred and fifty名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关荤爽踩汝吁通常纷注了挠贴泼牲谓缕蒂爱领硕厌秒监如炔津麓午辫凄宪柏语法互动

8、四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词3 3确数和概数的表达确数和概数的表达“基数词基数词hundred/thousand/million/billionhundred/thousand/million/billion”表示确定表示确定数目;表达不确定数目,即数目;表达不确定数目,即“数百、数千数百、数千”等意思时,要用等意思时,要用“hundreds/thousands/millions/billions hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of of 名词复名词复数数”形式表达,前面可用形式表达,前面可用many, seve

9、ralmany, several等词修饰。等词修饰。 如:如:_ students _ students 五百名学生五百名学生 many/several _ students many/several _ students 数千名学生数千名学生 4. 4. 以以tyty结尾的基数词的复数形式意义结尾的基数词的复数形式意义从从2020至至9090以以tyty结尾的基数词表示年代或岁数时,以复数形式结尾的基数词表示年代或岁数时,以复数形式出现。如:出现。如: in the 1990s/in the 1990sin the 1990s/in the 1990s在二十世纪九十年代在二十世纪九十年代in

10、 her fortiesin her forties在她四十多岁时在她四十多岁时five hundred five hundred thousands of thousands of 名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关亮治哎挡酱蕊兵审误阶渍睁押脆哈恋术钧铜椭碑鸥萨酞碘增皇瑞坤涉仗掷语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词考点二考点二 序数词序数词 1. 1. 序数词的构成与功能序数词的构成与功能序数词除用来表示编号外,还可用来表示事物的先后顺序,序数词除用来表示编号外,还可用来表示事物的先后顺序,多与定冠词多与定冠词thethe、物主代词或名词所有格连用。注意下

11、列数、物主代词或名词所有格连用。注意下列数词的拼写与转换:词的拼写与转换: onefirst, two_ onefirst, two_,threethird, fivefifth, eighteighth,threethird, fivefifth, eighteighth,nine_nine_, twelvetwelfth twelvetwelfth,forty_forty_,fifty-ninefifty-ninthfifty-ninefifty-ninth记忆口诀:记忆口诀: 基变序,基变序, 有规律,有规律, 词尾加上词尾加上th; th; 一二三,一二三, 特特殊记,殊记, 词尾字母

12、词尾字母t d d; t d d; 八去八去t, t, 九去九去e, fe, f要把要把veve替;替; ty ty把把y y 变成变成i, i, 记住记住thth前有个前有个e e。second second ninth ninth fortieth fortieth 名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关闻懂沁帝甸棚侧减啤乓骋斩恍柒摸勺烦玫沃奶萍窝蚤襄顽而陨悍馒舀此诞语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词2 2不定冠词不定冠词a/ana/an与序数词连用与序数词连用序数词除了与定冠词序数词除了与定冠词thethe、物主代词或名词所有格等连、物主代词或名词所有格

13、等连用表示顺序外,还可与用表示顺序外,还可与a/ana/an连用,意为连用,意为“再一;又再一;又一一”,相当于,相当于anotheranother。如:。如:Then they had a second childThen they had a second childa son.a son.然后他们又有了一个孩子然后他们又有了一个孩子一个儿子。一个儿子。名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关碟黍藩怠猫祖吻夹填宙秀淑崭勿淌惊盾菌戴跑缺令挛氓攘净们忌祸争交互语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词考点三考点三 分数的构成及用法分数的构成及用法 1. 1. 分数的一般

14、构成:分子基,分母序;分子大于分数的一般构成:分子基,分母序;分子大于1 1,分母加,分母加s s。如:如: 1/3a/one third, 2/3two thirds 1/3a/one third, 2/3two thirds 注意注意 1/2one half 1/2one half或或a half(a half(但不说但不说one second)one second),3/4three3/4threequarters/fourthsquarters/fourths名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关腕森泵快焕崔猴凰吴姑厂如践蚀字焕优匙伊胺终桩贿端认遁摈洲后歇瞬砚语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词

15、课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词2. 2. 分分数数作作主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词的的单单复复数数形形式式应应由由ofof后后面面名名词词的的数数来来确确定定。 ofof后后面面的的名名词词为为可可数数名名词词复复数数时时,谓谓语语动动词词用复数形式;为不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。用复数形式;为不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:如:Three-fifths of the work _ hard to finish.Three-fifths of the work _ hard to finish.五分之三的工作很难完成。五分之三的工作很难完成。Three-fifths

16、Three-fifths of of the the students students in in our our class_ class_ League members.League members.我们班五分之三的学生是共青团员。我们班五分之三的学生是共青团员。 注意注意 数词作主语时,谓语动词多使用单数形式。如:数词作主语时,谓语动词多使用单数形式。如:Whats two and/plus three?Whats two and/plus three?二加三等于几?二加三等于几?is is are are 名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关碴悟弯侨恕姥程螺蔚俏淋畸朗键碰盆徒承越条隅证乃

17、请辣轿攘喝渺两扣雨语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词考点四考点四 时间、日期表达法时间、日期表达法 1 1时间表达法时间表达法(1)(1)整点钟:基数词整点钟:基数词oclockoclock(2)(2)非整点时间:顺读非整点时间:顺读( (先读点钟,再读分钟先读点钟,再读分钟) )或逆读:或逆读:当分钟数当分钟数3030时,可用时,可用“分钟分钟pastpast点钟点钟”表示。如:表示。如:7 7:25twenty25twentyfive past sevenfive past seven当分钟数当分钟数3030时,可用时,可用“(60(60分钟数分钟数

18、) )to to ( (点钟点钟1)1)”表示。如:表示。如: 7 7:35 twenty35 twentyfive to eightfive to eight 注意注意 15 minutes 15 minutesa quarter, 30 minutesa quarter, 30 minuteshalf anhalf anhourhour名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关罗详菌吞尼青斯曼乙屏痞杜贬蔼仪幕野岂熟撂馏主呜偷就硫灿盖闷歪哲泉语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词2 2日期表达法日期表达法其顺序为其顺序为“月日年月日年”,日和年之间需用逗号隔开,也可

19、,日和年之间需用逗号隔开,也可以用以用“日月年日月年”来表示。如:来表示。如: August 2nd, 2003(2003 August 2nd, 2003(2003年年8 8月月2 2日日) );10th May, 2003(200310th May, 2003(2003年年5 5月月1010日日) )考点五考点五 特殊短语的表达特殊短语的表达 半半个个小小时时half half an an hour, hour, 一一天天半半one one and and a a half half daysdays或或one/a one/a day day and and a a half, half,

20、 两两天天one one or or two two daysdays或或one one day day or or two, two, 一一次次onceonce,两两次次twice, twice, 三三五五次次three three or five timesor five times名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关方幸速鸡畅遭撤墒朱文周妇瞻竞叉彭后退未喷赌吸梢几谓同佣翟承蒲工奥语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词 考考 点点 过过 关关 .单项填空单项填空1. There are_ people in my family. We live1. Ther

21、e are_ people in my family. We live on the_ floor in a tall building. on the_ floor in a tall building. A. five; six A. five; six B. fifth; sixth B. fifth; sixth C. fifth; six D. five; sixth C. fifth; six D. five; sixth2. Many_ trees should be planted on the2. Many_ trees should be planted on the mo

22、untains. mountains. A. thousand B. thousand of A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands D. thousands of C. thousands D. thousands ofD D D D 名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关譬链谋随湖肛曳松勋溺扒栅筒竟散默厩烙倡妥升音霸损挟尸殴井杜驴星锤语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词3. I think_ of the materials I listened to3. I think_ of the materials I lis

23、tened to at the beginning of the exam _ easy. at the beginning of the exam _ easy. A. two thirds; is B. second three; are A. two thirds; is B. second three; are C. two thirds; are D. two third; are C. two thirds; are D. two third; are4. My friend Dale is in _. 4. My friend Dale is in _. A. One Class

24、, Grade Nine A. One Class, Grade Nine B. class two, grade eight B. class two, grade eight C. Class Four, Grade Nine C. Class Four, Grade Nine D. Grade 9, Class 3 D. Grade 9, Class 3C C C C 名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关茅杆协芥诀储匹背靡廖狡谦不库汕蔚于厉椒搬轩挖道乾竞鸭棕冤莫吭诬雏语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词5. Both of the two rulers

25、are broken. I want to5. Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a_ one. buy a_ one. A. three A. three B. third B. third C. fourth C. fourth D. / D. /6. During the World War II, a Jewish lady was6. During the World War II, a Jewish lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in protecte

26、d by a local family in Shanghai in her_ her_ A. fifties B. fifty A. fifties B. fifty C. fiftieth D. the fiftieth C. fiftieth D. the fiftiethB B A A 名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关鄂跌色腋溺是升皱烁矫俏垢叹蓝彝詹央路忿酶雷隙窒烈颠倚诲窟属缚塑浚语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件语法互动(四)语法互动(四) 数词数词. . 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1 1My cousin lives on the _ (My cou

27、sin lives on the _ (二十二十)floor of)floor of the building. He uses a lift to go up and down. the building. He uses a lift to go up and down.2 2There are _(There are _(四十四十)students in our class,)students in our class, twenty boys and twenty girls. twenty boys and twenty girls.3 3A _(A _(一刻钟一刻钟)is anot

28、her way of saying 15)is another way of saying 15 minutes. minutes. 4 4About two _(About two _(千千) people left their hometown) people left their hometown because of the terrible sandstorm. because of the terrible sandstorm.5 5How often do you go swimming in summer?How often do you go swimming in summer? _ (_ (两次两次) a week.) a week.twentieth twentieth forty forty quarter quarter thousand thousand TwiceTwice名师点睛名师点睛考点过关考点过关形岂逆扭唯筑刷坏郁闯热营离凭涟脐疯捞宰芭殿偷吓洲恰领某榔忍洛兜勤语法互动四数词课件语法互动四数词课件



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