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1、实训项目十一实训项目十一贸易善后工作贸易善后工作实训目目标掌握贸易善后工作涉及的核心步骤及其思考、磋商方式;熟练掌握涉及验货、索赔、申诉和理赔等相关事宜的知识实训方法方法每四个人一组。将班级学生分成若干组,采用互动讨论、动手写作、现场展示、电子文本上交的方式完成本章节任务。能力要求能力要求1、能理解验货的基本标准和程序;2、能独立撰写申诉信和索赔信,并能对此类信函灵活应答;3、能根据实际情况进行理赔,并撰写改善关系的信函。第一节第一节 知识巩固知识巩固 一、翻译下列索赔信,并讨论索赔信的基本结构和句型。一、翻译下列索赔信,并讨论索赔信的基本结构和句型。Dear Sirs,We regret t

2、o inform you and ask for compensation for the damages to the lot of Gentlemens Trousers we examined yesterday under our order No. 123.The packing cartons of the pants were seriously damaged and looked as if they had been broken in transit. Checking against your invoice No. 01086, we found that more

3、than one hundred trousers are lost to the value of JPY 90 000.Because the cartons were in a terrible mess, quite a few other garments were crushed or stained and cannot be sold as new articles at the market. As the deal was on CIF basis, youd better contact your insurer and forwarder as soon with re

4、ference to compensation.Attached is a list of the lost or damaged articles and the inspection report issued by independent third party. The consignment will be put aside temporarily. If you want to continue this deal, you have to compensate us JPY 200,000 for the damage, which will be deducted from

5、the rest 60% payment. If you want all the commodities back, you have to return our down payment and our potential profit. We await your instruction for further action. Yours truly,抱怨、索赔信函Complaints & Claims的目的是为了获取更好的服务,对已出现的问题求得尽快的、妥善的解决。它通常是买方由于对收到的货物不满而书写,如:货物未按时到达;货物虽抵达,但与订单所载不同;货物有损毁现象;货物数量短缺或多

6、余;货物质量与样品不符;服务不合理以及收费过高等,这些均是抱怨、索赔的正当理由。书写抱怨、索赔信函时,不妨开门见山出原先双方同意的条件,然后列举事实以表示有何不满,以及为什么不满,最后提出解决的方法。内容应明确、清楚、有理,语气要简洁、坚决。避免使用愤怒和使对方过于难堪的措辞(除非你所抱怨的问题反复发生,且多次投诉而毫无结果)。Points for attention:(一)When making a claim, plan your letter as follows:1. Begin by regretting the need to complain2. Mention the date

7、 of the order, the date of delivery and the goods complained about.3. State your reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation4. Refer to the inconvenience caused.5. Suggest how the matter should be put right.(二)Complaint may happen under the following circumstances:1. complaint of diffe

8、rence between goods delivered and goods ordered2. complaint of inferior quality3. complaint of missing or shortage from the delivery4. complaint of delay5. complaint of bad packing(三)An importer may make a complaint because of one of the following problems:1. The wrong goods may have been sent.2. Th

9、e quality may not be satisfactory.3. The goods may have been delivered defected, damaged or late.4. The price charged may be excessive, or not as agreed.5. The delivery may be delayed.6. The wrong billed invoice has been sent.7. The delivery is mixed up.(四)Useful Sentence Patterns Lodge/file/raise/e

10、nter/make/put in/register a claim against /on somebody/with insurance company on shipment for some reason /for $.答案:敬启者:我方遗憾地告之贵方,我们昨天查验的第123号订单的一批男士裤装受到了损坏,对此我们要求赔偿。裤装的包装箱受到严重损坏,看上去在运输途中似乎被打开过。经过与你方第01086号发票核对,我方发现丢失了100多条裤子,价值9万日元。由于纸箱内一片狼藉,其他服装有不少被压皱或玷污,难以作为新装上市。由于此单是以CIF成交,你方最好就赔偿事宜尽早与保险公司和代理人联系

11、。随信附上丢失与受损的服装清单,以及由独立第三方出具的检验报告。该批货物将暂时搁置。若贵方希望继续交易,则需要赔偿我方二十万日元的损失,这笔钱将从未付的货款中扣除。若贵方想要回商品,则需要返还我方预付款和失去的潜在利润。恭候你方下一步处理意见。基本结构和句型:1. 很遗憾地告诉对方发现的损失情况We regret to inform you that when we examinedUpon the inspection report, we regret to know that 2. 详细说明损失的原因和受损的金额The whole lot was stained because of t

12、he broken packageIt looked like they had been opened in transitIt was burned /damped/brokenThe parts are not in conformity with the samplesThe damage caused losses amounting to US $5,000. We are suffered from a total loss of this business and our reputation among clients.3. 提出索赔方案We are asking for a

13、 compensation of We will only remit part of the under payment.We will send you a debit note of USD for the compensation.We request you send us the right commodity immediately with 10% discount.二、翻译下列理赔信,并讨论其基本结构和句型。二、翻译下列理赔信,并讨论其基本结构和句型。Claim for short weightDear sirs,We claim for short weight of 15

14、00 cartons of canned mushroom under the Sales Confirmation No. FA1770854 have been shipped to Qingdao by YONGFENG steamer on 10th September. When taking the delivery, 145 cartons have been found missing. We were told by the shipping company that only 1355 cartons had been shipped on the steamer. Bec

15、ause the weight is short in large quantities, please make up a deficiency of 145 cartons of the missing goods when you deliver the last three items. You are kindly requested to check whether these 1500 cartons of mushroom were loaded on ship in whole at the port of shipment. Please reply by cable.Yo

16、urs truly,General Letter of Complaint Dear Contact Person or Customer Service Manager,On date, I bought, rented, had been served, etc a name of product with model number, service performed etc at location and other details of the transaction.I am disappointed because your product, service, billing,

17、etc. has not performed as it should, was wrong etc because state the problem as you understand it, giving as much detail as possible.To resolve the problem I would appreciate your state the action you require, e.g. refund, service performed again, etc. Enclosed is a copy/are copies of the receipt, c

18、ontract etc.I look forward to hearing from you and having a resolution of this problem. I will wait for set a time limit before seeking help from Trading Standards, consumer group, solicitor, etc. Please contact me at the above address or by phone give numbers.Yours sincerelySignPrint Your NameEnclo

19、sures: state documents you have enclosed, if any答案:短装索赔第FA1770854号销售确认书项下发往青岛的1500箱蘑菇罐头,由 “永丰”轮于9月10日运抵,提货时发现少了145箱。汽船公司告诉我们只有1355箱装上船。因为短少数目大,请在交付最后三个品种时,将这145箱补交。请你们核对一下,是否1500箱那时在装运港全都装上了船。电复。While handling disputes, complaints, and claims, we must handle complaints or claims in accordance with t

20、he principle of “on the first ground, to our advantage and with restraint” and settle them amicably to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. Dealing with complaints or claims:1. The first thing that has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified.2. If so, then you have to admit it read

21、ily, express your regret and promise to put the matter right.3. If the complaint is not justified, point out politely and in an agreeable manner. It would be wrong policy to refuse the claim offhand.4. If you cannot deal with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once. Explain that you are looking

22、 into it and that you will send a full reply later.5. All complaints should be treated as serious matters and thoroughly investigated.6. Letters concerning disputes should be written tactfully and reasonably. They must be confined to a statement of facts and insist on the absolute truth. 第二节第二节 实际运用

23、实际运用 任务一任务一仿照上述信函,根据以下内容,撰写一封申诉信和索赔信。仿照上述信函,根据以下内容,撰写一封申诉信和索赔信。(一)对质量低劣提出申诉已收到我方201104号订单下的200箱男士衬衫,遗憾的是我方客户对此批货物相当抱怨。不仅是因为这些衬衫面料质量差,而且有部分未按照要求缝制。有客户已退货。我们希望友好解决此事,如果不行我们将向本地商会提出仲裁,所有的问题你方必须想方设法解决。期待你方的真切关注。(二)对质量未达标提出索赔我们已经按时收到了我方2314号订单下的10000件棉质床单和枕套。令我方感到遗憾地是这批货物质量不达标,在本地市场无法出售。我方因此遭受重大损失,我们的客户拒

24、绝购买这些货物,并从其他渠道寻求货源。 在这种情况下,我们不得不向你方提出如下索赔:索赔编号 索赔事由 索赔金额AB-12 质量问题 US$ 50,000我方相信你方会做出有诚意的理赔,早日解决此事。答案:(一)Dear Sirs,We have received the goods of our Order No. 201104 for 200 cases Mens shirts. However, much to our regret we have to inform you that we received serious complaints from our buyers. The

25、y stated that the goods are much inferior in fabric quality and a number of pieces are not woven according to the specification submitted by us. Some of their purchases have been refunded. We want to settle the matter amicably, otherwise we will put the matter before the local Chamber of Commerce fo

26、r arbitration. You have to solve all the problems. We are looking forward to your best attention to the matter. Yours sincerely,(二)Dear Sirs,We have duly received the goods of our Order No. 2314 for 10,000 pcs of cotton bed-sheets and pillow cases. But we regret to say that the goods we received are

27、 not up to our standard and they are quite unsalable in this market.Therefore, we have suffered a great loss from our clients failure to purchase this goods. They decided to seek for other resources. Under this circumstance, we have to make a claim with you as follows:Claim Number Claim for Claim Am

28、ountAB-12 Quality problem US$50,000We feel sure that you will settle this claim with your sincere consideration and solve the problem at an early date. Yours truly, 任务二任务二根据上述信函内容,撰写一封理赔信,并表达改善关系的愿望根据上述信函内容,撰写一封理赔信,并表达改善关系的愿望 背景知识:Acceptance of Claims: Accept the Customers Request and Apologize(接受顾客

29、要求并致歉) 在商业往来中,无论怎样的小心为客户服务,总不免出现失误。然而,失误本身并不可耻,重要的是勇于承认并诚心致歉。书写此类解决投诉信件时应注意:首先道歉,再说明正在采取或准备采取的纠正失误的措施;若有可能,说明产生失误的原因;不要保证以后再不失误,出错是难免的,仅仅说明将尽可能减少失误率。 主动、乐观、礼貌地结束信件。希望失误能被原谅,并恢复正常贸易关系。 答案:Dear Sirs,Re: Settling the ClaimAfter receiving your letter dated XXX lodging claim with us for the quality of th

30、e 10,000 pcs of cotton bed-sheets and pillow cases under Order No. 2314, we sent a representative to investigate this matter and found that it was a mistake made by our staff at the workshop. We are extremely sorry for the losses you have suffered; we are prepared to accept your claim and agree to c

31、ompensate you by US$50,000.We greatly regret the inconvenience caused by the errors and offer our sincere apologies. Please be assured that in our future business, we will take great measures to ensure nothing like this to happen again. We hope this matter will not affect your good opinion about us.

32、Yours sincerely,第三节第三节 职场任务职场任务 任务一任务一买方验货买方验货某服装进口商要求在装运港口验货,检验标准为AQL 1.5 for major; AQL 4.0 for minor。学生以小组的形式对这一要求进行分析讨论,并用英文解释,辅以ppt做一个presentation.(一)解释术语ACCEPTANCE QUALITY LEVEL接收质量标准的缩写,即当一个连续批次被提交验收时,可允许的平均质量水平。 AQL普遍应用于出口服装,纺织品检验上,不同的AQL标准应用于不同物质的检验上。在AQL 抽样时,抽取的数量相同,而AQL后面跟的数值越小,允许的瑕疵数量就越少

33、,说明品质要求越高,检验就相对较严。因其是国际公认接受质量标准,因此被广泛使用。AQL limitAQL 0.10AQL 0.15AQL 0.25AQL 0.40AQL 0.65AQL 1.00151PCS-280PCS125-080-050-032-020-050-0281PCS-500PCS125-080-050-032-080-150-1501PCS-1200PCS125-080-050-0125-180-180-21201PCS-3200PCS125-080-0200-1125-1125-2125-33201PCS-10000PCS125-0315-1200-1200-2200-320

34、0-510001PCS-36000PCS500-1315-1315-2315-3315-3315-736001PCS-150000PCS500-1500-2500-3500-5500-7500-10150001PCS-500000PCS800-2800-3800-5800-7800-10800-14500000PCS1250-51250-71250-71250-101250-141250-21AQL limitAQL 1.50AQL 2.50AQL 4.00AQL 6.50AQL 10AQL 15151PCS-280PCS32-132-232-332-532-732-10281PCS-500P


36、0-21315-21200-21125-2180-21500000PCS800-21500-21315-21200-21125-2180-21(二)AQL 标准表服装企业多用AQL2.5标准和AQL4.0标准说明:1. AQL收货标准也适用于服装厂任何生产线(包括车缝间,成衣,查剪,中查,尾查,整烫,包装等)。2. 以AQL2.5为例说明使用方法如下:151件-280件抽查32件:2件及以下有问题可接受,3件及以上有问题不可接受;501件-1200件抽查80件:5件及以下有问题可接受,6件及以上有问题不可接受;36001件-150000件抽查500件:21件及以下有问题可接受,22件及以上有问

37、题不可接受。3. 不合格的处理方法:A.返工B.挑出不合格品C.再次按AQL2.5标准抽查直至合格为止(不分次数)D.不能返工的等于报废(三)本案中要求港口验货的标准为AQL 1.5 for major; AQL 4.0 for minor 意思是大批量货物整体标准AQL 1.5,小批量订货或余货为AQL 4.0. 按照订购量多少确定抽检的数量和合格标准。答案:Brief Explanation:In this case, the inspection standard for the garment required by the buyer at the export port is AQ

38、L 1.5 for major and AQL 4.0 for minor. It means that the inspection standard for the bulk as a whole is AQL 1.5 and for the small order or a few rest shipment is AQL 4.0. The number of the goods selected out of the order for inspection and the acceptance level depend on the number of the goods being

39、 ordered.任务二任务二撰写、处理申诉信和索赔信。撰写、处理申诉信和索赔信。(一)学生3人一组,两组同学分别扮演“任务一”中的进口商和出口商;(二)进口组以服装产品抽检不达标为由撰写索赔信函,同时传真检验报告给出口方,或提出拒收、拒付要求;(三)出口组分析研究检验结果,评估损失,及时撰写回复信函,并安慰进口商的情绪;(四)教师点评。答案:进口组索赔信函(或拒收、拒付)Hello Steven,We regret to inform you that the bulk you produced for our order is not up to the standard in the i

40、nspection at the port of loading. The inspection report issued by independent third party, which will be faxed to you soon, is the proof. According to AQL 1.5 and the quantity of 5,000 pieces ordered, the maximum failed products should be no more than 7 pieces out of the inspected 200 pieces. Howeve

41、r, the report shows a total of 10 pieces failed. We are asking that the whole bulk be re-examined thoroughly by you in 7 days. You should select out all the products that are not up to the standard and make all the 5000 pieces qualified. We will re-inspect them at the port. At present, for the delay

42、 of the shipment, we are claiming for compensation of USD2,000 demurrage charge for the 7 days. And if the bulk fails against in the re-inspection, we will cancel the contract and you should return us the 30% down payment and extra compensation of USD10,000 for our potential profit. We trust you wil

43、l settle the matter well and reply us promptly.Yours faithfully,John,出口组回复信函Hello John, We are terribly sorry for what happened to your order. After examining the inspection report, we feel regretful to your loss and the humiliating inspection result. It has always been our commitment to provide qua

44、lified products for our clients, especially the long-term cooperation partner like you. However, after our investigation, we find that some of those products were produced by some workers newly recruited and therefore it caused the possibility of inspection failure. We are reacting immediately towar

45、ds your information and are doing an assessment right now. We will advise you of our settlement and remedies in 24 hours and we feel sure it will be satisfactory to you. Meanwhile, we have already asked our forwarder to send back the dispatch and will re-examine them as carefully as we could. We wil

46、l send you all 5,000 pieces qualified products in 7 days.We apologize again for the inspection and our negligence. Yours faithfully,Steven 任务三任务三理赔理赔 (一)出口组确认是自己的责任,按照对方损失予以赔偿,商品降价7%,并请求进口方予以谅解,提出修复关系的愿望。学生根据此要求撰写理赔信函;(二)进口组接受上述理赔方案,双发达成和解。撰写同意信函;(三)教师点评。答案:(一)出口组理赔Dear Sirs,We are very sorry to lea

47、rn from your letter of October 19 that our shipment covering your order No. 2314 was found defective.Upon investigation we have discovered that defective goods sometimes filter in despite rigorous inspection prior to shipment. We protested very severely to the manufacture with whom your order was pl

48、aced. They deeply apologize for the matter and assure that they shall never allow such carelessness to happen in the future. As a settlement we have arranged to reship the whole goods by the first available ship with a special discount of 7% off the invoice amount.We add our apology for your trouble

49、 and promise to execute your orders in the future with maximum care. We hope this unpleasant case will not cast a shadow on our future business.Yours truly, (二)进口组接受理赔Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 20 May. We do appreciate your looking into the matter as soon as possible. We accept your settlement to our claim. Please assure that you can make up the high quality consignment of replacements and pack them with great care, which should reach us shortly. We hope this unfortunate accident will not affect business between us. Yours truly,



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