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1、Unit 5 Straight-A Illiteracy2021/8/21The meaning of the title:straight: adv. 1. Lets get straight down to business. 咱们直接谈正题。2. we can meet straight after lunch.我们午饭后马上见面。3. He has been without sleep now for three days straight. 连续地4. I cant think straight. 清楚地5. tell sb straight 坦率地告诉某人2021/8/22adj.

2、 1. Im trying to get the room straight.整齐的(不用于名词前)2. be straight with sb; a straight answer; straight talk 诚实的,真实的3. get it straight 弄清楚事实4. get/put/set things straight(between)说明情况;理顺与某人的关系2021/8/23straight-A student: He/She is a student who gets As for all the courses he/she takes.illiteracy: some

3、one who has not learned to read or write. 2021/8/24Library Work1. 1) An allegory is a form of imaginative literature constructed in such a way that their readers are encourage to look for meanings hidden beneath the literal surface of the fiction. 2) An allegory is a narrative in which the character

4、s, events, and setting represent deeper truths or generalizations than those suggested by the surface story. 3) An allegory is a broad term covering any piece of writing or image which has meanings additional to the literal sense.2021/8/25When the author calls his student Mr. Bright allegorically, h

5、e does not mean to refer to this particular straight-A student only. He is using the term to cover all those students, college seniors, and Ph.D.s who may seem bright when judged by their academic records, but who nevertheless fail to detect gibberish in their own writings or in those of others.2021

6、/8/262. Man is both a biological animal and social being. In keeping with his biological endowment, man tends to seek pleasure and to avoid pain. This truism is known as the “pleasure principle”.2021/8/27Teaching Points1. plight: a sad or unfortunate situation.Eg: The plight of the disabled children

7、 moved her to tears.be in a sorry plight 处境困窘2. as often as not: quite frequently; at least half the time.Eg: As often as not, he would go to the old womans home and help her clean up the place.2021/8/283. interrogate: v. ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information.讯问,

8、审问,盘问eg: He refused to be interrogated about his friends. 4. articulate: able to express thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively.Eg: She is among the few articulate children in the nursery.2021/8/295.coveted: (adj.) eagerly wished for or desired.Eg: she won the coveted first prize at the speec

9、h contest, much to our surprise.covet v. have a very strong desire to have sth that someone else has 垂涎,觊觎2021/8/2106. contingent adj. dependent on sth else, conditional 根据某些未知条件而定的uncertain, accidental 偶然发生的eg: The arms sales is contingent on the approval of Congress.7. decode: change a coded messa

10、ge into intelligible language.2021/8/2118. affliction: 1) (in this context) trouble 2) (literary meaning) something that causes pain or suffering. Eg: A feeling of isolation is his chief affliction.2021/8/2129. inexorably: inescapably. Eg: New technology marches on inexorably.10. profundity: profoun

11、dness; great depth of knowledge or thought.Eg: We didnt realize that the modest and unassuming man who talked to us a while ago was a scholar of great profundity.2021/8/21311.jargon: n. technical or specialized words used by a particular group of people and difficult for others to understand. 行话eg: business jargon 2021/8/21412. monstrous: frightening, shocking.Eg: How could he ever have told such a monstrous lie! 2021/8/215部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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