江苏省沭阳县银河学校八年级英语上册《Unit 2 School Life Reading》课件 牛津版

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1、Unit 2 School Life1.guy 2. twice 3. practice 4. buddy 5. senior 6. hero a. two times b. to do and try to get skillsc. a close friend, a partnerd. a person admired by many people because he is good and brave.e. a student in the year before graduation from high schoolf. anyone male or femaleWord puzzl

2、esRead and fill in the blanks.John studies in _ at Woodland School near London. Its a _ school. His favorite subject is _. He likes learning how to _. Before he came to the school he didnt know _, but now he knows _.Year 8mixedHome Economicscook and sewhow to do things for himselfhow to cook healthy

3、 and tasty foodEvery year his school has _. He can _ from the school library and even _ from home but they have to tell their English teacher _. Near the end of the class they can _ about their books. The reading week is always too short because they want to _ _.a reading weekread any bookbring in b

4、ooks and magazineswhat they are readingtalk to their friendsread all their friendsbooks as wellNancy is a _ girl and she studies in _ at Rocky Mountain High School in Denver. Her brother Jim is a _ boy. He had _ last year, so he _ every day. This is great because its faster than _. She plays softbal

5、l after school _. She loves it and so she spends a lot of time _.14-year-oldthe ninth gradeseventeen-year-olddriving lessonsdrives her to schooltaking the bustwice a weekpracticingEvery Monday she goes to a _. She _ this a lot. Her buddy Julie is _. She helps her _her new school and helps her _. Nan

6、cy meets her friends _, and they always have a great time _. Sometimes they go to _ after school.“ buddy club”enjoysa senior in the twelfth gradelearn all aboutwith her homeworkduring lunchtimetalking to each othershopping malls1. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London.我在伦敦附近的伍德兰德学校读八年级。我在伦敦附

7、近的伍德兰德学校读八年级。 Year 8意为意为“八年级八年级”,是美国英语的表达,是美国英语的表达,相当于英国英语中的相当于英国英语中的Grade 8,其中基数词表,其中基数词表达序数词的概念。用序数词表达为达序数词的概念。用序数词表达为the Eighth Year或或the English Grade。由此可见用基数词。由此可见用基数词表达时不用冠词,用序数词表达要用定冠词,表达时不用冠词,用序数词表达要用定冠词,用基数词表达时数字在后,用序数词表达时用基数词表达时数字在后,用序数词表达时序数词在前。又如:序数词在前。又如:Unit the school unit第二单元第二单元2. I

8、 did not know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. 在上这个学校之前我不知道怎样独立做事。在上这个学校之前我不知道怎样独立做事。for myself意为意为“我亲自,为我自己,我独自我亲自,为我自己,我独自”,在句中作状语。如:,在句中作状语。如:You may go and see for yourself you dont believe me. 如果你不相信我的话,你可以亲自去看看。如果你不相信我的话,你可以亲自去看看。Dont easily follow others. Youd better

9、think for yourself. 别轻易学他人的样,你自己最好考虑一下。别轻易学他人的样,你自己最好考虑一下。3. Now, I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals. 现在我知道如何做健康美味的现在我知道如何做健康美味的饭菜了。饭菜了。句中的形容词句中的形容词tasty由由taste去去e加加y构成,意构成,意为为“美味的美味的”,作定语或表语。如:,作定语或表语。如:The cake is tasty. The cake tastes good. The cake has a good taste. 这蛋糕很好吃。这蛋糕很好吃。4. We

10、can even bring in books and magazines from home but we have to tell our English teacher what we are reading.我们能把家里的我们能把家里的书和杂志带来,但我们得告诉我们的英语老书和杂志带来,但我们得告诉我们的英语老师我们读的内容。师我们读的内容。句中的句中的bring in意为意为“带到学校里来带到学校里来”,其中,其中in是副词。是副词。bring in还有还有“引入引入(话题等话题等),引,引来;引进;吸收;获利来;引进;吸收;获利 ”的意思。如:的意思。如:He brought in

11、 two new members last week.他他上周带进上周带进2名新成员。名新成员。His new business brings in 1,000 dollars.他的新生意使他赚了一千美元。他的新生意使他赚了一千美元。 We also brought in some words from English.我们也从英语中吸收了一些词汇。我们也从英语中吸收了一些词汇。They brought experienced people in to help.他们请有经验的人来帮忙。他们请有经验的人来帮忙。what we are reading是一个名词性从句,作是一个名词性从句,作tel

12、l的宾语,属宾语从句,的宾语,属宾语从句,what引导宾语从引导宾语从句并在从句中作句并在从句中作are reading的宾语。如:的宾语。如:Please tell me what you want. 请告诉我你需要什么。请告诉我你需要什么。5. The reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends books as well.阅读周总是太短因为我们也想读朋友阅读周总是太短因为我们也想读朋友们的书。们的书。句中的句中的as well用在句尾意为用在句尾意为“也也”,等于,等于too,通常只用于

13、肯定句。如:,通常只用于肯定句。如:They learn English and German, too. They learn English and German as well. 他们学英语也学德语。他们学英语也学德语。拓展拓展as well as意为意为“和和一样;不但一样;不但而且;也而且;也”。如:。如:He is a scientist as well as a poet.他是一个科学家,而且也是一个诗人。他是一个科学家,而且也是一个诗人。He grows flowers as well as vegetables.他既种菜也种花。他既种菜也种花。A teacher should

14、 entertain as well as teach.教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣。教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣。6. Now, he drives me to school every day. 现在现在他天天开车送我上学。他天天开车送我上学。句中的句中的drive(过去式过去式drove,过去分词,过去分词driven)意意为为“驾车;开车驾车;开车”,可作及物或不及物动词。,可作及物或不及物动词。drive作及物动词或不及物动词,意为作及物动词或不及物动词,意为“驾驶;驾驶;开车开车”,作及物动词时可接交通工作作宾语。,作及物动词时可接交通工作作宾语。如:如:They dr

15、ove to the station. 他们把车开到车站去。他们把车开到车站去。Who taught you to drive a car? 谁教你开汽车的?谁教你开汽车的?7. I spend a lot of time practicing. 我花很多时我花很多时间练习。间练习。句中句中practice作动词,名词也为作动词,名词也为practice,在,在英国英语中,英国英语中,practise作动词。作动词。practice作不可数名词,意为作不可数名词,意为“实践;练习实践;练习”。如:如:Theory comes from practice. 理论来源于实践。理论来源于实践。He

16、had much practice in playing tennis. 他在打网球上有过许多练习。他在打网球上有过许多练习。8. I enjoy this a lot. 我非常喜欢这个。我非常喜欢这个。enjoy作作“喜爱;欣赏喜爱;欣赏”解,为及物动词,其解,为及物动词,其后可跟名词,代词或动名词。如:后可跟名词,代词或动名词。如:I enjoyed the movie. 我欣赏这部电影。我欣赏这部电影。She enjoys drawing. 她喜欢画画。她喜欢画画。enjoy oneselfhave a good time,意为,意为“玩得玩得愉快,玩得高兴愉快,玩得高兴”。如:。如:

17、Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 你在聚会上玩得愉快吗?你在聚会上玩得愉快吗?9. Julie is my hero. 朱莉是我的偶像。朱莉是我的偶像。句中的句中的hero作可数名词,复数形式为作可数名词,复数形式为heroes,它指它指“英雄;英雄;(故事、电影、小说中的故事、电影、小说中的)主人主人翁,男主角翁,男主角”。如:。如:Who is the hero of the story? 谁是故事的男主人翁?谁是故事的男主人翁?Tell me something about the hero of the film. 告诉我一些有关电影中男主人翁的

18、情况。告诉我一些有关电影中男主人翁的情况。注注女英雄,女主角为女英雄,女主角为heroine。10. During lunching, I meet my friends and we always have a great time talking to each other.在午饭时我和朋友见面,我们总是在在午饭时我和朋友见面,我们总是在一起谈得很开心。一起谈得很开心。句中的句中的have a great time talking意为意为“在交在交谈中过得很快乐谈中过得很快乐”。have atime + doing意为意为“在做某事中过在做某事中过得得”。如:。如:We had a won

19、derful time staying with you. 和你在一起我们过得非常快乐。和你在一起我们过得非常快乐。Mr. and Mrs. Brown had a hard / difficult time bringing up the four children. 把四个孩子抚养大,布朗夫妇日子过把四个孩子抚养大,布朗夫妇日子过得很艰难。得很艰难。11. Sometimes, we go to shopping malls after school. 有时我们放学后到购物中心去。有时我们放学后到购物中心去。sometimes是副词,意为是副词,意为“有时有时”,通常用,通常用于非正式场合

20、,既可用于现在时态的句子于非正式场合,既可用于现在时态的句子中,也可用于过去时态的句子中。如:中,也可用于过去时态的句子中。如:Sometimes, we work at weekends. 有时候我们周天也要工作。有时候我们周天也要工作。Sometimes he walks to work. 有时候他走着去上班。有时候他走着去上班。1. I am in Year 8. 2. It is a mixed school. 3. I like learning how to cook and sew. 4. I did not know how to do things for myself be

21、fore I came to this school. 5. how to cook healthy and tasty meals. 6. tell our English teacher what we are reading.Useful phrases7. read all our friends books as well8. he drives me to school every day. 9. I spend a lot of time practicing. 10. I enjoy this a lot. 11. She helps me learn all about my

22、 new school. 12. I meet my friends and we always have a great time talking to each other.1. Hello, everyone! = Hello, _guys!3. _a week, I play softball after school.5. I spend a lot of time _.2. We always work together. He is my _.4. She is a _in 12th grade.6. She knows everything and helps me a lot

23、. She is my _.buddyTwice seniorpracticingherobuddy hero practice guy senior twiceExercise: Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.1. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.2. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.3. While there is life there is hope.4. Take away my good name and take aw

24、ay my life.6. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.5. The great end of life is not knowledge but action.7. An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.Discuss your ideal school life and make a report.Start timeFinish timeLunchtimeSubjectsSports After-School activities Maths Football Chess Club English Basketball School trip Computer Badminton Cooking Club PE Table tennis Music Club Art Swimming Reading ClubSchool uniformsSchool trip1. Read the two articles carefully and try to recite them.2. Finish related exercises.3. Review language points.Homework



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