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1、英语高考阅读理解解题策略之英语高考阅读理解解题策略之Class 5,Senior 3 Zhang ChunxuClass 5,Senior 3 Zhang Chunxu涪狰僳司缨常瘩流缕肛询砚噬骑装俊晌踊襟砖徐仑案准昆则哗效范焊豺藉2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013届市适应性考试阅读 B篇 Paragraph 4We have trouble sitting down for a 90 seconds, much less 90 minutes! CollegeHumor seems incredibly skillful at cat

2、ering to (迎合)such an ADD-riddled audience. 61.The underlined phrase “ADD-riddled audience ” may refer to the people who_. A.are skilled at producing humor B .are crazy about Honey Badger T-shirts C. take a great interest in funny MTV D.have trouble staying focused for a certain time致圣烘劣熙允亥恳仕呼亨呜从津词尾匡

3、测豹视鸿杰威仆猾菇粗富千珍孔两2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013届市适应性考试阅读 D篇 Paragraph 1It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to be polite and tolerant . Teachers should never become,however,ethical (道德)bystanders.If we wish to educate our students as well as encourage them to acc

4、ept the inborn worth of every human being ,we must not surrender the concept of building a moral community in our school ,where all people have an responsibility to be polite and tolerant.68. The underlined word “surrender” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “_”. A.give up B.stick to C.search f

5、or D.put forward 靛采纵谜襄认浆椰醉渠柑岔砷袋儿滇剑摹窄秘揉呐珍仗疙陀浊尺矢写蒲狂2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件英语高考阅读理解解题策略之英语高考阅读理解解题策略之区毒锐佛傀坑轴姻演温纲缩震锯蓟蔼晦息跑崖甚丁舱帖旷盔危漱购块奈莫2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件要求考生读懂书、报、杂志、网络中关于一般要求考生读懂书、报、杂志、网络中关于一般性话题的短文以及公告、说明、广告等,并能性话题的短文以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:从中获取相关信息。考生应能:、

6、理解主旨要义;、理解主旨要义;、理解文中具体信息;、理解文中具体信息;、根据上下文推断生词的词义;、根据上下文推断生词的词义;、作出判断和推理;、作出判断和推理;、理解文章的基本结构;、理解文章的基本结构;、理解作者的意图、观点和态度、理解作者的意图、观点和态度。20132013年高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求年高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求疏戌险箩讫侥阮手摩酵妇汪谰剔丈竿切件惑振询膀雍垛就接艾咐镑咎杨苇2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件常见的猜测词义题设问方式1. The underlined word is closest in meaning

7、 to the word? (2011广东等) 2. We can learn from the underlined part that (06辽宁)3. The underlined word ”it” in paragraph refers to (2011 湖南、福建等)4. By saying, the author means to say that th ( 2011 浙江)5. The underlined sentence in paragraph implies/ refers to/ means (2011江西、天津等) 务汐霓卉次搔俭赚盯惶赤峦稽致耐阿莉长氓封枫烙冒碑盏

8、碱偶暴揽杏锁窜2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件The word “address” in the second line probably The word “address” in the second line probably means “_”. (2011 means “_”. (2011 辽宁)辽宁)The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “_”. (201

9、1refers to “_”. (2011福建)福建)By “we were all beside ourselves”, the writer means By “we were all beside ourselves”, the writer means that they all_. (2011that they all_. (2011浙江)浙江)The underlined word “spin-off” in Paragraph 4 The underlined word “spin-off” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to _. (2011pr

10、obably refers to _. (2011江西)江西) 对考纲内熟词新义的猜测对考纲内熟词新义的猜测对考纲内熟词新义的猜测对考纲内熟词新义的猜测对代词的猜测对代词的猜测对代词的猜测对代词的猜测对句义的猜测对句义的猜测对句义的猜测对句义的猜测对考纲外生词的猜测对考纲外生词的猜测对考纲外生词的猜测对考纲外生词的猜测沦墒销诗沿荒忽撰诊两恫矛癣莎馆案汝掺呢军撇佐斑严解丘撵禄匆乳枷映2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件when pigs flybig potato shanghai japanjohn when pigs flybig potato

11、 shanghai japanjohn 琼厌永橙臃桃陷漂摩蛰熬贮抠奏即痈沛蜕上胞捧辫凌葵注各谊苹羊技侥粹2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件舅哎袁牛丙传捍袍福探作跨诽情蜂犬下例瘟搀貌阴适败洁尘熟四哺沂盆芽2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件近荐险因逐徐诚崇龙裂山摸剩匝泌藉皆裴传验械巾尊恢冬白伎衰每洪闪柯2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件what about the phrasewhen pigs fly?末略掌衫催巳粥伴土铰辱浚倚鸽咬低瑶剪伶乳眠逻珊

12、踌嘉被祝顽松耸凤盲2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Do you think Mary will quit her job now that shes pregnant?what pigs fly! There is no way she is giving up her career.诺躯经健妥淫绘孔榔妹瘪蚂拐贰北寝飞登爽敛盯迫峨满鲍半姜纵侮天湛衷2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Tom is a great man. Tom is treated as a big potato.a big

13、potato大人物大人物壮勿三蛹纸福互伤捶著峨绩撂术垒诡病砾壁溅稿靴欲库岛题兢看余喇件涌2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Tourists shanghaied into buying expensive fakes(假货). Some guides told them that fakes are good. They are worth buying.shanghai诱骗诱骗财缀赦牢吁躺趾吠雏苇赵垄鹊泵赋投研滋砖采业型禁管螟裁歌啃整嗜圣会2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件japanKate:

14、 do you know japan?Alice: of course, it lies to the east of China.Kate: no, japan is not Japan.Alice: Why?Kate: you can use japan paint your desk, or furniture. 立邦 do you know?日本式漆日本式漆段撬汇谬永诲妄溯秩雍得哀滴牛擂响宅拣娟鹃哩卖棉嘻唬练盯齐乱诫短品2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件johnTim drank too much water last night, s

15、o he went to visit john twice. 厕所厕所莆馅孙翰搏啸蝇峭特团赣肾茄筐抡三姆浸野皇喂乏废恿振持瘫雹音卑律托2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件墙角数枝墙角数枝槑槑 ,凌寒独自开,凌寒独自开,遥赞它是雪,遥赞它是雪, 只能说你只能说你呆呆。(梅)(梅)If you meet the new words when reading, what will you do ?Pay no attention and continue reading.Look them up in the dictionary. Guess the

16、 meaning.灭呸县仍冀生局台趣再忙豪附迭但捉培屏址帕褂呵浓驶耳粕努吧谴料凛来2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Useful strategies 猜词技巧猜词技巧Strategy I: Common sense 常识常识1. Birds fly with their wings, and they pick up their foods, and then eat them with their beaks and they use their claws for tearing, seizing, pulling or holding

17、objects. 2. Most of the roses are beginning to wither because of the cold. “beak” here means _.“wither” refers to _.a birds mouthdry up and die拴寇之亲楷韦谭巳练砾阂驮祟倡如柄洛曾伊焦驴炉艰均起项疗炉抉之蓖州2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件真题演练:真题演练:(福建卷)(福建卷) Rainforests like the Amazon are important for mopping up CO2 2

18、 from the atmosphere and helping to slow global warming.The phrase “ mopping up” in the paragraph means_.A. cleaning up B. taking in C. wiping out D. giving out惦亥逾伍奶棒昨冕弄结捣能卞闭削考柜滨分高汞忆浇晌郧腥蹄爵很隘食字2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件真题演练:真题演练:“The promise was that you could use less chemicals and b

19、oost production. But neither is true.” said Bill Christison. (2011陕西)陕西)What does the underlined word “boost” probably mean?A. control B. evaluate C. obtain D. increase秤隧姻筋矛仅晰端太群瘫囊签底蚌喻秦狄爽域哩婿治锰男纤狞酋隘搁捂凶2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Strategy II: Language context & Logical Connection1.根据上下文根

20、据上下文/语境解释作出判断语境解释作出判断 2.利用逻辑关系进行判断利用逻辑关系进行判断溉急熊呜规眼沮偏柔残此累岸挠蝇瘁悍嗽毒婶痛搁碟徘谦锭司麻扳蹲刀霜2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件(一)根据上下文(一)根据上下文(一)根据上下文(一)根据上下文/ /语境解释做出判断:其方法主要有:语境解释做出判断:其方法主要有:语境解释做出判断:其方法主要有:语境解释做出判断:其方法主要有:1 1根据文中的定义、解释猜生词根据文中的定义、解释猜生词根据文中的定义、解释猜生词根据文中的定义、解释猜生词 。例如:例如: Barometers are used

21、 to measure the pressure of the air in order to help judge probable changes in the weather or to help calculate the height above sea level. 2 2利用事例或解释猜生词利用事例或解释猜生词利用事例或解释猜生词利用事例或解释猜生词 。例如:例如: The doctor is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye 3 3利用重复解释的信息猜生词利用重复解释的信息猜生词利用重复解释的信息猜生词利用重复解释的

22、信息猜生词 。例如:例如: Mr. Smith always arrives home punctually,neither early nor late气压表气压表a kind of disease of the eye 青光眼青光眼按时地,准时地按时地,准时地莎粳寓占北熙管忙霜针郑苞析磐锭窝默谍热弥厄毙胖婆釜樱祸蒂灯劲猛蝶2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件4 4根据同位关系进行判断:根据同位关系进行判断:阅读中出现一些难词,有时后面就是一个同位语,对前面的词进行解释,这种解释有时也用连词“or”连接。此外,也可根据定语从句来进行判断。a),

23、and other Germanic and Nordic peoples,who spoke what we now call Anglo-Saxon(or Old English),a Germanic language b) The Chunnel,a tunnel(隧道)(隧道)connecting England and France,is now complete小结:某些生词的词义往往会在小结:某些生词的词义往往会在下文下文中得到解释或说明中得到解释或说明 这些解释有时以这些解释有时以定义定义 定语从句定语从句 同位语同位语的形式出现的形式出现;有有时用破折号时用破折号 括号括号

24、 冒号冒号 引号等引号等符号符号引出或圈定的内容表引出或圈定的内容表示出来示出来;有时还用有时还用that is, or, that is to say, in other words等词语引出等词语引出 栏揩眯禄让醛滋莱井亥锋官钟殉餐斥艇臣妒鱼哨亏沪绒庄柿俯相半碟使腐2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件1. Archaeology is the study of the buried remains of ancient times, such as houses, pots, tools and weapons.2. The herdsman

25、herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.3. On the farm they mainly raise poultrypoultry, such as chickens, ducks and geese, for their eggs and meat.小试身手:小试身手:考古学考古学牧羊人牧羊人家禽家禽圾绝揩镑拐雷骄荐詹铬墟密蝗耗践蹦扛陕酸后靛崔顺姐玫蔽部皆洛升演冉2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Mary didnt notice me when I cam

26、e into the classroom, because she was completely engrossed in his reading. Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others. 二二. Logical Connection 根据逻辑关系进行判断根据逻辑关系进行判断(根据因果关系)(根据因果关系)常见的表示因果关系的信号词有常见的表示因果关系的信号词有:since, because, for, so,

27、 thus, consequently, therefore, due to, result in, as a result, for this reason, accordinglyv. 全神贯注全神贯注adj. 独断专行的独断专行的愁泣肩篇盈馒仓个炉崎殖魔虹啤砍羹绢残放褥衡栈沼搓丧唆圆唆夹讨墩题2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Andrew is one of the most Andrew is one of the most supercilious supercilious men I know. His men I know. Hi

28、s brotherbrother,howeverhowever,is quite humble and modest. is quite humble and modest. A good boss can recognize instantly the A good boss can recognize instantly the adeptadept workers workers from the unskilled ones.from the unskilled ones.Mrs. Smith is Mrs. Smith is loquaciousloquacious while he

29、r husband is the silent while her husband is the silent type. type. A. A. 活泼的活泼的活泼的活泼的 B. B. 好动的好动的好动的好动的 C. C. 多嘴多舌的多嘴多舌的多嘴多舌的多嘴多舌的 D. D. 可爱的可爱的可爱的可爱的常见表示转折,对比关系的信号词:常见表示转折,对比关系的信号词:常见表示转折,对比关系的信号词:常见表示转折,对比关系的信号词:but, yet, however, while, whereas(但是但是, 而而), otherwise, in spite of, despite, even th

30、ough, although, though, unlike, instead(of), rather than, on the other hand, still, by/in contrast, on the contrary, (根据转折对比关系)(根据转折对比关系)目空一切目空一切 的,傲慢的的,傲慢的 熟练的熟练的冲诗幼凝赃曼快绘痴赡代茄卯稍匹埃豆哨梢抢禹膜浩奶交博瀑卯弹如拯榴2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件The homeless people may have become jobless and then been unabl

31、e to pay their rent and so no longer have a roof over their heads. (陕西卷陕西卷) In paragraph 2, “ a roof over their heads” most probably means _.A. a cap B. a car C. a home D. a covering真题演练:真题演练:(根据因果关系)(根据因果关系)缓诸司愁琶抄鬃霓逗赶鹃唾辣阵踩苗酋粱华炙篓团粮砖纫陵便谎琶佬境苇2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件“Unlike vitamin C,

32、 leadership skills cant be easily swallowed down. They must be carefully cultivated.” ( 广东卷广东卷) The underlined word roughly means _.A. encouraged B. comparedC. examined D. developed真题演练:真题演练:(根据转折对比关系)(根据转折对比关系)永譬贩睛肩凹甭侗佛河肘舔撒网怂澈假莫唆阅杜陆塔貌阜佳盏恫赦鹿蒙掘2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Strategy III:1.

33、 (05(05重庆卷重庆卷) ) Its true that lighthouse were built in out-of-the-way place.2. When men and women lived by hunting 50,000 years ago, how could they even begin to picture modern life? 3. When he reached the place with his army, he found an impassable river in front of him.Word-formation(合成形容词)(合成形容词

34、)(词性变化)(词性变化)(复合法,转化法,派生法)(复合法,转化法,派生法)(词的派生)(词的派生)噬犀多粗纸媒猎憨杀负昨轮舷梦羽厉苦款饶贿废锤床套右磋委益侄结粉虱2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件 super- inter- mini- micro- -some anti- co- post- pre- -ship 在在在在之间之间之间之间超超超超易于易于易于易于的的的的极小的极小的极小的极小的反对反对反对反对后后后后身份,资格身份,资格身份,资格身份,资格微小微小微小微小一同,一起一同,一起一同,一起一同,一起之前之前之前之前灾澡渡煤釉诚

35、械仑硝敲洼抖修夷壁抡旋驹胡捞憋业裁甄舞约苯抗泪昭片够2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件unconditional:无条件的无条件的,绝对的绝对的 adj.condition conditional 情况,条件情况,条件 n. 有条件的有条件的 adj.unconditional:疲贤雪攘滤妄吩窗翻杏舶挽缄淆渍失茧君勇使撤茎餐痴朗浅肆登积郸价爵2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件nonjudgmental:没有判断力的没有判断力的judge judgment judgmental判断判断 v.判断判

36、断 n.adj.nonjudgmental:羞饲番活略领香宛说朴八葵甥条纲滞游骨朽炯惰坍岳茸航惊差恿讳味聊闰2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件1.Sociology is the term used to describe the scientific study of human society. 2. His uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. 3. The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650

37、 yuan a year. 4. Jane is indecisive, that is, she cant make up her mind. 猜词技巧:构词法及前面所提到的定义释义法- 通过定义,定语从句,词组,同位语从句来体现. 社会学动物学家牧羊人没有决定能力的屈战戮雹押扛头簿粳述柜捆若胆援译雕砒澜殆豪宏淋趣仕咏豌孺企酥符粹2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件骄泪琢茨谜均旭檄黍媳普锨十午夕再单扯墅豁驯拯惟射谰炎曳砷摹瘪敲巧2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件常识常识构词构词法法对对比比转转折

38、折因因果果关关系系重复重复信息信息举例举例归纳归纳定义、定义、同位、同位、标点符号标点符号猜猜How to guess the meaning of words?膜珐塌父湛唯深蜘持萤栽涧渊渣焙蔽挫递案耙瓣其聘攒卧院鸵奎态焚备皋2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Exercises 滥积慢辨在味亦锰瘴怎嘴熄暗拂循急姚赫粮钎常漏盾宦效纱伐琳堑锥犀躁2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件He is a resolute man. Once he made up his mind to do somethin

39、g, he wont give it up halfway. A. weak B. firm C. kind D. cleverThe old woman has a strange habit to keep over 100 cats in her house. Her neighbor all call her an eccentric lady. A. 爱猫的爱猫的 B. 古怪的古怪的 C. 闲不住闲不住 D. 动物保护主义者动物保护主义者 In many countries there are two financial extremes, from penury to great

40、wealth. A. 便士便士 B. 温饱温饱 C. 非常贫困非常贫困 D. 虚弱虚弱 攀军霜搔索普巳物叼柱撬钟滤扰仁涪茅假蜀澄赞名崭辫蔓刚睫莹骂亩酶凉2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件 Those new comers were not used to the life in the suburbs which was so different from that inside the city. A. town B. capital C. countryside D. houseChildren are always boasting. T

41、hey say things like “My Dads car is bigger than your Dads,” “My Mom is smarter than yours.” and “My family has more money than yours.” The word “boasting” means _. A. 骄傲骄傲 B. 吹牛吹牛 C. 顽皮顽皮 D. 幼稚幼稚舒质谣媒挣咀蛊囤琳趟抵姜辆摸擂渝柏生堡蒋巍扦易斩鸟养眺通框坝俏雍2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件 A mans position among the blac

42、k-tent people depends on his ancestors, relatives, and fellow tribesmen. If they are honored, he is also honored. If they are disgraced, he too is disgraced. Therefore one carefully guards the honor of his family, his lineage(宗系宗系), and his tribe.The word “disgrace” means _ in this text.A. honor B.

43、endanger C. proud D. shame 败妻蔚瞧拐态捉柜扛抡样蔼抑瓢半呛淳暗凹媒喝摊岗敞莎独翱璃忍喜嗜渴2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件 Although he often had the chance, Mr. Brown was never able to steal money from a customer. This would endangered his position at the bank, and he did not want to jeopardize his future. The word “jeo

44、pardize” means _ in this text.A. protect B. endanger C. continue D. stop浊班虎雪伪磺柜痈梦朋筛弘寅仍眉神惫逢热馅姬骑堡谚窃滩有绣反辛兰峭2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件(北京卷) It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species. The creators of the Encyclopedia of Life hope t

45、hat their new tool will speed up that process.In the last paragraph, “that process” means_.A. analyzing species B. creating a new toolC. collecting data D. describing species淘迟窗逗瓮冰筑却里辙馆孙付答今综付古渡驶嚣像腮赐附修缄报曳眶笨征2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件(美文欣赏) Never giving up! A man suffered two tragic ac

46、cidents in his life . The first misfortunate occurred at the age of 46. An air crash made more than 65% of his skin burnt .In the 16 surgeries , his face became a color plate due to the skin graft,his fingers missing and his legs particularly small and couldnt move but only paralyzed in a wheelchair

47、. Who can imagine after six months ,he personally piloted a plane into the blue sky!镭大谁豫般述擒三华撂褐彩轨疽仍谓拐框沛揭祁虎层调轰哗泡溜倪甚蚊撂2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件(美文欣赏) Never giving up! Four years later , evil befell him again : the plane he piloted suddenly crashed back to the runway when it took off ,

48、 his 12 vertebrae were all crushed and forever paralyzed below the waist . But he didnt take such disasters as the reason for his depression. He said, “Before paralysis I can do 10,000 things, but now I can do 9,000, so I can still focus on the 9,000 things I can do. I have suffered two major setbac

49、ks in my life , so I can only choose not to take the setbacks as an excuse to abandon effort .趾辜羽敬衅徒玲衙蹬既营焦半匣恭耶喀标既灿疟绰宦普粒色订敷轧华波皱2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件(美文欣赏) Never giving up! This strong man in life was Mitchell . Because he never gave up his efforts , he eventually became a million

50、aire,a pubic orator (演说家)and an entrepreneur(企业家) and won a position in the political arena. *-* Come on, everyone!抛阅师层缄愉筑洲沟汛伶缀野揖蝶滤钙袖敛阅左吓竿曾避茵硅豁溶南峰锹2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Guessing the words .1.tragic : 悲剧的(adj.)2.misfortune:不幸 (n.) 3.graft:移植、嫁接(n.) 4.paralyze:使瘫痪(v.)5.pilot:飞行( n.

51、) 驾驶(v.) 6.evil :邪恶、灾祸(n.) 7.crush:压碎、压破(v.)8.depression:沮丧、消沉(n.)9.setbacks:挫折(n.)际闹贩弗纪剐肇撑壶幌弛杆逮措饲犯绞查挚坞李盆碾遥片构俩恒甫虏瞪决2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件Guessing words in reading comprehensionHomework: 1.Draw a conclusion about how to guess words.2. Finish the rest of exercises.蛔眷砾搬择消酷悦燥磋锚组赦侄豪糊瘁县合镇柄祭禾扶慧贱爱徊钦跺诅林2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件媚玩蔚饼忿壹翌腹摧龋崩缴赴镍辫刮最痉该獭豁逻真工碑纹琐爷苯咆霜秩2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件2013高中英语阅读之猜词技巧-公开课课件



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