广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前基础提分冲刺训练(五)课件

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《广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前基础提分冲刺训练(五)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前基础提分冲刺训练(五)课件(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考前基础提分冲刺考前基础提分冲刺训练训练( (五五)第五部分第五部分 考前提分冲刺考前提分冲刺训练考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (五五)一、单项填空一、单项填空 () B.the C.aD./( )2.There are _months in a year.Octoberisthe_month.A.twelve;ten B.twelfth;tenth C.twelve;tenth D.twelfth;tenC CC C考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (

2、五五)( )3.I will be away for some time.Youhavetolookafter_.A.yourself B.himself C.he,theYangtzeRiveristhe_riverinChina.A.long B.longest C.short D.shortest( )5.Mike didntgetwetbecausehisteacher_himanumbrella.A.lent B.bought C.borrowed D.taughtA AB BA A考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (五五)()6.W

3、ehavetogetupat6:00tomorrow,_wewillbelateforthetrain.A.before B.or C.if )7.Something is wrong with my_.Icantseeanythingaroundme.A.nose B.eyes C.ears D.mouth( )8.The music sounds_.Iwouldliketolistentoitagainandagain.A.nicely B.nice C.bad D.badlyB BB BB B考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (五五)()9.Dont _others

4、.Sometimesyoumakemistakes,too.A.knock at B.laugh at C.look at D.arriveat()10.Ifit_tomorrow,we will stay at home.Wewontgotothemuseum.A.rain B.rains C.will rain D.rainedB BB B考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (五五)();in B.of;in C.of;from;on()12.Tomsmotheras

5、kedhim_dosomewashingafterdinnerbecausesheistoobusy.A.helps help C.not to help D.donthelpAB考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )13.He ran _to catch up with us last night.Then we arrived home enough B.enough fastC.slowly enough D.enough slowly( )14.Sally _Chinese since she came to China.She

6、 speaks good Chinese now.A.learns B.learned C.has learned D.will learnAC考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )15.The sun comes out again and the sky is so blue.Yes._fine day we are having today!A.What B.What a C.How a D.How( )16.The new library building _in Shipai Park last completed B.was completed

7、C.will be completed D.has completedBB考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )17.I dont like the people _dont help others when they are in trouble.A.who B.which C.what D.whose( )18.Must I hand in the weather report this morning? No,you_.A.mustnt B.neednt C.may not D.cantAB考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )19.No one know

8、s for sure_.A.whether there are aliens or not B.where are they does he go to the park D.where have they goneA考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )20.Thanks for the delicious mooncakes youve given to us,Mrs.Smith._.A.Oh,Im afraid I didnt cook so well B.Come again next timeC.I cant believe what you s

9、ay D.Im glad you enjoyed them D考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)二、阅读理解二、阅读理解AA telephone payment listCustomer(顾客顾客) :Tom Smith Telephone number :22336788Address :No.116 in Guantai Road Date :10/01/2016 to 10/31/2016Basic Charge (基本话费基本话费):¥15考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)Local Calls Daytime call Night call68 minut

10、es 115 minutes¥13.6 ¥11.5 Long Distance CallsDate Number Time Length Charge10/03/2016 013662893862 9:00 p.m. 8 minutes ¥2.410/05/2016 075586691623 10:00 a.m. 5 minutes ¥2.0考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)Date Number Time Length Charge10/15/2016 07596653219 8:48 a.m. 9 minutes ¥3.810/23/2016 015915011877 10:

11、35 p.m. 12 minutes ¥3.610/28/2016 02083211156 4:56 p.m. 6 minutes ¥1.8Total: ¥53.5 Payment due(预约预约) date:11/15/2016考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )21.Tom should pay _for the number 22336788 in total in October.A.¥15 B.¥25.1 C.¥53.5 D.¥2.4 ( )22.Tom Smith lives in_.A.No.116 in Guantai Road B.No.119 in Gu

12、antai RoadC.No.116 in Guantai Street D.No.119 in Guantai StreetCA考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )23.The local night call will cost him _every minute.A.¥11.5 B.¥0.1 C.¥0.3 D.¥0.4( )24._cost him the most money in the long distance calls in October.A.013662893862 B.02083211156 C.07596653219 D.075586691623BC

13、考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )25.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Tom only made telephone calls at night. B.The long distance call cost the same as the local call.C.Tom can pay the bill on 11/15/2016. D.Tom called the number 015915011877 the shortest time.C考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)B 配对阅读。左栏是五个人的需求简介,配对

14、阅读。左栏是五个人的需求简介,右栏是七个节目或活动的介绍,请为每右栏是七个节目或活动的介绍,请为每个人选择合适的节目或活动。个人选择合适的节目或活动。( )26.John is a basketball fans.He likes watching a live basketball match on TV with his friends.A考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )27.Alice has a ten-day holiday.But she is poor in English.So she would like to improve it by reading

15、 books in the library instead of going sightseeing.( )28.There is something wrong with Tonys mobile phone.So after work he has to take it to a repairing shop to fix it.EF考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)( )29.Peter has a seven-day holiday.He wants to take his daughter to visit an education place so that she

16、can learn something from it.( )30.Mary is a housewife.Today there is little rice at home.So she must go to buy some.At the same time she would like to buy a pair of shoes for her son.BG考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)A.At 9:00 a.m.this morning,you can watch an exciting NBA game between Houston Rocket and Lo

17、s Angles Lakers on CCTV-5.B.Jinggang Mountain is an educational place for you to visit,especially for the young boys and girls.They can learn the very spirit there.考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)C.Tonight a close basketball match between Jiangsu Nangang and Guangdong Baomashi will be held in the city stadi

18、um.Welcome to enjoy it with your friends.D.If you want to relax yourself,the best place for you to go is the Beihai Silver Beach.You can enjoy the sunshine and feel the soft sand there.考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)E.We have different books for you to borrow or to read in the reading room.If you want to i

19、mprove yourself,thats the place to be.F.We have several experts who are good at repairing various brandsmobile phones.Well give you the best service at the lowest price.考前基础提分考前基础提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(五五)G.Its a place for you to buy daily things,such as rice,food,fruit,clothes,shoes and so on.Maybe you can buy the things you want at a special price.谢谢观看!



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