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1、4-2复旦大学研究生英复旦大学研究生英语课件件lThe distinction between active and passive euthanasia is thought to be c_ for medical ethics. Passive euthanasia is the c_ of the treatment and p_ while active euthanasia is c_ to the policy of AMA. Several arguments are going to be put forward to make a strong c_ against the

2、 doctrine.ReviewlOnce the initial decision not to prolong his a_ has been made, active euthanasia is actually preferable to passive euthanasia. The process of being “allowed to die” can be relatively s_ and painful and contrary to the h_ impulses whereas being given a l_ injection is relatively quic

3、k and painless. For a patient who is dying of incurable cancer of throat, the pain can not be a_ while for the baby born with Downs syndrome together with the intestinal obstruction, the dehydration and infection w_ him over hours and days. In the above two cases, passive euthanasia is really a terr

4、ible o_ for them. ReviewlThe conventional doctrine leads to decisions concerning life and death made on ir_ grounds. As an operation to remove the intestinal obstruction is not p_ difficult, the matter of life of death should not allowed to depend on the essential irrelevant question of whether the

5、intestinal tract is blocked, instead on the basis of Downs s_.ReviewlKilling is not morally worse than letting someone die. In both cases, Jones and Smith acted from the same m_ and the same end in v_. Therefore, Jones should be as r_ as Smith and his defense of “doing nothing and letting die” is on

6、ly a grotesque p_ of moral reasoning.lThe doctors do not involve the personal gain and the destruction of the healthy child, hence the bare difference between killing and letting die does not , in itself, make a moral difference.lThe AMA contended that cessation of treatment is not the i_ terminatio

7、n of life and many people also find it hard to accept this judgment because they tend to think killing in a much worse l_ than letting die.ReviewlActive euthanasia is not any worse than passive euthanasia. People argue against it with the evidence that in the former, doctor is the cause of death whi

8、le in the latter the disease the cause of death. Although f_ the cause of death may be important from the l_ point of view but show no moral difference as in euthanasia death is not considered as a great e_ .ReviewlOut of spiritsn没精神 lOn the side of the angelsn在道义一方在道义一方 lFor the hell of itn仅为取乐 lGi

9、ve the devil his duen公平对待,平心而论 lMove heaven and earthn想方设法, 竭尽全力 Idiom StudylTalk of the devil and the devil comesn說曹操到曹操就到 lSell ones souln出卖灵魂 lBear ones crossn忍痛,忍受痛苦 lA tin godn自命不凡的人 lRush in where angels fear to treadn胆大妄为,愚蠢而自负地去冒险 Idiom StudylNever _ to anybody and/or for anything. Always be

10、 true to yourself.l_; our boss pays well even if he does work us extremely hard.lIn any dispute, he always comes down _.lThey were feeling _ after so many days of rain.lNow that John was been made manager, hes behaving like _. Idiom StudylIn spite of our warnings, he decided to invest in that ventur

11、e. I suppose its case of fools _. lYou must _ your disability.lJohn said hed be comingand _ here he is now. lId _ to get a date with Andrew for you. lThe boys said they had smashed the windows just _. Idiom StudylIn an essay, ideas and information have to be arranged in some order. The pattern of or

12、ganization in an essay should be suited to the writers subject and purpose.nPersonal accountsnDescription of a plantOrganizationlPatterns of organizationPatterns of organizationlTime order / chronological orderTime order / chronological ordernTo present events as they occurrednTo be rearranged for s

13、pecial effectlSpace orderSpace ordernTo describe a person, a place, or a thingnTo begin at a particular order and move in some directionlLogical orderLogical ordernGeneral to specificnMost familiar to least familiarnSmallest to biggestnLeast importance to most importance / the Least importance to mo

14、st importance / the climactic orderclimactic orderOrganizationnExcept for personal journals, writing is social, a way of interacting with other a way of interacting with other peoplepeople; thus, every time you write you are trying to think in these terms:lWhatWhat do I want to say to whomwhom and w

15、hywhy?nTo say something informative, interesting informative, interesting and surprising.and surprising.nTo whom you are writing ?nFor what purpose you are writing?uTo entertain, inform, share experience, bring about changes, persuade, provoke emotional responses, to reinforce existing ideas or atti

16、tudes.OrganizationlNarrow down a topicNarrow down a topiclIf you try to use all or even most of the material you have generated on a topic through brainstormingbrainstorming, you may end writing a superficial papera superficial paper, long on generalizations and short on details.lThe most effective

17、way to narrow your topic to manageable size is to draw diagrams that “tree it down.”“tree it down.”OrganizationlMake a chart on which you divide and subdivide the topic into smaller and smaller parts, each of which branches out like an inverted tree.lThe upside down tree will help you see how many i

18、deas you can generate under each under each divisiondivision and which branch offers the most the most promising materialpromising material.lThen you can pick out the most promising part of your first diagram and tree it down a second time to serve as an outlineoutline.OrganizationOrganizationRole o

19、f money in college footballEffect of money on playersEffect on coachesEffect on academic programsEffect on students and alumniPressuresprivilegesTwo classes of studentsPoor use of resourcesOrganizationEffect of money on playersPressuresPrivilegesPart of businessAcademic may mean littlePro scouts wat

20、chingSpecial training tablesSpecial living conditionsRumors of cars and cashlTo control your material and arrange it effectively for readers, you usually need a specific plan when doing writing. lOnce you have a plan, keep referring to it, but stay flexible. Dont lock out good ideas.OrganizationlMaking 2 upside-down outline trees.nTree down the topic “Cloning”.nThen again tree down the topic “Cloning in medical use”uArrange the points in a climatic order.Organization谢谢观赏!2020/11/521



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