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1、从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 情态动词用法小结(复习)情态动词用法小结(复习)一、各个情态动词用法归纳一、各个情态动词用法归纳 can和和 could 1 . 表示“能力” I can swim , but my sister cant.2表示“许可”、“请求” Can I go with you ? (请求) Father said I could go to cinema. (表示过去的许可) You cannot smoke in the room. (cannot 表示“禁止”

2、) Could I use your phone?Yes, of course you can. 肯定回答,不能用could ,一般是Yes, please. Thanks. 从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 3表示“理论上或逻辑上的可能” Anybody can make mistakes. (只表示理论上的可能性) An accident can happen if you do this. (表示事情肯定会发生)4“猜测”(主要用于否定句和疑问句): He cant be at ho

3、me. (否定句) Can the news be true ? (疑问句)与与be able to 的区别:的区别:can 只有现在和过去时态,强调能力;be able to有各种时态,表示一时的能力,强调结果。Mary can play the piano .She has been able to play it since she was 5.Yesterday I was able to get home before the heavy rain.从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明

4、。 1表示“许可” You may take a walk. Students may not make noise in the library. (may not 表示不许可或禁止) May I come in? 否定回答No, you mustnt. /cannot. 也可以 may not 肯定回答sure, certainly, of course Might I trouble you for a light? You may indeed.2.表示事实上的可能性 It may rain tomorrow.(表示可能会发生) Electric irons could be dang

5、erous,they might give you a severe shock.may 和和might从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 3.“预测” Sam might have taken the money, but it seems unlikely.must1.表示“必须”、“务必”: We must obey orders. Must I pay now ? 肯定回答 Yes, you must 否定回答 No, you neednt 或 No, you dont have t

6、o2.表示“预测” (必定,必会) 一般用于肯定句。可用于否定一般疑问句。 There must be a mistake. Mustnt there be another reason for his behavior?从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 3. 偏偏 Our boy must do the opposite to what we ordered. Just when I was busy , she must come and chatshall1.用于第一、三人称,表示征

7、求对方的意见 Shall we talk? Shall he come to see you ? 2.用于第二、三人称,表示命令、允诺、警告、决心等 Each member shall wear a name card. No one shall stop me. You shall have the book when I finish reading it.(允诺) He shall get his allowance. 从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 Should1.表示“必须”:

8、 I should answer his letter as soon as possible. You shouldnt judge a man always by the clothes. (shouldnt劝告)2.猜测,“估计 应该” That should be Janet coming upstairs now. Will和和 Would1.表示“意愿” I will call you as soon as possible. He would not let me try .从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程

9、施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 3.表示“预测”或“习惯性”: That would be his mother.(would be 表示肯定是) He will sit there hour after hour looking at the river.He would come to see me when he was in London2.表示“请求” Will you kindly tell me the way to the post office ? Would you give me your address ? (用 would 比 will 表示更客气)used to

10、与与would的区别的区别used to表示过去情况与现在不同;would只单纯表示过去的情况People used to think that the earth was flat.She would go out for a walk in the morning when she was in the country从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 1.表示“应该” You ought to go to see the doctor. (ought to 语气比must 弱)You

11、oughtnt (ought not) to smoke so much. Ought you to smoke so much? 2.表示“预测”,婉转,比must语气弱 They ought to be there by now. should 和和ought to的区别的区别含义大致相同,ought to 强调在客观上(法律,章程和道义),比should语气强。should强调主观上,表示主语的职责和义务或说话人的劝告。ought to从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 You oug

12、ht to go and see Mary tomorrow.You shouldnt judge a man always by the clothes.need和和dare用作情态动词时,主要用在否定句、疑问句中,用作实义动词时,可用于各种句式。Need I come? Yes , you must./No,you neednt.You neednt telephone him now.She dare not go out alone at night.We should dare to give our own opinion.We need to tell them the news

13、.从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 注意:dare用作实义动词时,其否定句中的to可保留也可省略。She doesnt dare to climb the tree.She doesnt dare climb the tree.二、情态动词的完成式和进行式二、情态动词的完成式和进行式modal verb+ have done: 对过去发生的事情进行评价、猜测,表示“应当已经、想必已经、本来可以做但未做”I should have finished the work earlier.He i

14、snt here. He must have missed the train.Where can (could) he have gone?You could(might) have been more careful.You ought to have come,but why didnt you?从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 should / ought to have done 本该干什么(却没干)本该干什么(却没干) could have done 本可以干什么(却没有)本可

15、以干什么(却没有) must have done 一定已经一定已经 cannt have done 一定已经没有一定已经没有 may / might have done 可能已经可能已经 need have done 本来需要本来需要从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 modal verb+be doing: 对正在发生的事情进行评价、猜测,表示“想必正在、可能正在、应当正在”Its 12 oclock .They must be having lunch.They may be discu

16、ssing the problem.He cant be telling the truth.She shouldnt be working like that.She is still so weak. She must have been to Beijing, _?She must have been to Beijing last year, _?hasnt shedidnt she从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 情态动词专项练习情态动词专项练习1. I hear youve g

17、ot a set of Australian coins. I have a look? Yes, certainly. A. Do B. May C.Shall D. Should2. He seldom listens to others. He answer for what he has done. A. shall B. will C. can D. would3. May I leave the office before 5 oclock in the afternoon? No, Im afraid you . A. neednt B. shouldnt C. mustnt D

18、. wont4. Shall I tell John about it? No, you . I dont know his telephone number. A. neednt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. shouldnt5. Mr Bush is on time for everything. How it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? A. can B. should C. may D. mustACBAA从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地

19、下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 6. The traffic light is red, so I stop my car. A. must B. have to C. can D. mustnt 7. What happened to the young trees we planted? The trees well, but I didnt water them. A. might grow B. neednt have grown C. would grow D. would have grown8. I was really anxious about you. You ho

20、me without a word. A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave9. Tom show his exam results to his parents. A. dare not B. dared C. dare to D. dares not to 10. She the film. She knows nothing about it. A. cant see B. cant have seen C. must see D. mustnt have seenBDBAB从使

21、用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 11. They must have been here the day before yesterday, ? A. mustnt they B. didnt they C. mustnt have they D. had they12. I didnt see her yesterday. Oh, but you . A. must have B. ought to C. should have D. cannot have13. Must I take

22、a bus ? No, you . You can walk from here. A. must not B. dont C. dont have to D. had better not to14. Will you stay for lunch? Sorry, . My brother is coming to see me. A. I mustnt B. I cant C. I neednt D. I wont15. I often go fishing when I lived in the countryside. A. should B. would C. could D. mi

23、ght16. Could I use your telephone? Yes, of course you . A. could B. will C. can D. mightBCCBBC从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 17. I cant get through to the general managers office anyhow. The line is busy. Someone the telephone. A. must use B. uses C. must have

24、been using D. must be using 18. Do you think he will do me a favor? As far as I know, he is the last one to help others.He_be prepared to give you a hand, though. A. might B. must C. can D. should19. Even though Id hurt my leg, I swim back to the river bank. A. could B. might C. had to D. was able t

25、o20. You go to the party if you dont finish your homework first. A. wont B. dont C. oughtnt D. shant21. It is rather cold here. Shall we light a fire? No, we because things are easy to catch fire. A. wont B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt 22. Very loud noise make people ill or drive them mad. A. should B. can C. need D. mustBCDDAD



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